1309 Chapter 1302 The Man Who Makes Hearts

Chapter 1302 The Man Who Makes Hearts

Five Days Later –

” Is Elected Eldest Princess?”

“Yes, this is the news that the command has just received. The exact number is still under verification, but at least it should be more than 600.”

“The hustle and bustle of the Fengxu garrison has already implemented containment. They should move from land to Neverwinter City after the break.”

“No, this is what we should do.”

< p> “It’s hard for you, please rest well.”

After Edith finished, he hangs up the microphone steadily.

As the highest level of communication at present, the hand-cranked phone has become an indispensable device for the Adviser Department. It is limited by the transmission distance and is currently directly connected to the Cage Heights, only outside Thorn Town. The Airport Knight camp is just that.

She just turned around and saw a surprised third brother, Rance.Kant.

“What’s the matter?”

Unlike the second brother Kohl, Edith uses the relationship to directly transfer Rance through the primary education to the Ministry of General Staff – considering three The younger brother’s temper is more relaxed, she thinks it is more appropriate to look at herself.

Of course, it is more convenient for her to appreciate the pain of the other side in the face of frustration.

“Ah… No, nothing, I am just an accident. The old sister will also respect you.” Rance walked up with a stack of documents. “I used to be with my father.” Speak, you are not so polite.”

“I thought that after the adulthood, your brain capacity will increase slightly.” Edith didn’t think, “I said it to my father because my father didn’t Will you take me, but Tilly Wimbledon is the sister of Your Majesty Roland. If she mentions my rudeness in front of her brother, what do you think of the future of Kant?”

“Can I I always feel that you are not so serious about Your Majesty…”

“Because Your Majesty is a male, occasionally taking the initiative can have a miraculous effect.”

“Hey… …I don’t quite understand…”

“The human heart is the highest state of strategy, and it doesn’t understand.” Edith shrugged. “If you have a thousand skills, you can’t be the ultimate victory.” “.

“Sister, can you teach?” Right? “Rance asked expectantly.

“Of course,” Edith glanced at him with interest. “But it’s the most effective way to try everything out of me, just like Kohl. It’s very good at this point. “How, do you want to try?”

Rance suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and when he thought of his brother’s appearance at home, he swallowed. “That… I will wait again.” “Let’s wait.”

Northern Lands Pearl regained his gaze, “You decide.”

If Rance of Montaigne quickly changed a topic, “Yes, you give your Highness Is the phone reporting the arrival of the refugees safely?”

Edith nodded. “After all, Tilly returned to the Advisor Department to explain the matter, of course, to inform her the first time.” /p>

The entire rescue operation was beyond everyone’s expectations. The Aerial Knight not only went to the battlefield two hundred kilometers away in just over an hour, but also saved a large number of refugees and defeated Devil’s tricks.

Yes, this is not an ordinary hunt. Looking at the clues obtained afterwards, the refugees are probably only the bait thrown by the enemy, and the real fatal blow is hidden behind the chase squad.

What if First Army really sent a rescue team to meet?

Because of the bad weather and long distances, you need to go to work, day and night, if you want to get there quickly. In order to maximize the pursuit time, Devil is completely eager to wait for work. When the two sides collide, the rescue team will find that they are not only facing the enemy who is not less than their own, but also have to resist the attack from Dread Beast.

Even if you retreat immediately, you have to travel nearly 100 kilometers in the snow, how many people can finally escape? I am afraid that none will be there.

This is Devil’s first test of the full contraction of the First Army.

Even if the latter did not care about the refugees, or did not find the pursuit of the north of the wind whistling, there was no loss to Devil.

They have probably noticed that there is a fundamental difference between the Greycastle people and the Wolf Heart and Eternal Winter people. Even if they kill more locals, they will not cause any victory for the War of Divine Will. The impact, and every time a rescue team is eliminated, it will weaken the human power.

But the appearance of the Aerial Knight made the ambush unprepared.

