Release that Witch The latest chapter, the body of the first thousand three hundred and forty-one chapter pride, floating astronomy

“Right, four o’clock direction… two!” The teammate’s warning and the machine gun’s sweeping sound mixed together, seemingly intermittent, “pay attention to the spear!”

Gourd slammed the rod to the left, and the biplane suddenly flipped halfway and tilted down to fall.

“call out!”

The bone spear swept across the head with a whistling sound, one of which directly penetrated the wing and left a large hole in the skin. Fiction .

He did not look at the enemy and continued to accelerate downwards, making the aircraft reach a very fast speed.

This is the method of warfare that has been summed up by His Royal Highness, since the Knight Knight has been against the enemy. Dread Beast has the flexibility that the biplane can’t reach at low speeds. They can hover in the air and perform the functions of turning around and flying backwards in a very small radius. This makes the simulation use tactical action to get rid of the bite. The tail set is hard to work with, and the rear seat shooter can hardly predict the target’s route within the effective range. The combination of the two is extremely unfavorable for the fight.

But the same, Dread Beast also has a very obvious weakness, that is, its only attack is only from the spear of the back rider, and the speed of flight and climb is not as good as the skyfire. The throwing magic stone with a maximum of two consecutive forces is sufficient threat only in close range, both in terms of distance and power.

Therefore, when being targeted by the enemy, the safest way to play is to use the belly to face the enemy, and at the same time pull the distance between the two as soon as possible, and then climb again, using the effective range of the machine gun to kill the opponent. The biplane has a protective plate in both cockpit positions, which can effectively protect the driver from being directly penetrated by the spear. The wide wing seems to be a very fragile target, but as long as it does not hit the main skeleton, poke a few on it. The hole will not have a fatal effect on the aircraft.

For example, today’s fire number is a major improvement over the training machine. The airfoil rolling operation is also incorporated into the main joystick. The driver can easily control the pitch and direction of the aircraft with only one hand.

Once it reaches full speed, it takes only a few tens of seconds to open the enemy. During this time, the wild demon throws two bone spears at most. It is not easy to hit a fast-moving plane.

And many actual combats have proved that the method is effective. The Aerial Knight has lost several planes so far, but no one has been killed on the battlefield.

With the roar of the engine slamming, Gourd flew out for hundreds of meters in a flash, even if the wild demon behind him wanted to throw a spear at the moment, there was no chance to hit him.

However, after pulling the nose, he did not return to find the two Devils who were staring at themselves. Instead, they set their sights on another friend machine that was bitten.

As for the enemies behind, and Heinz are waiting for them.

Using the accumulated height and visual advantage to attack the enemies who are chasing after teammates, and letting their tails be given to teammates to protect, is the second battle standard of Aerial Knight!

After two times, Gourd got his fourth victory.

Aerial Knight began to take advantage of the battlefield.

Lightning and Macy also joined the battlefield at this time. All Devils were horrified to discover that when the air did not know when there was a giant like-and-coming giant, it looked very powerful and the target of attack was themselves. Dread Beast showed obvious fear under the bloody mouth of the cold, and even if the wild demon pulled the reins, their actions were not as good as before.

This kind of chaos further exacerbated Devil’s disadvantages. Lightning is like a ghost on the battlefield. Short-distance sonic flight makes wild demon unable to parry. When they lift the bone spear, Lightning’s revolver has already reached their point. On the head of the spoon.

Every few minutes, a Dread Beast was shot down, and there was a “Devil Rain” in the sky.

The movements of these giants falling on the ground naturally fell into Farina’s eyes.

She saw a bloody biplane monster slamming into the snow not far from the road. The strong impact caused it to roll for several laps before it stopped, and the wings and limbs were like rags. .

What happened in heaven?

There is no doubt that the First Army is indeed ready for enemies from the air, but she can think of it, but it is only used to deal with these Devil firearms. Until now, she still did not hear the sharp hum of the machine gun behind the car. Instead, there was a strange cicada from time to time on the top of the head, as if there was a fierce battle there.

The question is… in the sky?

Farina was really unable to hold back. Curious, taking the opportunity of the team through a straight road, the probe glanced at the sky behind.

And this eye makes her whole body blood boiling!


She couldn’t help but mutter.

I saw the underside of the low clouds, the silver streamer flickered like a Dawn, and the source of the light was a group of unique gray giant birds and red mist skeletons that gave her the same sense of awkwardness. Farina can It is obvious that the giant birds that fight Devil are artificial.

It is symmetrical, overall balanced, and square, all revealing the beauty of war weapons. But this is what makes her shocked.

When did humans start, can they fly like clouds to the sky, and get involved in the field that only belongs to gods?

Can we… do this step?

She couldn’t help but think of a prominent position on the front page of a report she had seen in the Greycastle Weekly, which contained a black and white picture. The huge machine in the picture seemed to be exactly the same as the iron birds in the sky.

Is it true that they are the Skyfire.

The term used at the time was “a historical scene of humanity.” She did not care too much. After all, she had seen too much of this self-proclaimed words. But now Farina discovered that even if the rhetoric is exaggerated ten times, she can’t describe her mood at the moment.

There are sighs, regrets, ridicules, excitement… and the most, but pride.

For her, she is also a member of humanity.

And proud.

How many things did you miss in the year when you were hiding in Joe’s house?

Farina’s body trembled a little, and the hand holding the steering wheel was tighter.

Although I missed a lot, but fortunately she has already turned back, isn’t it?


Silvy clearly saw that Devil in the air pursuit had collapsed. Under the cross strike of Aerial Knight and Lightning and Macy, the opponent completely fell into the wind. There are several Dread Beasts that are fleeing backwards without the control of the driver, and this move will inevitably affect other similarities. It’s just that within this distance they may not be able to escape the follow-up of Lightning.

As for those who flew to the team, Devil didn’t take any advantage. Only the wild demon, according to past experience, jumped directly from the back of the mount when Dread Beast swept the team, hoping to avoid the advantage of the gun. However, they face a group of God Punishment Witches that are comparable to Exceptional, and they also hold a forty-mm shotgun in their hands.

Their end can be described as horrible.

Even as the God Punishment Witches tore the enemy into pieces in an almost fanciful sneer, even Silvy couldn’t help but close his eyes.

At this point, this victory is a foregone conclusion.

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