1262 Chapter 1256 Repercussions and New Plans

Chapter 1256 Responsiveness and New Plans

“How is the conversion of several days?” p>

On the third day after the issuance of the new currency, Roland held a ministerial meeting in the castle hall, the main content of which was to discuss feedback on monetary reform.

As a person who came over, he was so clear that it was not easy to break a tradition that had lasted for thousands of years. Any flaw in the link could lead to an avalanche. If the new currency falls, the prestige accumulated by the Executive Office…and even his own long-term will be seriously damaged.

“Less than expected, Your Majesty.” Barov seems to be more relaxed. “The exchange amount in three days is less than a thousand gold royals. Considering the early days of the New Deal, it is often the most turbulent. It should also be able to fully meet the demand.”

In order to prevent the run, the number of banknotes placed in the first wholesale is equal to the total wages of the month, and even if all are exchanged, it can be dragged on for two months. But if the situation really happens, it essentially means that the plan has gone bankrupt.

“I think you have to worry about it,” the old Premier Minister said with a smile on his beard. “Replacing old coins with new coins is equivalent to losing money. It is not a last resort. Most citizens will not act rashly. “

“But you can’t think that people accept the new currency like this,” Minney Darley, Minister of Agriculture, cautiously said, “I found that the food sales in the convenience market have recently increased a lot. There are all kinds of dry goods and seasonings.”

Roland groaned and it took a while to react.

It turns out that this is the case. He can’t help but be silent. The citizen does not want to suffer the loss of the fee when the situation is unknown. Therefore, the safe haven is replaced with other necessities – in the past, Food is also often used as a general equivalent. As for dry goods and seasonings, the main feature is not that the storage time is long, will it always be used in the future?

There seems to be a familiar advertisement in his mind… Paper for food, can’t buy a loss, can’t buy it, what are you waiting for?

But this also makes Roland feel relieved.

It’s not realistic to let people change their minds in just a few days, but the performance is just to buy goods, and the Executive Office has almost no pressure. For example, wheat, eggs and cheese, the output of Neverwinter City is enough to satisfy the entire Western Region’s consumption. After three months, the vault will be able to get a new round of sale from Allied Trade Union, when it can be said that the overall situation has been set.

“No, let them let go,” he told Seney. “You must be eyeing this time. There is no sign of a shortage in the market. As long as they do not meet the prescribed personal limit, they You can buy anything if you want to buy it.”

The goods in the convenience market are all necessities, and can also be seen as a state-controlled and operated store that requires an ID card to purchase. As long as the businessmen who hold a lot of capital are not involved in come in, the short-selling situation will not happen.

“Follow, Your Majesty!”

“Right, how do other businessmen react?”

“Back to Your Majesty,” Barov picked up. “The merchants in Neverwinter City are faintly divided into two factions. The merchants from all over the mainland are still on the sidelines. Many shops have announced that they will close their doors. Do you want to…” He made a gesture of expulsion.

Can’t you reject the new currency and simply close the door? Roland shook his head. “The law can’t help but the store’s rental period hasn’t arrived yet. Whether it’s business depends on them. What about the other party?”

“The big chambers of the fjord didn’t react too much. I still do business as usual. However, I have received letters from a number of Fiordland merchants asking if I can pay the Steam engine and Stream Ship costs in SGD. I have given you a positive response according to your request.”

There will be a whisper in the living room.

Obviously everyone was surprised by this situation. In their eyes, the domestic dealers actually lost to overseas businessmen in support of King, and they simply lost Greycastle’s face.

Roland doesn’t care.

It seems that the sea people really need to be more active in accepting new things. When the Steam engine was launched, it was also the first interest of the fjord Margery and the development of Border Town’s industry. The first bucket of gold is provided.

“But there are exceptions here,” Barov coughed. “A clothing store called Rainbow Stone not only did not go out of business, but instead ran a banner saying that it was a discount to celebrate the new currency issue. – According to my report, the residents who went to buy clothes were almost full of long streets.”

Roland blinked and then chuckled… the initiative came to the door. , Request Victor Lothar with Leaf?

It should be said that the other party is courageous, or do you really realize your own ideas?

“Very good,” he looked to the propaganda minister, Honey. “Do a special report on this. At this time, confidence is more important than gold.”

“Understand. Honey nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty… confidence is more important than gold.” Edith, who has been listening, suddenly said, “Please beware of the rumors that are deliberately fabricated, I think they will come soon.” /p>

“You are What does it mean?” Barov frowned. “Is there someone who deliberately wants to be bad for the new currency?”

“This is normal, the policy has benefits.” There are people who are harmed, such as those who don’t want to accept paper money, or those who simply want to shake the foundation of Your Majesty… You don’t think that it’s been two years since the noble bubble was so fierce. It’s really a breeze?”

“Hey—” The old Premier Minister was a bit screaming.

Of course they didn’t, Roland knew that they were only temporarily crouching, and as long as they showed their weakness, the group would still show their fangs.

Even if Devil is already under the city.

“Reassured, Honey and Asia will pay attention to me.”

“me too – Western Region’s mining site will never be too much.” There was a cold voice, and although he could only hear his voice, no one would think it was a joke.

Roland looks around everyone. “Listen it, this is just the beginning. After the stability period of the first few months, the currency reform will be promoted to the whole country as soon as possible, completely replacing the circulation of gold royal. This is important for winning War of Divine Will, and you still have to work hard!”

“As you wish!” everyone sang.

“Your Majesty…” Barov should hesitate after he came down. “After a few months, you have to make so many paper money, can you have time?”

“Now The amount just replaces the salary, it doesn’t mean that its production capacity is only a little bit, you don’t have to worry about it.” Roland replied.

Although the paper money is just a piece of paper, the technical content is a new peak of Neverwinter City. Considering that the gold royal silver royal accumulated over thousands of years is an extremely large number, he did not consider letting Soroya pick up this burden from the beginning. In terms of paper, SGD has a certain proportion of rubber insect slime in the pulp, which has high flexibility after drying and is not easy to tear and break;

The anti-counterfeiting mark is the denomination number made of tin foil. When it is made of paper, it will be pressed into place in advance – and this technology that makes metal tin thin like a flap is only available in Neverwinter City;

The production is printed on a new roller press, pigment Provided by Dark Cloud and Broken Sword, the color is both bright and durable. It is much better than the plants and mineral dyes of this era, and the duration is enough to support the next round of currency exchange.

It can be said that whether it is production efficiency or counterfeiting, the new currency is the best, the witch only supplies raw materials, and the production can be handed over to ordinary people, which makes it in mass production. Will not encounter any threshold.

The smooth issuance of banknotes solves Roland’s thoughts. Now that Neverwinter City has both human and financial resources, the rest is naturally how to turn these natural resources into productivity.

“Next I plan to add a batch of projects, about 20,000 to 30,000,” he said to the Premier Minister, and this number has been in the past with the total population of a main city. Quite, “Barov, the specific allocation plan you negotiate with the ministers of the relevant departments to determine.”


“First is Ministry of Chemistry -” Roland looks to Cam Schuire.

It is obviously time to further expand the production of various gunpowders.

Revised the type of banknotes in the previous chapter, from six to seven, plus one more Greycastle dollar, equivalent to 10copper royal.

(End of this chapter)

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