1266 Chapter 1260 Loved Things

Chapter 1260 Loved Things

Tilly saw that the first flight group apparently noticed the opponent’s approach The No. 1 and No. 3 machines spread out in two directions at the same time, and seemed to want to attack the second group from the side.

The formation of the second group is not as tidy as it was originally, but the goal is still the nearest one.

This made the latter suddenly fall into a one-on-three disadvantage.

With the help of Magic Eye, she can clearly capture the tension on the pilot’s face.

Under the situation of almost head-on hedging on both sides, as long as the crosshairs are stuck in a plane, one change is not impossible. The driver’s nervousness affected his behavior, only aiming for two or three seconds, he stepped on the left pedal and chose to avoid. At this time, the distance between the two sides is still more than 500 meters, which makes the second group adjust the course direction without burden, from the attack to the chase.

In order to get rid of the tail bite as much as possible, the No. 1 machine began to make various maneuvers – as the Tilly said at the opening, the pilot took out all his life. Being able to master the technical requirements of each movement in just one month must be hard work.

However, the First Army’s students are not inferior, and have not been swiftly turned away by a series of dive, always following the other side without hesitation. Coupled with the quantitative advantage, they don’t need to keep their heads close to each other at all times, while the latter needs to pay attention to the movements of the three planes at the same time. A lot of maneuvering caused the height and speed of the No. 1 machine to drop a lot. Seeing that he couldn’t get rid of it, the pilot bit his teeth and turned around and flew toward the third machine that was still coming.

The second group also got the best mobile phone conference at the same time, keeping the sixth aircraft in the higher airspace into a dive, and slanting from the top of the head to the seventh end of the No. 1 machine. .

Although the machine gunner observed this scene, the pilot also made the biggest rescue measures, but the aircraft has been unable to open this round of “sweeping”.

Ten seconds to get to the eye.

Tilly nodded with satisfaction. “No. 1 square, raise the red flag!”

At this time, the third machine came.

They are faced with a climbing machine number six and two other good-quality four and five machines.

The situation seems overwhelmingly unfavorable.

– If you do not count the number two machine that has been at a high point.

She turned her eyes over the school.

“I saw them!” Finkin pulled out half of his body and squatted on the fuselage. “Wait, the first machine seems to have been shot down!”

“Are you sure?”

“The number on the airport is already red, but they haven’t left the battlefield yet!”

“That’s just that they haven’t found it yet,” Gourd frowned, and his teammates insisted on being shorter than they thought. “What about the third machine?”

“If I didn’t guess wrong, the black spot that came from afar!” Finkin shouted. “Man, they are now in a mess. It’s time to joining the battle!”

“Let’s wait… look at your back, can you see the sun?” p>

He turned his head and was immediately stabbed and closed his eyes. “Oh, it’s the pilot I chose. It’s right now, I can’t open my eyes!”

It’s obvious that you guessed the boxing and lost. Gourd shook his head helplessly and pressed the joystick hard. “If that’s the case, let’s go!”

“Yeah ——– ooh!” Finkin Guaijiao said.

The roar of the star engine overwhelmed the wind. In the violent air current impact, the whole body seemed to tremble. This feeling of falling against the wind always makes Gourd feel bloody.

He is the Knight who is charging!

And the road to gallop is the whole sky!

Team 3 teammates focused on the slowest second group of flying machines, and the other two began expelling the third machine until they emerged from the golden sun, such as Thunder The potential flutters toward the latter, and the other party perceives the existence of the new opponent from the whistling sound of the whistling wind – Gourd noticed that if the two planes did not pay attention to the teammates, the priority would be to shoot down the third machine as a target, I am afraid it has now succeeded. . It was this plan that took care of him and gave him the best shooting window.

It’s too late to realize that the two machines are not good. After quickly swiping through the No. 4 machine, Gourd did not hesitate to switch the target to the flying machine marked with the number five—when he was diving, he locked the former, although it was quite tricky, and It does not mean that he can really shoot down the No. 4 plane at that distance, but the rules set by Eldest Princess are the same. He believes that His Royal Highness has seen it all.

Teammates may be forced to withdraw from confrontation training at any time, and he must hurry.

The four biplanes fought together and the situation became anxious. Especially on the fifth machine, Gourd can even see the look of the other shooter. Although his landline lost its concealment, he still dominated the speed. After several competitions, Gourd finally took a long-term aim. Just as he estimated that it was almost the same, Finkin in the back seat had already reported the results.

“The flag of the 5th square has turned red!”

