More primary attributes means more free attribute points and resources invested.

But correspondingly, this will greatly reduce the speed of the reincarnation player’s progression!

Originally, only two main attributes were needed to meet the advanced requirements to directly advance to the extraordinary level.

Because every free attribute point, as well as the way to permanently improve the attribute, is an extremely valuable existence for reincarnation players.

And wasting attribute points on attributes that are not used is undoubtedly a manifestation of extreme ignorance in the eyes of ghost players!

It is true that when applying for a promotion mission, the more attributes that meet the needs of the promotion, the success rate and difficulty of the promotion will decrease.

But compared to the resources and attribute points invested… It’s not enough to mention!

Moreover, adding a large number of attribute points to attributes that do not help in combat is undoubtedly overdrawing the future development potential.

It is very likely that at some time in the future, just a few or dozens of attributes will be able to meet the conditions for advancing to the legendary level and even immortality.

But because a lot of attribute points were wasted in the early stage, the achievement fell short!

There are countless reincarnation players in the Void Star Sea, and a large number of predecessors have left painful lessons in similar situations.

Therefore, when he saw that Zheng Tai was almost all of the panels with the main attributes, Guangzhi would be so disdainful and contemptuous in his heart.

However, because of this, he did not underestimate the opponent’s combat power.

“Although at the expense of overdraft potential, … Such a comprehensive attribute means that he is also an extremely difficult powerhouse among his peers! ”

Silently gesturing to the ghost player beside him, Guangzhi and the other ghost player leaders sent by several legendary powerhouses glanced at each other.

They all came to the same conclusion: wait and see, wait until the boss of the defender layer is killed, and then erupt.

After a fierce battle, especially in the case of victory, the player’s vigilance is often the weakest.

Through the special [Fashion] props provided by Crystal Kayaba, players who cover up the characteristics of the ghost clan quietly converge with the team of the Knights of the Blood Alliance, as if they were members of the strategy team who came one step late.

On the other hand, Zheng Tai and his group, who teleported from the dark elf camp, continued to fight as if they had not found anything.

[Demon Tree Spirit] is a lord-level boss with a level of Lv21, with an extremely amazing amount of health and a full 10 health points.

However, it also has a very obvious drawback – weak fire attack.

Regardless of the elf faction, there will be magic scrolls that can enchant weapons with [Flame Addition] effects, as well as throwing items such as [Flame Kettle].

These items can provide extremely powerful help when attacking the defensive bosses on this level.

Coupled with Kayaba’s familiarity with the game, as well as the combat power of his own administrator account, and the cooperation of nearly a hundred elite strategy group players of the [Blood Pact Knights].

There is almost no suspense in this battle, and the health of the [Demon Tree Spirit] is steadily declining.

“It’s coming!”

Ghost players saw that the boss’s health had dropped to less than 20% of the progress, and immediately became engrossed.

Although ordinary players will not care who ends up with the boss’s head, because everyone is part of the same team and can be on the first kill announcement.

But for reincarnation players, whoever can get the final kill can get the [Demon Dryad’s Kill Certificate] that can be exchanged for limited items!

Not only Zheng Tai, but these ghost clan players also realized the terrifying potential of this prop when they saw the [World Tree Species]!

Therefore, this battle is in addition to killing Mrs. Zheng and pulling out this eye nail.

These ghost players also have a goal, that is, to get the limited props of this layer into their hands.

After all, the limited props of the first two layers were almost covered by Zheng Tai, and even the soup could not be left for the ghost players.

“Whoever grabs it is whom, it is forbidden to attack each other, after all… We still have an enemy to deal with later, and we can’t fight the grass! ”

Through the copy channel within the ghost clan players, the ghost clan players who participated in this strategy battle have reached a consensus in advance.

In their opinion, as long as they can kill the matched Terran players, then the remaining dozens of layers are all the loot of the ghost race!

Moreover, the opponent’s strength is extremely strong, and he must take advantage of the fact that there are still level restrictions and attributes are suppressed, and he must use the numerical advantage to strangle him in the cradle.

Otherwise, let the other party’s level rise and regain the strength of the peak period… I’m afraid that only when the will to summon the legendary powerhouse descends will it be possible to suppress the other party!

“Less than 5% … Attention all! ”

Guangzhi took a deep breath, although the data-based body would not sweat, he had a sense of tension that was sweating all over his body.

The attention of everyone, including the Ghost Clan players, was also attracted by the blood bar of the [Demon Tree Spirit] that was only a trace of it.

However, at this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared!

The empty enchantment that sealed the boss of the guarding layer seemed to be eroded by darkness, and it instantly fell into the endless night.

– Night falls!

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