After waking up from the dream, Roland immediately called Tilly.

“I have basically understood the detailed information on the floating land. It is indeed the creation of Devil, and they are called “God of Divine Construct”. ”

Tilly couldn’t help but see her from the news she had only a few hours now. Where did the intelligence come from?

“In short, I have some special channels,” Roland naturally knows the doubts in the other’s mind, but the fact that Monarch is trapped in a dream world is too difficult to explain. He chooses to skip it directly. “Information may be biased, so only Can be used as a reference, the actual situation has to rely on you to confirm.”

He then briefly described the origins of the God of Divine Construct.

“So, is that actually a floating city?” Tilly was surprised.

“Well,” Roland nodded. “But it’s much bigger than a city.”

According to Vakiris, the combination of the red mist’s obelisk and the Magic Power Core can produce extremely amazing results—although it doesn’t involve the God of Divine Construct, it knows the whole plan. In order to obtain stable core parameters, Devil has done many experiments, including the test of the city of Tabuni, a hundred years ago, which almost destroyed the entire city. The violent magic power instantly tore the stratum, and the buildings rose up and collapsed on the way up. Countless bad devils were thrown into the air and fell down, turning into a beach mud.

In order to block the news, Wang eventually classified it as a magic power accident. Despite the heavy losses, the plan not only did not stop, but accelerated. In addition to the gradual approach of War of Divine Will, Devil’s urgent need to get rid of the red mist limit is also a big reason. The disaster at least let the top executives see that the plan is not impossible.

God of Divine Construct is the final result of them.

The magic power goes underground for several kilometers, and then tens of kilometers of land are lifted together to meet the stability of the foundation. Looking down from the sky, it is a floating land, and looking up from below, it is like a mountain that is wide and narrow and stands upside down on the dome. By adjusting the magic power of the core instrument, the God of Divine Construct can not only float up and down, but also travel in the sky like a boat.

Because of this feature, Devil executives also see it as the only way to counter the Sky Sea Territory. Once they have captured the human territory, they will be able to get another round of rest time, when there will be more God of Divine Constructs to the sky, with a large number of wild demon directly to the Sky Sea Territory.

This information also made Roland realize that the progress of the other side in the four hundred years is also not to be underestimated. They have embarked on a completely different technological path from human beings, but that does not mean that they are backward.

Magic power is undoubtedly a potential force, as can be seen from the God of Divine Construct program. Whether it’s tearing the earth, throwing thousands of buildings into the air, or making a land rise, turning into energy is an amazing number. Now Devil’s experiment is more inclined to empirical theory, but quantitative change often brings qualitative changes. Once these experiences are transformed into systematic scientific theories, their strength will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds.

This is the same for humans.

It is very necessary to establish the magic power discipline as soon as possible after the end of the war. Even if he doesn’t know anything about magic power, he can at least guide future generations to carry out research on this power.

This is also the essence of science.

Anything that exists, as long as it exists, is the object of its observation.

“Although I don’t know where your intelligence comes from, it sounds like that.” Tilly thought, “So, did you come up with a way to deal with God of Divine Construct?”

“First of all, this thing is hardly afraid of any artillery fire. The First Army should focus on preserving its own life. Secondly, the Aerial Knight will be the key to the next battle.” Roland slowly said, “The method of dealing with it cannot be said, but Whether it can succeed is still an unknown.”

Facing a moving land, even using the sun’s glow, it may not be able to achieve the desired results. This has already been confirmed in history. In the crossroads operation, two bombs with an equivalent weight of 23,000 tons were detonated in the air and underwater. The former has not been able to smash large ships that are more than 300 meters away. Only. This shows that the power of nuclear weapons will be greatly reduced in the face of large targets.

Moreover, the God of Divine Construct is much larger than the ship.

This is like taking a prototype bomb to bomb the Impassable Mountain Range, and investing a hundred is estimated to be a corner.

Equivalent can solve all problems, but it can’t be solved because the equivalent is not enough. For the existing technology of Neverwinter City, the scale of 10,000 tons may be the limit.

Therefore, in addition to the need to use the power of the sun, he has to develop a feasible plan to complete this dawn.

The core of God of Divine Construct is undoubtedly the obelisk. According to Vakiris, it is located in the center of the city. In order to accumulate red mist, the inferior devil will dig deep pits around the obelisk – this is also the main job of the unmagic life. The red mist, which is heavier than the air, will gradually fall to the bottom, gather in the pool, and expand into a lake a little over the next long years.

This also reminds Roland of the city of Devil he saw in the debris of the memory – the numerous high towers were built along the cliffs of the ring, which is a red mist like a crystalline solid. I am afraid that after thousands of years of accumulation, the depth of the lake has been extremely amazing. The huge pressure has caused the density of the lower red mist to soar, so that it is pressed into a crystal shape from the liquid state.

The city that was transformed into the God of Divine Construct is also an old town, and there is also a red mist lake at the bottom of the obelisk, which is clearly a breakthrough.

Vakiris’s “speaking” also verifies that Lily et al. have been experimenting and speculating that red mist is essentially a haze phenomenon consisting of a fine microbial population that is too small to be observed by low magnification microscopy. At the same time, with magic power, it will cause serious backlash to magic power creatures other than Devil, which is why Lily can’t control red mist by ability.

Red mist has the creature’s Dotter character, such as fear of fire. At high temperatures, it will quickly escape, from the macroscopically, it will accelerate decomposition; when the temperature rises to a certain extent, it will ignite and burn, which is no different from other carbon-based organisms being ignited. The fire point of Baijiu Baidu is already outstanding.

The only difference is that it is exceptionally small, so knocking occurs when the scene is mixed with air. Iron Axe once performed a fire in the heart of Wolf Heart, the capital of the city, and now he is going to ignite the entire sky.

The enthalpy burns quickly reduces energy and depletes the surrounding oxygen, so the starting temperature must be high enough. In theory, a large number of incendiary bombs can also have the same effect, but if you want to ship hundreds of barrels of napalm to the God of Divine Construct, he has to have a bomber brigade.

The sun’s glow, regardless of its equivalent size, does not compromise its core temperature.

The only problem that needs to be solved is how to pass through the defense line with a large number of Devil and Dread Beast guards, straight over the obelisk, and complete the precise bombing.

“There is a way to be it it will be alright.” Tilly’s look seems to be a lot of peace of mind. “No matter how many possibilities of success, everyone will work together to make it happen. Let us give it to you, my brother. I will be good.” The message was brought back to the headquarters.”

This feeling of being fully trusted caused Roland’s heart to burst into warmth.

He paused for a moment, and after a little calm, he picked up the quill and wrote it on a White Paper. “Yes, I still have one thing that you need to bring to Miss Edith Kant.”

After the pen was dropped, he did not put the letter in the envelope, but handed it directly to Tilly.

The latter took a glance and couldn’t help but frown. “This is written…”

“Devil’s text.” Roland replied calmly.

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