Release that Witch The latest chapter, the body of the first thousand three hundred and twenty-seventh chapter Scroll new, floating astronomy

In the eyes of the public, Scroll took a quarter of an hour to sink to the heart, capturing the magical power fluctuations in his mind.

When she opened her eyes again, she was already in a small “archive”.

Felice then appeared next to her – in the shape of a young witch. Hundreds of years have not left any traces on the other side. Although Felice spent much longer than her, at the moment she seems to be the other’s elder.

“What should we do next?” Asked Scroll.

“Give it to me.” Felice showed a confident smile, then opened the iron door and walked out of the room.

She quickly followed up.

The bustling and bustling city is once again in the eye.

I saw Felice looking around and quickly locked a young man on the way. She pulled up Scroll’s hand and stopped in front of each other.

“Hello there.”

The man who heard the greeting stopped and looked away from a small box in his hand, with a slightly confused head. But when the line of sight intersected, the man’s eyes showed a clear surprise. “Oh… that, what’s the matter?”

“Sorry, my phone is lost, I can’t contact my friend, can you -”

“I understand, is one hundred enough?” The other quickly took out the wallet from the pocket and handed a red note to her. At the same time, she brought a hint of regret in her tone. “Be deceived and cheated… …but you are dressed up, and the leader is also worth the money.”

Felice’s smile suddenly became a lot stiffer. “No, I just want to borrow a call from your mobile phone.”

The man stunned and realized that he had made a mistake and handed the small box in his hand and apologized to both.

Felice shrugged and pressed a series of numbers.

Scroll At the moment, I still haven’t figured out the clues. I don’t know what to say. I have to insist on standing still, but my heart is particularly nervous. The world that she is familiar with is really too different, and the strong sense of strangeness is everywhere, as if a wall is so overwhelmed by her. A lot of people around have noticed the two of them, and their unobtrusive eyes are sweeping straight to this side, many of them with malicious people – which makes her unable to resist the associations of the Operation Association period. sisters.

“Don’t worry, all they can do is just look at it.” Felice seemed to be aware of her uneasiness and comforted her head. “You just have to go back and they retreat faster than anyone else.”

At this moment, a small box came a cry.

“Hey, is Felice?”

That is the voice of Your Majesty Roland.

For a moment, Scroll felt relieved.

It really is the dream world, and Your Majesty is not far from her.

The strangeness still exists, but it has not been suppressed as before. Even with the naked eyes, the initial embarrassment and discomfort.

Scroll took a deep breath and followed the look back. As Felice said, people shunned their eyes and opened their hearts with guilt.

The crowd on the street seems to be re-flowing.

“It’s me, Ms. Scroll is by my side. The address here is… yes, that’s what it is like on the map. Is it only two kilometers from the community? It’s great. Yes, I will wait for you here, Hey—brother.” Felice returned the call and handed the small box to the young man. “Thank you.”

“No, you’re welcome,” the other party stunned for a while before he hesitated. “Well, can we add a good friend?”

Felice casually reported a string of numbers.

The man was recorded as a treasure, and he said goodbye to the two.

“The small box that you borrowed just now, Is it possible is the wireless phone that Your Majesty often remembers to cross a thousand miles?” Scroll asked.

“Yes, the world’s technology has made wireless phones popular in everyone’s hands, not just talking, but also locating directions and finding information. If not, it’s almost impossible.” Felice explained, “It’s just because of this, as long as Write down the number and you can contact the other party at any time. If you encounter someone who doesn’t want to take care of it, simply refuse or just report a number then it will be alright.”

“So that’s it.” Scroll stunned, no wonder Your Majesty said that if the two are really in the same world, they will soon reunite.

“It’s you, adapting faster than I expected, and it’s a mentor to Witch Union.” Felice laughed.

Scroll shook his head slightly and didn’t answer again.

She knows where her courage comes from.

It’s obviously King, and it’s not as good as it used to be. I’ll say that the person who protects this kind of thing by King is probably only Your Majesty Roland. Really, how long will he have to become a qualified monarch?

I myself, from the beginning of the Asylum of the Cooperation Association, I should stand in front of King, but until now, she is still accepting the other’s asylum, which is really not a qualified performance.

But… everyone is like this, it doesn’t feel bad.

That being the case, let the status quo last for a while.

“Hello, look at the two people over there.”

“That is a medieval robes. Are they playing cosplay?”

“That said, the two are really beautiful!”

“I don’t feel much worse than the stars…”

There were a few whispers from time to time around, but Scroll no longer felt uneasy.

About ten minutes later, a round-shaped vehicle parked in front of two people.

“Long wait.” Your Majesty poked his head out of the cab.

“Get on the bus.” Felice opens the door and pulls the Scroll into the car.

Then the group of people stood up in the eyes of the crowd who were unbelievable and disappeared into the traffic of the main road.

“Our luck is really good,” the spirit of the co-pilot came back. “If your area of ​​docking is only two blocks away from the building, Falti’s flying insects can monitor the area for twenty-four hours. It is.”

Falti nodded. “It has been cleaned up before. There are no signs of new Demonic Fallen activities, and security should be guaranteed.”

“That’s fine.” Roland laughed. “So what is your feeling at the moment of being the first witch to enter the dream?”

“Is this the vehicle of the dream world?” Scroll touched the chair behind him and knocked on the window. “The seat is softer than the sofa, it is quiet and quiet, and the speed is so fast, it is better than a steam truck. Too much… If we can make such a high-end delivery vehicle, how good.”

Somehow, she suddenly felt that Roland’s smile was a little solid, and the other three God Punishment Witches also held their mouths and seemed to be patient.

“That… I said something wrong?”

“No, cough cough… sooner or later this day will come.” Roland cleared his throat.

“Right, Your Majesty, where are we going?” Scroll looked at the view from the window. “Don’t you test the field of consciousness?”

“That can be said later, you haven’t found out yet, your two current dresses are really eye-catching.” Roland didn’t look back, “Felice’s clothes are in the car, and will be replaced by then it will be Alright, but it’s not right for you right now. So the first priority of today is naturally to give you a set of clothes!”

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