1230. Chapter 1225 Rescue Policy (Part 2)

    “This is also the power of…magic power?”

    “Yes, in terms of the manifestation of magic power, even if it is exhausted for a lifetime, it cannot be finished. In the words that you can understand, it is above the four major forces, and it is also the ultimate solution of the unification. ”In a calm tone, it sounds incredible. “But even then, it doesn’t mean you can enter the field of gods at will, interfering with the operation of War of Divine Will.” After all, the world is relatively independent, like a thick film, it is this feature that I have the opportunity to sit here and meet you. ”

    In Roland’s mind, there is a picture of blowing bubbles. In the slowly rising bubbles, there seems to be a dream world. “How can we pass through the barrier?”

    “The same way that magic power enters our world,” 岚paused, “erosion.”

    UhCan you speak more in detail? ”

    “You should have noticed that this world is very different from when it was first born.”The other side’s words made Roland’s heart beat two more quickly. “It was really just a reflection of your consciousness at first, but now there are a lot more things that you haven’t seen before, and all these changes start with your recycling of Power of Nature. ”

    “You know this as well?”Roland was a little surprised.

    “Because I have been at Consciousness World since the moment I started my self, I am very sensitive to this kind of change.”I don’t shy away from it. “Listen to the children, whether it is the dream world or the gods field, they all use magic power to maintain their existence. In reality, they are Power of Nature. By continually recycling them, the world will continue to expand until it overlaps with the domain in which the gods are located, and there is erosion cracking. ”

    This theory is almost the same as the one at the Newcomer Welcome Conference. “As far as I know, the Martial Daoist Association has collected a large number of Fallen’s Power of Nature cores. If you want to recycle them as soon as possible, isn’t it the most advantageous option to stand on the side of the fallen? ”

    I accidentally did not express my objection, but smiled bitterly. “Unfortunately, I am just a disciple of the guards. I can’t bring you into the central containment of Prism City.”

    “Even if it’s not related to the association’s revenge?”

    “If you can stop War of Divine Will, the dream world will naturally not be threatened by erosion. In a sense, this is consistent with the purpose of the association. Just that…The child may feel sad, after all, she is full of expectations for you. ”

    Speaking of this, there was a rare look on his face, like a helplessness with some silence.

    She is referring to…Garcia?

    Roland couldn’t help but feel a little unexpected. Since the other person is the person who serves the gods, the time is probably millions of years. Such a person should have been obsessed with everything, why did he have such a strong feeling for an ordinary disciple?

    In the end, is the other party accustomed to playing, or is it unconsciously affected by this identity?

    “I didn’t say that I have to do that.”Roland was going to use coffee to ease some of the stiff atmosphere, only to think that the cup had been torn apart, and had to take it back. “And you said, must you enter Consciousness World in both worlds at the same time? Maybe the core of recycling will be enough by that time. The only question is, how do I judge that the dream world has overlapped with the gods field? The total impossible of the erosion in Prism City is the entrance? ”

    “Of course, the voids caused by erosion are the vain zones of Consciousness World, and they have very different rules and cannot be used as channels.”He nodded. “As for the extent to which the world in which the gods are located can be eroded. When you get there, you will naturally feel it. But this will also turn the countdown to destroy everything at the same time, you must open the Endless Territory path before that. ”


    He shook his head.

    It seems that the following content will be identified as “the information that may harm God” and trigger the ban, Roland thinks, but does not rule out the other side intentionally concealed. In short, when he talks about it, he has a general understanding of what he has to do. In fact, whether he is driving Devil out of the Land of the Dawn or robbing Demonic Fallen to subsidize the cost of the ancient witch, it is considered to be the original plan. There is no such information that has little impact. If you have to say something, it is probably to give priority to the War of Divine Will, and adjust it to both hands, and both hands must be hard.

    The undetermined part is what he will encounter in the Endless Territory, which is the part that the other party has never mentioned. If there are traps, it will replace the gods step in all likelihood.

    He doesn’t think that as long as you open the path of Consciousness World, the “gods” will be handed down, and all the descriptions may be covered with an ambiguous coat, so you should be cautious.

    There is still a question in Roland – that is why is he?

    From the perspective of the whole plan, he has no irreplaceability. Although the shape of the skeleton is human, Roland will never treat her as a member of ordinary human beings. In the Federation step by step, the survivors retreat to the situation in the corner of the mainland, and it is clear that Devil and Sky Sea Territory are better suited to achieve this goal.

    According to the other party, Endless Territory is close to the Twilight continent, and is now clearly occupied by Devil. Kabu Radby brings the aggressive information of the Sky Sea Territory, which undoubtedly shows that Devil is not too good. It is still a problem to hold the existing site. In any case, the advantages of these two groups are much larger than humans, and the two goals have almost reached half.

    Even if Endless Territory can’t be accessed from the outside, Roland isn’t arrogant enough to think that leaving traces in Consciousness World is something he can do.

    At least Zero has this ability – he has faintly realized that “Soul Battlefield” borrowed the power of Consciousness World.

    And the dream world is expanding from this.

    He asked this question, “I am afraid…Not your first helper? ”

    There is no pause in your answer. “Yes, there have been several in this millennium.”

    Sure enough, Roland was condensed in his heart, “also including Devil?”

    “I don’t know the things over there. After leaving the domain, I lost the ability to contact other servants – I can only tell you that there are more than one traitor.”

    “Who is the last person? Zero? ”

    “Dream Conductor Alfina, she has been 859 years old.”

    Roland went through his mind and found it to be a completely strange name. “Those people have not succeeded?”

    Sighed. “You might think that talking like this is an easy task, but in fact they didn’t even do it in the first step – that is to open up a stable space in Consciousness World. Otherwise, even if their ability can be connected here, I can only ask for a few words, it is difficult to conduct stable communication. In addition, my identity and words and deeds cannot exist independently of their consciousness. In other words, they must be within the scope of their understanding to be an effective message. The higher the level of understanding, the more accurate the answer. This is an insurmountable iron, both for you and for Devil. ”

    “Just like summer insects can’t speak ice?”

    “It’s all right. In fact, you are the first person to meet these conditions – although I don’t quite understand why the information you have will far exceed this era, but for me, this is a blessing. ”

    WellRoland hesitant decided to ask, “What if I fail?”

    I’m silent for a moment before answering, “I will continue to wait, waiting for the next suitable person to appear until I finally get liberated…It was also destroyed by gods. ”

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