Everything is quite like the Northern Slope artillery battle of a year ago. The enemy and the First Army each made their own judgments, but the results were very different.

Even if Tilly doesn’t find another enemy that is hidden behind, there will be no change in the battle.

The final flight team returned safely, and the escaped refugees were lucky enough to escape from birth, which is a great victory.

“Aerial Knight is amazing…” Rance exclaimed. “Not only did you kill dozens of wild demons, but you also retired from the four-faced situation, even the past Federation Holy Army. It’s hard to do this?”

“Yes, it’s amazing.”

released a long breath, Edith will stand on the table with his legs crossed, slowly Leaning on the back of the chair, it was a bit of a disappointment.

Rance groaned, “You seem…somewhat unhappy?”

“I’m not happy, I just can’t say it, I just think… the Advisor Department will soon be put up.” ”

“Eh?” The third brother squinted.

“The four Skyfires will be able to force more than two hundred Devils. If the First Army has a hundred or even a thousand Skyfire?” Edith smiled. “So just one sentence.” Wherever there is an enemy, send the Aerial Knight to wherever. The strategy and calculations will become meaningless, and anyone in the previous sentence will say, if this step is reached, what is the Advisor Department not?”

In fact, when she first saw this free-flying machine, she realized the enormous military potential it had. The most talked about with Roland was the use of the Aerial Knight. She even built a team dedicated to Air Force tactics within the Adviser Department group to maximize the use of such new weapons.

But when it really shined in the first battle, Northern Lands Pearl felt a little regret.

Because the advantages of Aerial Knight are too obvious, the marketing of strategy has declined. In the Knight era, the formation of platoons and tactics were very particular, but now it is a lot easier – because the Air Force has the advantage of vision, it can make the battlefield information more transparent, and with strong mobility, enough Interrupt the entire war zone.

In other words, as long as you can occupy the sky, you can completely grasp the enemy’s every move, and the enemy’s situation is completely opposite. The situation is almost dark, except for passive beating, it is difficult to do Effective response.

Not to mention Your Majesty also revealed that the Skyfire is just getting started, which is equivalent to a hair gun compared to the current Mark I Model.

“That’s the case… we’ll be back to Eternal Night City,” Rance whispered.

“I am afraid that it is too late,” Edith chuckled. “I can sit down in this position. I am afraid I have offended a lot of people. Do you think those people will let me enjoy the rest of my life?” /p>

She certainly knows that if the ruler is Roland, then naturally nothing will happen, but she never wants to calculate the fate with the worst possible, because the malicious words can always hurt others.

“I will… protect you.” Rance bit his lip.

“What do you rely on? Is it based on your current status and ability? If you can’t climb to a high position, such an empty talk is still less well.” She felt a sense of pleasure, “otherwise the result It will only be worse, such as those enemies in front of you, shut me up -“


The footsteps sounded outside the room, and soon Fern. Sylt pushed the door away and came in.

“Adult, you are here…”

“Why, is there new information sent?”

“If it is, just fine,” Morning Light showed a headache. “I just checked the list of material requirements for the Aerial Knight training camp. I am afraid that the recent logistics plan has to be re-edited.”


< "You may not know, they have used nearly 10,000 bullets in the past few days, which does not include the consumption of the official attack." Fern said with distress, "and those students only have 20 or 30 people. It’s worth the cost of the 10 classes of Firearm Battalion! Not to mention the reserves of fuel, aircraft parts, etc. I think if their number is turned over several times, how can logistics be able to get it up... oh, adults? ”

Rance suddenly found out that the lazy body of her sister didn’t know when it was swept away.

Edith stood up from his seat and replied in an understatement. “This work is led by you, and you have to guarantee the supply of Aerial Knight anyway.” Then she looked at Rance, “You What are you doing there?”

“Yes?” The latter failed to return.

“Follow me to the intelligence room, it’s still far from the rest.” Edith cleaned his hair cleanly and turned and walked outside the house.

(End of this chapter)

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