Release that Witch The latest chapter, the body of the first three hundred and thirty-two chapters of the cause of all mankind, floating astronomy

“Adults, my subordinates reported that Feng Xiaobao had been conquered by us not long ago, and the worms are fleeing to the south!” A rising person kneeling on one knee and shouted.

“You did a good job! I will report this credit to Lord Vault of Heaven Lord.” Totolock nodded with approval. “Don’t stop the squad, continue to cut the front of the worms until they collapse!” ”


“This war will bring you more than one promotion opportunity, take advantage of the opportunity to exchange honor with their blood!”

“His subordinates!”

After the ascendant retire, Totolock sneered and looked at the map provided by human noble. “The bugs are just like this. Hykezord adults are too careless. Their traps may take effect twice, but not twice. After all, the war will take a positive force to determine the outcome. Even if their resistance is stronger than four hundred years ago, they will not be able to make up for the overall gap between the ethnic groups.”

“But our losses are not small,” the tentacles of the West Asian chin snorted. “There were nearly 40,000 warriors lost in eight days. The frontline troops have already lost 30%. If this is done again, follow-up forces may appear. Broken.”

“What about that? In the early stage, the recalcitrant, the late collapse, is this not the consistent performance of the worm?” Totolock did not think, “In the War of Divine Will, only the tough race that can withstand casualties can win. The final victory. Now that the West of Wolf Heart has fallen into my hands, how long will the remaining two cities last? When we are double-teamed, they will soon lose the will to fight – as it is now!”

West Asia has no rebuttal.

Although the strength of human resistance is somewhat unexpected, it still agrees with the other side.

After all, it has seen too many times the stalemate suddenly collapsed, as if the seemingly sturdy frozen river surface was broken and collapsed.

The cause often only requires a crack.

Human beings always resist the strongest at the beginning, but as the casualties continue to grow and fail again and again, they will gradually lose confidence, internal divisions will also occur, and finally the will to fight will be completely lost. The casualties of the early ethnic groups will be greater than the opponents, but as long as the pressure continues, the situation will reverse.

In the later period, it is not an exaggeration to use the wind to escape and describe human beings.

This is not a purely courage issue, but, as Totolock said, it stems from the essential gap between the two ethnic groups.

They need a lot of rest, need to eat, need a warm bed and a windproof home, but this is a difficult condition to achieve in war.

It has studied humans carefully, and even if you don’t have to look at it at the moment, you can imagine how bad the current situation is.

For several days of continuous attacks, using the original body as a consumable, and with the advantage of quantity, human beings can hardly get enough rest time under such conditions, and the spirit must be on the verge of collapse; as for the abundant food I don’t even think about it.

These unfavorable conditions will continue to ruin their morale. The news of the fall of Breeze in Jinshiling will spread in the military sooner or later. When the two are stacked together, how long will the fine sand city and Deep Pond Bay last?

The ethnic group does not need these things. Whether it is eating or resting, it can be solved through life. The more cruel the war, the more obvious the advantage.

Iasis agrees with Hykezord, but it firmly believes that victory will eventually belong to the ethnic group, and humans, not worms, have done enough.

“I will bring the winning news back to Tianzhu City, and the next attack will be handed over to you for the time being.” It said, “Don’t underestimate each other and try to occupy Wolf Heart with the existing power – this time we don’t You should add too much burden to the rear.”

Totolock spurted a sigh of heat. “Reassure, if the strength is insufficient, I will fill in the ring myself.”


After withdrawing to the safe zone, it took more than ten hours to sleep.

When he woke up, he only felt weak and his stomach was so hungry. He subconsciously wanted to touch the dry food in his pocket, only to find that his clothes had been replaced with new ones, and there was no familiar rifle at the bedside.

There are also ten wooden beds in the camp, but they are all empty.

Here is… Battlefield Medical Institute?

It was probably because of the side effects caused by the failure of the retardant when he fainted, and his expression was too terrible, and he was sent here by his teammates.

I don’t know how the law is now.

In order not to express her identity, she is suffering from severe pain and destroying her wounds. Even if she does not endanger her life, it is estimated that it will take a long time to recover.

When I thought of my comrade-in-arms who had been with me for half a year, I was a famous goddess, and I felt that my cheeks were a bit hot–he had no idea of ​​this when he was withdrawing from the Windsor Castle.

However, this incitement and embarrassment was quickly dispelled by a strong sense of hunger.

If he doesn’t hurry to eat something, he suspects that he may fall again at any time.

Trent slowly climbed from the bed and dragged the weak body toward the camp.

Unexpectedly, just opened the curtain, a burst of rich meat and scent into his nostrils, this scent is so tempting, it is like the delicious taste of heaven.

“Are you awake?” A nurse quickly noticed him. “Isn’t that confessed? The retardant can’t be eaten together. You have to eat another one. I’m afraid I won’t wake up. Now it’s starving.” I will take you to the cafeteria.”

After walking into a big account with the other party, I almost couldn’t believe my eyes.

I saw seven or eight iron drums lined up on the long table, filled with steaming food, from the meat to the soup. Everyone is lined up in a horizontal team, passing the lunch box in turn through the long table, and when the food in the bucket is consumed halfway, someone will pour new into it – no doubt, these meals are made by the logistics department. .

But… this is too extravagant, right?

As a Mojin hunter who used to compete with other small Clans in the past, he naturally knows how difficult it is to provide fresh food to a team of people, not to mention the war! The First Army’s front line clearly shows that even personnel and ammunition are caught up in the air. How can it be used for such things?

When Tida couldn’t help but ask the doubts in his heart, the nurse chuckled. “These are not from Greycastle. They come from Dawn’s cities. It’s not the First Army and the caravan that transports them. But those who you saved.”

“The people we saved back… people?”

“Yeah,” the other party’s tone was full of gentleness. “There are both the escapers of Kingdom of Eternal Winter and the refugees of Wolf Heart. Some of them went to Neverwinter, while others hoped to stay, to fight. Devil does something. These are the ones that they pick up with a handcart, or even a hand strap, and they are shipped here a little bit.”

I don’t know what to say.

He also performed evacuation missions. To be honest, those refugees did not cooperate in the first place. There were occasional clashes on both sides. He had complained privately about this and regarded them as incurable idiots. But now, it is these “stupid people” who bring a hot meal for them.

“Not only the rescued,” the nurse’s tone seemed very happy. “Dawn’s group of businessmen also stood on our side. They not only provided many horses, but also actively lowered the price of food, so everyone can enjoy it here. Go to the fresh hot hot dishes.”

She raised her head and looked at Minda and smiled. “Is this an explanation? We are fighting this thing for all mankind. It is gradually being accepted by everyone. When I think of this, I feel full of energy!”

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