Almost at the same time, the third machine was also announced.

There are still green flags on the airport, leaving only the sixth and themselves.

Probably the second group of double-machine suppression gave the teammates too much pressure. After the third machine failed to get enough aiming time, the sixth machine got a breathing space and soon appeared in Two people behind.

“Those guys are doing ghosts, even one has not been hit!” Finkin slammed the machine gun seat. “This doesn’t turn into three dozens!”

< p> “Who asked us to use them as bait at first,” Gourd didn’t think. “Of course there is a possibility – that is, the other side is a tough opponent.”

This guess was quickly fulfilled.

No matter which direction he turns, the sixth machine is tightly bitten, and the chance to open it is not given. He can’t move, otherwise the latter will definitely get up to ten seconds earlier than Finkin.

“Damn,” the partner’s voice was significantly more anxious than before. “Can’t you fly faster?”

“I have tried my best!”

“Let’s go down sooner or later, think about it! How about going to the port area to hide? There are sailboats to cover it!”

“If you hit a refugee ship – whether it is It’s not us, what do you think will be the end?”

“Hey, it’s probably a shot.” ​​Finkin’s momentum suddenly fell. “Since this is the case, at least we are not the first to be eliminated. Now, unless there is a wind to send us up, I think we can’t move back to this game.”

“Wind…” Gourd glimpsed, and his eyes flashed like an electric light. “You are right, I think of a way!”


“Do you remember the upper edge of the cliff?”

The sea breeze from the vortex sea to the land is not static, especially on the side close to the coast – due to the resistance of the rock wall Blocking, the airflow will spread along the obstacles, and some of them will become a fast-rising blast. As long as you stand on the edge of the cliff, you can hear the rhythmic howling from time to time.

After realizing what he meant, Finkin’s face couldn’t help but feel stiff. “You’re crazy! Let’s not say if we can get the upper hand, if it’s too close to the rock wall, you’ll shake it all.” It’s over!”

The range of the upper hand is very small. Once it is out of the sea cliff range, it will be blown away by the sea breeze immediately, and it will be affected by the uneven cliffs, and the wind will be more complicated. It is said that this is more difficult than the sails that sail through the sailboat.

“I don’t have to take that risk, just look at then it will be alright, just like a float!” Gourd quickly lowered his height and headed for the direction of the Aerial Knight school.

The sixth machine hesitant for a moment, also began to accelerate downwards.

“How do you know when a strong wind is coming?” Finkin questioned.

“Those ships carrying immigrants will tell me!” He controlled the biplane to keep falling, and let the No. 6 machine pull closer, turn a big bend, his path and coastline Overlapping together, the height is gradually close to the ground. If it falls into the eyes of other students, this action is almost unrecognizable – although the second machine still maintains a fairly high speed, it has no way to escape.

The opponent followed, and they firmly bite them.

“A few seconds!” Gourd screamed.

“I guess there are eight seconds! Six, five, four–” Finkin gnawed his teeth.

During this period, Gourd always gave a part of his energy to stare at a ship sailing to the port of Shoal not far away, but he did not see the flag or sail, but the bird standing on the mast. Children – the flags and the sails are always floating, and it is impossible to distinguish the size of the wind. Only those seabirds that have been with the wind for a long time can capture their strengths and weaknesses.

As if it was sensed, a group of seabirds unfolded their wings, descending from the high mast and heading towards the rock wall – a scene like the Seagull that glides on the wings. He observed very early on that the birds seem to be keen on this entertainment, from the boat to the sea cliff, even if the wings do not move, they can also ride the wind!

Just as the flock of birds was about to reach the edge of the cliff, Gourd yanked the plane.

If it is normal, this operation will make the nose angle too large, it is easy to fall into the stall, but just at this time, the birds suddenly rise, as if there is an invisible palm underneath They are average.

The wind… got up.

In an instant, Gourd heard a harsh whistle.

The blast suddenly appeared and slammed into the wing. With the violent tremor, the second machine accelerated again, miraculously rushing straight up, and then turned upside down!

The whole world flips over.

For a moment, the time was like a stagnation. He saw the unprepared No. 6 machine passing under the head. The other driver raised his head and showed a surprised look.

In the distance, the seabirds are jumping out of the horizon, and the white wings seem to form a ladder connecting the sky.

He did not deceive His Royal Highness.

From the day of joining school, his love of flying is increasing every day, and it is this feeling of freedom and soaring that makes him immersed in it.

This is the most profound thing in Gourd’s learning.

The offensive and defensive reversal.

(End of this chapter)

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