“Hey, Roland.”

“Roland, what are you doing!”

“Uncle, come and save people!”

The two sounds alternately, pulling Roland back from reality to the reality. He blinked, the light column and the snow flakes disappeared without a trace, and a messy bridge reappeared.

Zero and Vakiris are cleaning up the ruins, and from their look, the change seems to be still over.

Right–he suddenly remembered that before he made a phone call, he was aware of the genius of the association, Martial Daoist Fei Yuhan, but where is she now?

Is the “savior” in the Zero mouth means –

Roland suddenly looked awkward.

Thoughts finally returned to the right track at this time.

He temporarily threw the previously seen footage behind his head, and rushed to the two people in three steps and then couldn’t help but take a breath!

I saw a woman with a flesh and blood lying in a shallow pit that was thrown out by a heavy object. Her limbs were almost completely crushed except for the left arm, and the broken bones and blood clots were mixed together and had no shape. The body is also a body scale, the clothes are almost completely saturated with blood, the spine is also twisted into abrupt fold lines, and even puncture the skin to reveal half.

Even if it is put on the battlefield, this is an unbearable scene.

From the broken side, this person is Fei Yuhan.

She still has a trace of breath, but it is just a trace.

“how come……”

Roland crouched down and didn’t know what to do. First aid? Even if there is a bandage, you can’t pack the broken organ back into place. Not to mention the hemostasis, there is no perfection in the body, and the function of the body has collapsed. It is entirely up to Power of Nature to maintain the spirit.

But this power is like a candle burning in the end, and there is very little left.

In fact, being able to maintain awareness in such a situation requires a strong will, even Martial Daoist, and few can do it.

“The master is like this to protect me…” Zero has been crying.

“She is going to die.” Vakiris also saw this. “Even if Monarch is so badly hit, it can only be delayed for a while in the Dianchi Lake. Moreover, the level of medical skills in this world is far less than that of Dianchi. Even if her magic power is abundant, she can’t reverse the process. As a warrior, she insisted on the end.”

“You finally…coming.” As if they heard their voice, Fei Yuhan opened his eyes slightly. “I should call you… gods?”

Her tone is mixed with a little humor, and her expression is not like a person in desperate circumstances.

“You…” Roland couldn’t help but hold it.

“Sorry… I overheard your conversation.” She blinked at Vakiris – this is the only action she can make, “but if I can do it again, I still… will do it. Zero… …is she okay?”

In just a few words, it is like exhausting most of her strength, only to hold her breath, to hear her whispering almost whispering.

“Master, I… very good…” Zero groaned.

“The world… is still in good condition, right?” Fei Yuhan whispered. “In this way, I also counted as a responsibility to protect it.”

“So you know that the world is just a dream -” Vakiris frowned.

“Maybe for you, there are several in the world, but for me… it is the only one. It is the unshirkable responsibility of Martial Daoist to guard the world.” She was slightly paused, “I said…gods adults Since you created it, you should trust everyone more, isn’t it?”

“Trust… everyone?”

“I know it sounds like…unbelievable, but as long as you come up with proofs, the top of the association…it won’t be so stubborn. We can’t do much, but it’s not useless…even if it’s not a god’s envoy At least, it can help you share a lot of pressure. So… save the world will become easier?”

Collect the strength of everyone –

Roland suddenly flashed an electric light in his mind.

Yes, he is the creator of this world.

But not the omnipotent gods.

There are some things he can’t do.

But others can.

Combining the power of everyone, maybe you can achieve some miracles that seem to be impossible.

“The last thing I want to say is… thank you.” Fei Yuhan’s voice is already fine, “Thank you for creating it, even if it’s just a dream–”

“No, the world is not a dream.” Roland interrupted. “It exists in Consciousness World and will continue to exist.”

“I know… you will say that.” Fei Yuhan closed his eyes and showed a satisfied smile.

“In addition, I feel that even if I have come up with evidence, it is too convincing that one person declares that he is a creation god. But if you add the genius Martial Daoist, the effect may be very different.”

She moved her lips. “Are you here… comfort me?”

“This is not comfort, but the creator’s assertion.” Roland stood up. “Listen, now is not the time to give up! Since you mentioned trust, please believe me, this is far from irreparable.” Situation !”

“Because, I am gods–”

The dream was interrupted and Roland slammed up from the lounge chair.

At the moment it was still in the afternoon, the snow fluttering outside the window, and the Nightingale in the office came to him in the first time, and asked with concern. “How come you wake up so quickly? Is there any discomfort?” ?”

This is the first time he has entered the world of dreams after two days of coma. He usually sleeps from noon to about four o’clock in the usual habits, but now it is not clear.

“Reassure, I have nothing.” Roland solemnly said, “You will inform Scroll and Honey to let them immediately come to the castle. I have an important task to arrange.”

Nightingale still carefully examined his temperature and pulse and nodded after confirming that there was no problem. “I understand.”

When the other party broke into the fog, Roland returned to his desk and laid out a pen paper plan.

To keep Fei Yuhan’s life, you must let the two worlds work together to launch a joint rescue.

Once you leave the dream, the time there will be static, which will undoubtedly get a crucial moment for the rescue. Even if there is only one breath left, if he does not dream again, this tone will not end.

The core of the resurrection is the new ability of Nana – the magic that attaches healing power. As long as you use enough quantity at a time, you can suppress the disintegration of your body function.

Then there is the field of Scroll – he can’t “carry” things into the world of dreams, but that little archive can. Considering that the ability of the witch can be accepted and displayed as it is in the world of dreams, the demonized items should also reach Consciousness World.

Of course, only the two are still not enough.

First, he needs to send these life-saving treatments from the archives to the high-speed bridge in the shortest possible time.

Secondly, attachment magic and sutures can only pull Fei Yuhan back from the edge of death. To deal with injuries such as fractures, more specialized equipment and tools must be used, which undoubtedly requires the assistance of a professional physician.

Only by bringing together the power of everyone can we create this miracle.

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