It is smooth in the whole body, and the surface line is a smooth curve in any direction. The bright and bright paint surface can even reflect the figure.

The cab is like a raised bubble, wrapped entirely in innocent glass, clearly taking into account the effects of airflow at high speeds. The cockpit position is quite backward, the tail of the bubble is slightly higher than the front end, and smoothly integrated into the body. The benefits of this layout can be seen at a glance. The low front and high energy can significantly improve the driver’s vision. The curve of the glass cover is combined with the tail rudder, which makes the body look very clean and neat, and the various parts are integrated.

The biggest difference between the new aircraft and the fact that no one can ignore it is that there is no propeller at the nose!

Without a flat engine, the entire head eventually converges into a sharp cone, which is full of clouds and waves. Most parts of the body are painted in vivid orange-red, which makes it look like a slender flame. Several white lines as an embellishment run from the beginning to the end, which makes the body full of vitality.

Even a layman who knows nothing about flying can feel the elegance and beauty of its outline.

Seeing the first sight of the new plane, Tilly found himself deeply in love with it.

But… Without a propeller, how can the plane fly?

Not only is Tilly, it is also the idea of ​​most people on the scene.

This question was not answered until the other two boxes were taken apart.

The second iron box is encased in a wing and a tail. In terms of quantity, it has only one pair of wings, and instead of the skyfire, there is a pair of main wings. There are two symmetrical interfaces below the airfoil, apparently for other large parts.

In the last container there are two engines.

But if you just say that it is just an engine, the volume is too big.

Compared with the Skyfire, it is more like an integrated whole that can be replaced at any time. Attentive Tilly has noticed that its surface is painted red in line with the body, with many inspection ports distributed under the pulp shaft. The black hole of the weapon is installed in the hole.

Reminiscent of the interface reserved on the wing, her mind has gradually emerged as a general appearance of the new aircraft.

The fuselage no longer bears the power system, the slender single wing is located under the fuselage, and the resistance is further reduced; the two engines are distributed on both sides of the wing, giving the aircraft double thrust…

She can’t wait to get on it and experience it!

“Right,” Molly groaned in his pocket and found a letter. “This is Your Majesty shipped with the goods. The envelope says it must be yours.”

Tilly took out the stationery and spread it out in his hand.

“Dear sister.”

“This is the gift I promised, I hope it will satisfy you.”

“The detailed description and specific parameters are in the instruction manual in the cockpit, but I think you will not read it carefully, but will not wait to go straight to the subject.”

“If it can fly now, then even this letter will probably be seen after the flight – this is why I deliberately sent it to Dawn. At least when the workers assemble, you can have time to read first. Instruction Manual.”

“After all, it has a very different structure and characteristics from the Skyfire. Even if you are an Exceptional, there is no harm in fully understanding it before taking off.”

What?…Tilly is awkward and pouting, do you have such a good understanding?

“What does Your Majesty say? I want to see it too…” Molly leaned over.

She quickly leaned over and blocked the other’s line of sight. “Cough, it’s actually nonsense, don’t look at it.”


“Want to drink Chaos Drink?”

“miss you!”

“Go to my office and take it.”

Tilly pointed a little, and Molly rushed away in the direction she was pointing.

She whispered and turned her eyes back to the letterhead.

“In addition, it is about the name of the plane.”

“I wanted to use the title of the former unicorn, but I always felt that it was a little worse than the red electric light that made the sky, so I just changed a new name.”

It was a noun that Tilly had never seen before – no doubt, it was created by Roland.

She tried to read it out.


“In our case, the phoenix is ​​a kind of god bird, always related to fire, and it matches the red. Of course, the most important thing is that, according to legend, the phoenix does not die, every four thousand six hundred days will produce gold plaque, and in four thousand After six hundred days, it broke out and was reborn.”

“This is what I want to say – no matter what kind of enemy I face, I hope that you can come back alive.”

“Like the phoenix.”

“I will bring back Ash for you, so you have to keep your promise.”

“We have agreed, isn’t it?”

Somehow, Tilly suddenly felt that her eyes were a little sore.

She rubbed her eyes hard and held back the warm current, taking a deep breath.

“The phoenix is ​​not dead…” she whispered with a voice she could only hear. “Good name. I accepted this gift, my brother.”

“…His Royal Highness?” the guard asked in confusion.

“Nothing,” Tilly raised his hand. “Notify the ground staff and let them install the Phoenix with the fastest speed. I can’t wait to test.”


Three days later, the assembled new aircraft sailed out of the hangar and slowly slipped into the runway.

“Oh? Is this the special machine you mentioned? It looks really good.”

Lightning sounds from Listening Sigil.

Tilly raised head – Through the glass hatch, she can clearly see the expedition duo hovering in the sky. As the first flight of the Phoenix, she deliberately called Lightning and Macy to prevent accidents.

It must be said that the interior design of this aircraft is better than the outside.

When she was in the cockpit, she even gave birth to an illusion that it was not a pure war machine. For example, the seat was thicker and softer, and it didn’t feel back pain when driving for a long time; all kinds of levers and buttons were there. Manipulating feedback makes it even easier to use; there’s also a slot reserved for Listening Sigil that makes it easy to talk to multiple holders even when fighting.

It is more like an airplane designed for her than The Unicorn.

“Would you like to fly faster than anyone else?” Tilly laughed back.

“Still forget it. The previous Skyfire was even better than Macy’s Haiyan form, let alone compare it with me.” Lightning’s tone revealed undisguised smug. “Is it right?”

“Yes, even I am better than nothing!”

“Do not try and know the result?” Tilly increased the throttle and the roar of the engines on both sides suddenly increased. Compared to the slow acceleration of the Skyfire, the Phoenix’s body is as light as no weight, and the surrounding scenery quickly recedes. She gently clicks on the main pole, and the plane has risen up and screams into the sky. .

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