1260 Chapter 1254 Currency Reform

Chapter 1254 Currency Reform

Roland walks through the gates of several layers and guards the castle area. Inside the vault.

Also in the Border Town period, all the gold royals added up to a few boxes, and the basement of the castle was enough to hold the funds to keep the entire small town running. Since the sale of the Steam engine and other magic power creations, revenue has risen steadily, and it has quickly reached an astonishing level, which can’t be overstated with daily income.

The cost of the site has also increased. In order to facilitate the access of the Executive Office, he ordered a dedicated vault in the middle of the castle and the Executive Office. Although the rigor is strict, as long as the procedures are in line with the rules, the heads of various departments can enter the treasury to withdraw funds, which caused a hot debate at that time. After all, the “nothing of your own family” was taken out to build the noble of the territory, almost none of them, not to mention allowing outsiders to enter and exit.

However, except for Barov’s slight knowledge at that time, the rest of the people did not know that Roland did not take these hard-boned coins seriously, and most of them were not important, as long as they kept up with the Urban Development Institute. Need then it will be alright. For a long time, Neverwinter’s income was greater than the expenditure, he has not heard the report of the savings emergency for a long time.

“Your Majesty,” said Barov, who was waiting in the warehouse, “You see… our gold royal, only the last twelve boxes.”

Generally speaking, the gold royal in a box is about 2,000 or so, and the total amount is 20,000. Compared to the warehouse that was full in the past, it seems to be somewhat empty.

As for the silver royal and copper royal scattered in the corner, they piled up like a hill, but they couldn’t be used much.

“How long does it take?” Roland asked.

“According to the current trend… up to two months.”

“It’s faster than I thought,” he raised an eyebrow. “It’s mostly used for pay. “Yes, this part accounts for more than 50% of the expenditure–the population is growing too fast, and the expenditures of the engineering team and the smelting team are the most obvious. In addition, you hire a large number of fjord chambers of commerce. The sea boat will cost about four or five thousand gold royals per month. If this part is stopped, the Executive Office will be able to stick to the next Allied Trade Union sales share -“

“Nothing can stop the transport.” Roland interrupted the old Premier Minister.

“That…” Barov snorted. “I remember when you said at the last meeting, there is a once-and-for-all solution… Is it true?”

“You haven’t forgotten it,” Roland laughed, looking at the entire vault. Probably it was expected that there would be such a day, the treasury was quite spacious, and the windows were clear, and after the iron railings and the shelves in the house were emptied, the basic and ordinary houses were no different, and they would not feel depressed for a long time. It is not bad for printing money. “When is the next pay?”

“A week later.”

“These gold royals are saved, don’t move for a while,” he nodded. “You follow I went to the office and I have a new department to build. The specific regulations will be there.”

Although this day is earlier than expected, he started before half a year ago. Prepare for this aspect. The tokens issued to Witch Union and Sleeping Spell are tests. If even the witch can’t find loopholes and steal the banknotes, the basis for replacing the metal currency with banknotes is mature and ready for official use.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Barov seemed to be relieved. He could see that he had a lingering fear of the days when he had no money in the past. Now, with Roland’s approval, the wrinkles in his eyes are soothing. “Right, Your Majesty, what is the name of the new department?”

“Bank.” Roland replied.


Five days later, the bulletin board at the central square of Neverwinter City replaced the new version of the new notice and caused an uproar among the residents. The Executive Office once again sent a special person to preach, which is a rare sight after universal education.

Greycastle Weekly also published the details of the notice on the most eye-catching front page – Your Majesty will release new coins to replace gold royal, silver royal and copper royal

For a time, the streets and alleys were filled with discussions on currency reform.

Victor’s inhabited hotel is no exception.

He had planned to return to Port of Clear Water after watching the magic movie. I didn’t expect Red Moon’s sudden appearance to disrupt all the arrangements. The panic made the order turbulent. He immediately changed his plan and decided to stay here for a while – not because of his loyalty to King of Greycastle, but because he believed that if Red Moon really represented Judgement Day, others The place will only be worse. When disaster strikes, the safest place on the entire continent is probably Neverwinter City.

With the appearance of King and Queen, the police and the garrison slammed the crime, and the order quickly settled. Victor was also called to investigate many times as a witness to “magic movie alienation”, but it was also a surprise. Just as he planned to get out of the maid’s gentle township, when he set off to the south, he ushered in the news of change.

And the release of this new deal has brought him even more shock than Red Moon.

Neverwinter City wants to cancel the gold coin, which has been used since the birth of the human kingdom!

As a businessman, Victor’s first reaction to the news was absolutely impossible. He thought it was the drunken madness of the drunkard, the Four Great Kingdoms, and even the overseas land. Wherever there is someone, all gold is regarded as a valuable thing, which is so easy to abolish?

The newspapers that the waitress bought back, as well as what the other party saw and heard outside, confirmed the correctness of the news.

The first item of the change is that “Neverwinter City will issue new banknotes to replace the existing currency. It has a mandatory circulation feature and should not be rejected by anyone when used in its denomination.

This means that King can buy all the goods that have entered the Neverwinter land dealers with a piece of paper. In a sense, it is no problem with robbery.

“When I came back, I saw some people fleeing the city with goods,” Linglong whispered on the soft couch, with some worries in her tone, not knowing that she was worried about the clothes of Rainbow Stone. Was forced to buy, or worried that he is as far away as the rest of the people.

Victor smiled, and the maid didn’t know that he was actually tied to the King of Greycastle. Without the seeds provided by Miss Leaf, there would be no rainbow stone today.

No matter what happens, he is easy to discard the industry of Neverwinter City.

And he knows about Roland Wimbledon’s that these policies will spread throughout the kingdom sooner or later.

Plus the business mind of the other party is no less than any of Dawn’s big businessmen. Today’s situation is not so bad that it needs to be robbed to maintain the situation. It should not be sudden. Thinking of this, Victor sinks his heart and then looks down –

The second and third articles are related to people’s livelihood.

“Neverwinter City’s work pay will be issued in the form of banknotes.”

“The materials sold in the Executive and Convenience Markets, including but not limited to food, shelter, etc., only accept banknote transactions. “

And the fourth article clearly takes into account the issue of the amount of new coins.

“The Executive Office will provide the same amount of new currency and old currency exchange services for a long time. At any time, residents can exchange gold royal, silver royal and copper royal in their hands with equivalent value notes. The former is redeemed. When the old currency is exchanged for the old currency, the Executive Office will charge a 5% fee.”

Victor faintly realizes that there seems to be something deeper hidden in this article…

The last one is set up specifically for foreign businessmen.

“In addition, merchants who have obtained permission from the Executive Office and operate legally can waive the handling fee for coin exchange by reporting their identity.”

(End of this chapter)

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