Release that Witch The latest chapter, the body of the first thousand three hundred and forty-eight chapters of the coma, floating astronomy

“Your Majesty, can I try?” Cam Schuire couldn’t wait to ask. Fiction .

“Of course,” Roland smiled and said, “It’s up to you to report this time.”

The chief alchemist pondered for a moment, writing a series of long and short staggered characters on a small blackboard, totaling more than twenty. If the three horizontal points and two points are just right, the message basically excludes the factor of luck.

The receiver is still Barov.

He obviously didn’t want to end this extraordinary experience so quickly, and he didn’t wait for Roland to open his eyes and pretend to wear a blindfold.

The pulsating arc again blooms between the spark gaps.

This time, the old Premier Minister took longer to listen.

When he recorded the answer on paper and showed it to everyone, the crowd finally burst into applause!

Although there are two errors in more than twenty characters, the number is quite a lot, exactly the same as the information written by Cam!

This absolutely impossible is guessy.

That is to say, in less than a few seconds, the message has been exchanged between Neverwinter City and Silver Light City. Only then can you explain why he knows what Cam is sending.

“Your Majesty, how far can the tower spread the news?” Barov asked excitedly.

“As long as the power is increased, there are no problems in theory for thousands of kilometers.”

“Does that cover the entire territory of Four Great Kingdoms?”

When I heard this, everyone couldn’t help but whisper.

“More than that, even Fertile Plain is basically included.”

“What happened to Eternal Winter, the next second Greycastle will know, it’s too unbelievable!”

“Indeed, if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I can’t believe that this is what humans can do…”

Barov is already thinking about deeper issues.

“Your Majesty, if we give specific meaning to these symbols, we might be able to convey more complex content, such as instructions and decrees…”

After witnessing a new technology, the first time to think about how to use it, I have to say that the old Premier Minister’s insights and ideas are much broader and broader than the original. Obviously, in these years, he also adapted to the domination of this emerging kingdom. The position has changed a lot. Roland smiled appreciatively. “The direction is correct, but it can be done more thoroughly.”

“what do you mean……”

“Don’t give specific meaning to the symbol, but assign the current text to a specific symbol, so that even if you can’t hear the human voice, you can communicate in real time.”

After Barov thought for a moment, his eyes couldn’t help but shine.

Obviously he also realized the great significance of this “new text”.

Since the text of the world adopts a completely different system of phonological expressions, it cannot be applied directly to the telegraph code of another world. However, under the same situation, as long as more thoughts can always work out a suitable set. The communication code table comes. With these code tables, any text information can be converted into corresponding electrical signals, which spread at the speed of light across the mainland.

As for who made the telegraph code, Roland had plans in mind.

As the information loggers of the two worlds, no one is better suited to this task than Scroll.

“Your Majesty ……” Minister of Agriculture Seney Darley eagerly raised his hands, “Can I try this electric…airs?”

“Of course,” Roland looked at everyone. “If you are interested, you can experience it yourself.”

The high-rises of Neverwinter City immediately blew up the pot, and they rushed over and quickly put a table around the machine.

Looking at this scene, Anna walked to Roland and shook her head with a funny smile.

Roland naturally understands the meaning of her smile. The spark transmitter and ore receiver are just the least technical part of the radio communication plan. The former sends the information out in the whole frequency band. The latter is fully accepted. The two sides seem to be a natural fit, but they also allow a region to pass only one set of information in the same time period. In fact, after being replaced by more advanced tube wireless devices, the spark transmitter has been used for a while in the interference field.

In addition, this system requires a huge world and a certain output power, so the volume and weight are difficult to reduce, and it is destined to be placed in only a few important cities.

By the time the tube prototype is mature, radio and radio stations that can directly transmit sound signals without interfering with each other will bring the first peak of radio communication.

I don’t know when it was, then they will show a surprised expression.

He knows that Anna is looking forward to this.

I have to say that, in this regard, he has a very similar hobby with the other party.

Just as everyone was eager to “talk” to Silver Light City, Roland suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness.

It came so quickly that the outlines of things in the house were ghostly. He closed his eyes subconsciously and wanted to suppress the spread of dizziness, but the body seemed to lose its center of gravity.

Anna first noticed his strangeness and reached out and grabbed his arm. “Roland, are you okay?”

I’m fine… Roland wanted to answer this, but the opening was a sharp cough. He covered his mouth and the sweet smell filled his throat.

Hell, what the hell is going on?

His eyelids sinked quickly, as heavy as a thousand, with a little red on his open palm, which seemed out of place with everything around him. Despite all his efforts to stay awake, consciousness is still far away from him, and Anna seems to be screaming at him, but he can’t hear anything except the screams.

The body fell backwards uncontrollably, and finally it was the figure of Nightingale and the fog that spread quickly.


When Roland opened his eyes, he found himself back in the castle bedroom.

“Your Majesty is awake!”

Before he got up, he slammed Scroll’s low voice.

Then there was a rush of footsteps. Anna appeared on the bed in the blink of an eye. Apparently she stayed in the house and didn’t leave herself too far.

“How are you feeling?” She leaned over and pressed his forehead and whispered, “Where is it uncomfortable?”

“Well…” Roland felt for a moment, “No. I feel that my body is very smooth, just like sleeping in a big room, and the spirit is much better than usual.”

Looking at the eyes of the two people questioning, he reluctantly spread his hand. “It’s true, except…”

“Except what?” Anna and Scroll asked in unison.

“Besides being hungry…” Roland touched his stomach. “How long have I slept?”

Anna’s look finally relaxed a lot. “Six hours or so, it’s the shortest time you have been slumbering. I’m going to inform the kitchen to prepare meals. But… are you really okay?”

“It’s too good to be good.” Roland shrugged. “Right, Nightingale is not there. She can tell if this is a comforting word.”

When the voice just fell, Nightingale emerged from the shadows. However, she was not close to the hospital bed, and did not answer immediately. Instead, she nodded after a long silence. “…Your Majesty is telling the truth.”

“Look.” Roland grinned. He didn’t feel any discomfort at the moment, and he said that it was all true. Nightingale’s reply was much slower than usual. Although he felt a little strange, he did not go deep into it. “As for why it will faint, probably just not enough to rest enough?” –

Pull up and load the next chapter s –>

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