1298 Chapter 1290 Results

Chapter 1290 Results

In order to speed up the research project, Roland adjusted the schedule. After eating lunch every day, I will sleep in the office for two or three hours, which is equivalent to increasing the number of times I enter the world of dreams.

For this reason, the God Punishment Warrior, which appeared in groups after noon, has become a wonder in the castle area.

Thanks to the help of the Greycastle Design Bureau, a new batch of industrial projects has progressed quite smoothly. By the end of the fall season, the tractors have basically completed the final design.

Prior to this, all of Neverwinter’s project processes were first hand-manufactured by Anna, validated and finalized, then divided into production parts, delivered to the plant for stand-alone trial production, and finally the flow plan was determined. Assembly molding. It doesn’t take long to say, it’s easy to take a detour.

Especially in the division of production parts – because the processing power of black fire is far better than any machine tool, the parts that Anna can cut out, the factory may not be able to make. There are hundreds of parts in a machine, and it is undoubtedly a huge amount of engineering to determine which ones can be completed by the factory itself and which ones must be handed over to Anna. This project can only enter the mass production phase after a complete assembly has been assembled.

In fact, when I produced the second-generation Steam engine, I suffered a lot in this process. Although a pressure valve component seems simple, it was found that the qualification rate was surprisingly low when it was officially mass-produced. That is, the relevant production line has been reinstated, and the final product has been delayed for more than half a month.

And the Greycastle Design Bureau is equivalent to doing all the preliminary work for Anna, from test setup to pipeline design, and the general machine tool can not meet the requirements, these processes can be done directly in the dream world. Therefore, once the program is finalized, the Ministry of Industry can organize production immediately, which also greatly shortens the development cycle and cost of the new project.

Roland named the farm machinery that was highly anticipated as a “bumper”.

It will inherit the name of the five pairs of heavy wheels and work on Greycastle’s land.

Of course, he did not let Master Xie leisurely. Now the harvest number is just a simple chassis. It is not a problem to hang a plough as a tractor, but it is still the ultimate form of the five pairs of heavy wheels. There is a long distance.

He hopes to achieve all the military needs on the chassis.

As for the reporting machine, the youngsters quickly recruited a few candidates, both fresh graduates and folk radio enthusiasts, but Roland saw his brains as soon as he saw the circuit diagrams. Finally, all orders were changed to physical maps to be able to distinguish what is what. Even so, his knowledge of this knowledge is extremely slow, he can only force the sample picture to come down, and then slowly ponder with Anna.

In addition to these two major projects, several other major preparations for Neverwinter City have been successful.

The first is the North-South Artery Program.

Hofford Quinn sent a letter to him saying that Dawn has invested nearly a thousand people and set up a cement calcining plant in two cities on the border. These plants produce hundreds of tons of cement a day to meet the needs of hardened roads. Nowadays, the road from the windward to the flash river has been basically laid, and the second half of the cage mountain has been started. It is expected to be completed in about half a month.

Even with the help of Lian and Molly, this construction speed is enough to say that it is excellent. It is obvious that the Quinn Family has done a lot of work on this matter. Together with the first completed Scarlet Water River eastern region turning to the Eternal Night City road, this means that Neverwinter can only transfer power from land to the battlefield thousands of kilometers away.

The second is the supporting project of the aorta plan, the “Hump” steam truck, and the first one was also in the factory.

It uses a classic flat-head cab, engine front, front and rear double six-wheel layout, except for a slightly longer head (in order to plug the huge water tank), the shape and the afterlife trucks are almost no big difference . It has a self-weight of about ten tons and a designed load capacity of six tons. It can maintain a stable speed of 40 kilometers per hour on a flat cement road and continuously open for three hundred kilometers.

When necessary, the driver can also infuse rainwater, well water, or even urine to increase mileage. Of course, even without replenishment, it is enough to travel between the city and the river. .

Unlike armored trains, each truck requires at least two drivers. In other words, even if Neverwinter can make a large number of trucks at once, there is a huge gap in the driver. Fortunately, the prototype car is already available. Next, as long as the driving school is established, a group of qualified personnel can be quickly trained. There is no traffic regulation in this era. As long as the car can be started, everything else is easy to say.

Finally, lead-acid batteries.

Although it is not very eye-catching, the technical content is much lower than the previous major projects, but the use is not small.

For example, on a truck, it provides power for the headlights and taillights of the vehicle – this is the only electrical device on the hump. With the lights, the truck’s travel time has been extended from daytime to full day and night, and the efficiency has almost doubled.

It is also used in the start of the biplane. It can save a lot of effort for the ground crew. More importantly, if the engine is turned off in the air, the pilot can directly try to start again, which improves safety in disguise.

In short, relying on the large number of migrants, Neverwinter City’s industrial capabilities once again broke through the bottleneck and entered a period of rapid rise.

However, Roland also knows that this increase is not entirely due to the population’s sake – if it is still hand-work-style production, let alone a few months, even a few years may not be able to make a blind trip. The person is trained as a qualified worker. Here, those experienced old workers are afraid that you will not learn, and you are not afraid that you will not learn, because the promotion and salary increase have a great relationship with the apprentices. They are always a hungry appearance, putting everything in order. Teach and give.

Ordinary people only need a hand or two to teach, you can understand the basic operation of the machine tool, even if the new entrant does not know a word, according to the step imitation can also produce qualified parts.

The new system for the application of productivity, the promotion of universal education, and the emphasis on creativity and research and development, the urban industrialization process will only be faster and faster in the future.

But he is not all good news.

According to Iron Axe’s report, the First Army is under increasing pressure on the front line. With the spread of the red mist, Devil has been able to reach the caged area, and some even claim that it is in Dawn. Dread Beast was seen in the territory.

In Fertile Plain, Roland had known the tactics of enemies rushing thousands of miles. Although there were not many troops that could be mobilized, even a few wild demons could cause considerable damage to the rear.

And now those scattered Dread Beasts are likely to be sentinels for the raids.

If the First Army wants to counter this, it must have the same mobility.

He sighed, perhaps the time to dispatch the Witch Union and the Aerial Knight Legion to the front line.

(End of this chapter)

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