103. Chapter 103 Honeysuckle and Elk (below)

    Petrov leaned toward the crowd, “What happened?”He asked.

    “Hull,” someone saw the Honeysuckle Family emblem on his chest. “We are talking about Border Town’s feudal lord. He confiscated the property of stronghold nobles in small town. ”

    “Call me Petrov, what is the specific situation?”

    “I will explain it to Mr. Petrov,” Simon sneaked in, revealing a flattering smile. “This is the case. We are in the life of Duke, who usually lives in Border Town and manages the Northern Slope Mine for the home.” Every winter we carry the townspeople back to Longsong Stronghold to protect them from Evil Beast. This year, Months of Demon ended. One of my colleagues, the Fletcher family’s Cornelius was told by Border Town feudal lord that his house had been demolished by the townspeople without any compensation! ”

    “Either admit that the house does not belong to you, or send you to the cell, hanged by the crime of renegade,” he imitated the words of Fourth Prince Roland. “Mr. You listen, what is the crime of defection, this is every mine management in the past 100 years.” What people will do.”

    Petrov couldn’t help but recall the appearance of the young ash-grey hair man. Although the prince was extremely embarrassed, Roland Wimbledon was not a general one in terms of his two personal touches. The crime of defection in this treatment method is just one reason that the other party can find it at random – the prince did not think about convincing the people with reason.

    He has completely broken with Longsong Stronghold, Petrov thought, or think deeply, the prince would not know that every year the townspeople and nobles have to go to stronghold to take refuge? Obviously not. He clearly knows, but he has to impose a crime, forcing the other party to make a choice, and let the other party pass back the results of such brutal treatment to Longsong Stronghold. What exactly does the prince want to do?

    “But he is Border Town’s feudal lord,” said the man who had laughed at Simon before. “Feudal lord has the power to decide the law in the territory.”

    “Border Town is also within the jurisdiction of the Western Region!”Simon is unhappy with coldly said, “Do you question the authority of Ryan adults? It is an adult’s intention to station a small town to supervise mine work. Now Roland takes all the noble houses for himself, this is in the open against the Six major family, and Ryan will never sit back and watch. ”

    “What you are talking about is the executioner who did not give the documents after the hang of Hiller Dmitry?”I don’t know when Ryan came over. “My father made a big Thunder for this.”

    “Dmitry,” Simon said. “It’s this person. Now he is more rampant, I am afraid that only Duke can stop him, I hope you can convey it to us. ”

    “Don’t worry, whether or not there is such a thing, Ryan is ready to do it for him.”Ryan didn’t care. “I came back for this, my brother is negotiating a trade at Kingdom Capital, and Elk Family is the only one I can lead.”

    “Really? That would be great. ”Simon said with delight.

    Petrov frowned. Although he knew that since the instrument was issued in the winter, when His Royal Highness chose to stay in Border Town, there would be such a day sooner or later, but he did not expect his friend to be in armor. Regardless of the strange eyes, he pulled Ryan straight to the side and discouraged: “You don’t want to go, that’s the prince.”

    “I know that he is a prince, a prince in the mountains,” Ryan Dmitry patted Petrov’s shoulder. “Reassure, Ryan will not hurt a royal family. Maybe we will surrender as soon as we pass.” Even if you want to resist, as long as we are on the rush, do the peasant miners not run out? Fourth Prince will not shoot a knife, I guess he can’t hurt a hair. ”

    No, I am worried that you are being hurt by him…Petrov opened his mouth, but did not say anything. He knew that the other would not believe in himself, because even he himself could hardly believe that the prince could rely on the miners to defeat the Duke’s coalition. I don’t know why, there is always some anxiety in his heart.

    “Master Petrov, your father will let you go back, he has something to look for.”A butler with a white hair suddenly hurried to Petrov, and said with an ear.

    “I know,” Petrov nodded. After bidding farewell to Ryan, he took the carriage with the butler and returned to Count Honeysuckle.

    FATHERHe walked into the study and Scraff Hull was writing something on the table.

    When he heard the voice of Petrov, Earl didn’t stop the pen. “You go to the land, the output, the number and the income are summed up and given to me. I am good to arrange the spring expedition. Duke Ryan’s call for the order has come down. After the snowing, our Five Major Families will provide Knight and mercenaries for him to play Border Town. ”

    “How much is going to be?”

    Earl’s hand was slightly, raised head, “What’s wrong, you never cared about this problem before.”He opened a letter to the table, “Knight has at least twenty-five people, and the corresponding squire and horses. Forty soldiers are required to be fully prepared. Free person or more than 100 serfs should be equipped with a simple weapon. ”

    Petrov estimates in the bottom of heart, so that the Five Major Families add up to a thousand people, and Duke’s own people are already invincible in the Western Region’s power. Even if Longsong Stronghold doesn’t come out, this team is not something that Border Town can resist. There are only a total of more than 2,000 people there.

    “Father, can you not go to the battlefield?”He hesitated, still talking.

    “What happened to the child,” Earl asked strangely.

    “I am worried about your safety.”

    Scraff couldn’t help but laugh. “Do you know what you are saying? What is the danger of an elephant tramping on an ant? His Royal Highness has only a few Knights and a personal guard team of less than fifty, and our number is ten times that of him! ”

    In theory, this is the case. Petrov would think so before he saw His Highness. ButFather, everyone said that the muddy wall will collapse when it rains, but the wall that the Prince has presided over is not built. They added that the Border Town’s miners, impossible to block Evil Beast, but the Prince did not only do this, even to the end of the Months of Demon, no one fled back to stronghold. ”The more he said, the more uneasy he was. “Now, everyone thinks that Duke beat Roland Wimbledon, but the elephant has run over an ant, father. Is this really the case?”

    Enough is enough.Scraff snapped the table. He shook his head and stood up, walking to a wall where there were portraits of ancestors of all ages. “It is normal to prefer to do business and talk about business than to fight. But businessmen are not equal to timidity! Those who travel across the oceans are facing the threat of death every day. ”He yelled at the wall and said, “Look at this, your grandfather, your grandfather’s grandfather, they all rely on the longbow of the sword to stand on the ground full of beasts, refugees and thieves. You are so afraid of fighting, it really disappoints me! ”

    No, father. Petrov bowed his head and no longer argued, but he muttered in his heart, and you know that it was the grandfather of his grandfather and grandfather. Take a look at those powerful faces, then look at your loose belt and the double chin that overflows. Father, can you still get a horse-drawn bow now?

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