
Chapter 259 The Premise of the Imminent Collapse

? The little palace master was taken aback when he heard that.

With puffed cheeks, he was speechless for a long time.

"Forget it, such an inscrutable truth is indeed not something you can comprehend in a short while. After you go back, think about it slowly. If you have any questions, you are welcome to communicate with me or President Yu at any time. Let's exchange ideas frankly. Think about it." Chu Ge said sincerely.

"I have a problem." The little palace master said.

"Is there a problem so soon?" Chu Ge was slightly taken aback.

"My question is, just now I was eloquent and eloquent, which seems to make sense, but it really doesn't match your usual speaking style. You must have copied it from somewhere?" The little palace lord stared at Chu Ge.

Chu Ge blushed uncommonly, and stammered: "Copy...Of course I didn't copy it, that is, what, we have some study documents, all of which are above, and I edited it."

"Study file?"

The little palace master asked in surprise, "What is that?"

"That is, from time to time, the Extraordinary Association will send out some spirits and ideas from the Supreme Council for all the awakened to study carefully, and sometimes write some experiences and book reports, so that we can always remember that our awakened are all from the people , but also to serve the people, you must not be a fairy, devil, god and Buddha who is divorced from the masses and stands high above the people!"

Chu Ge said, "If you have the opportunity, you should also study together, deeply understand the spirit from the Supreme Council, and improve your ideological realm and awareness."

The little palace master nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing dozens of black market boxers being put into police cars, and the unruly ones a moment ago turned into pigs waiting to be slaughtered, she suddenly said, "The question just now was just a joke. Next, I really have a problem."

"Oh, tell me." Chu Ge also put on a serious face.

"Actually, do you really look down on us from the bottom of your heart?" the little palace master asked.


Chu Ge was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly, "Why, I think you are pretty good!"

"I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about the entire group of immortal cultivators, including our immortal cultivator world."

Little Palace Master said,

"You don't need to hide it, just tell the truth. In your heart, do you think our world of cultivating immortals is particularly barbaric and backward, and the cultivators are very cruel and stupid, unlike you people on earth, who are highly organized and strict? In society, with advanced technology and a complete education system, the vast majority of people can think in one direction and exert energy in one direction, can they create a splendid...'civilization'?"

Chu Ge scratched his head, and said embarrassingly: "Actually, we didn't 'think in one place, and work in one place'. There are also many conflicts between our eastern and western hemispheres, and there are many ethnic conflicts in the old age. There are many problems, such as dragging one's feet and talking about skinny, internal and external troubles!"

"But at least, in your opinion, it's much better than our world of cultivating immortals, isn't it?"

The little palace master said, "You must think that we immortal cultivators are all fools. Instead of researching and upgrading so many ancient techniques of immortality, we focus on individual cultivation, killing people and seizing treasures, everyone is in danger, and it becomes an internal conflict. The constant bloody jungle, just like the Middle Ages on your earth."

The little palace lord spoke so clearly that Chu Ge didn't know what to say.

He reluctantly nodded, and said: "This point really confuses me. Since you have such rich spiritual energy and resources, and the superb technology of the ancient immortal way, including nano-robots and strong artificial intelligence, it stands to reason that, An advanced and enlightened social, economic and political system should also be developed. Why is it... like a melee between warlords, everyone occupying a hill, killing each other, fighting to the death?

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't look down on you, I just thought that if the advanced system of the earth can be introduced into the world of cultivating immortals, so that the majority of cultivators can understand the principle of 'serving the people is serving themselves', deeply understand the spirit, and establish the correct Three views, with a lofty awareness, the future of both the world of cultivating immortals and the earth will definitely become better!"

The little palace master laughed.

"I believe that you sincerely hope that the two worlds can be peaceful, and that each other's future will be better."

The little palace lord looked at Chu Ge and said, "You are such a good person."

Chu Ge blushed even more, and said in embarrassment: "No, I'm actually not a good person..."

"But I still don't like your preaching face." The little palace master changed the subject and said quietly.

Chu Ge was stunned: "Huh?"

"Do you think the system of the earth is very advanced?" the little palace master asked.

"At least it is more advanced than the system in the world of cultivating immortals!" Chu Ge said unconvinced.

"The so-called 'advanced system' in which everyone on earth is equal and the strong serve the weak is based on nothing more than two foundations."

The little palace master pointed to the battle scene in front of him and said, "First, the strong are not too strong. Even the peerless strong will still be threatened by hot weapons. If there is no belief in victory, then the weak can also use crowd tactics to kill the strong.

"Secondly, ordinary people who have no power to restrain a chicken are still of some use to the strong, whether it's frying fried dough sticks, singing or dancing, they can always contribute a little bit of insignificant combat power.

"But what if those two preconditions don't hold?

"The reason why you are able to capture these black boxers flauntingly today and show off the authority of the so-called alliance is simply because they are not strong enough.

"If they can flatten a mountain with a single punch; or have a flying sword that can take people's heads thousands of miles away; Bury yourself with them, what do you do? Will you insist on putting them to death at all costs? If there are hundreds of thousands of casualties during the arrest process, your authorities can bear this price, without downfall?

"If your technology continues to develop, artificial intelligence technology, nano-robot technology, and automated production lines will become popular, just like there are a large number of puppets and automatic smelting furnaces in the world of cultivating immortals. , can be refined into a panacea, when the time comes, your ordinary people will be useless at all, and will only waste food, and your laws will protect them and waste precious resources on them?"

The smile on Chu Ge's face disappeared inch by inch.

The question raised by the little palace lord was also something he had been thinking about for the past few days.

Originally there was only a vague question mark, but after being analyzed by the little palace master in a few words, it became clear.


Chu Ge said, "No matter how insignificant, ordinary people are always useful."

"If there is a kind of psychic puppet—or as you call it, a 'robot', which can skillfully and perfectly fry fried dough sticks, then what is the use of fried fried dough sticks?" the little palace master asked.

"Then he can do other jobs!" Chu Ge said.

"What if other jobs are also occupied by robots?"

The little palace master said, "Even, the so-called technology has developed to a level that ordinary people can't understand at all—just like us people in the world of cultivating immortals, it is impossible to understand the mysteries of the ancient immortal way, even if you learn it for a hundred years, a thousand years It’s impossible to understand, so what’s the use of them?”

Chu Ge scratched his head hard.

"Anyway, the situation in our world of cultivating immortals is like this. There are strong men who can cover the sky with one hand and turn the rain and clouds. The so-called laws have no effect on them. They live in a daze like beasts, even if astronomical resources are invested in educating them for a hundred or a thousand years, it is still impossible to analyze the mysteries of the ancient immortal way."

The little palace master said indifferently, "Most of the cultivation sects have psychic puppets, highly intelligent flying swords, furnaces, and various magic weapons. Except for the necessary servants and slaves, there is no need to contact the people at all, let alone care about their lives.

"So, I don't know how your so-called 'advanced system of the earth' will work in the world of cultivating immortals.

"What I'm more worried or curious about is that if your earth's technology continues to develop like this, you will face drastic changes in the recovery of spiritual energy. It won't be long before your ordinary people may be completely useless, and the strong will become stronger than the laws and regulations. The extent to which the military is ineffective against him.

"Hehe, how will you deal with it when the time comes? Perhaps, when the 'advanced system of the earth' falls apart, you will learn from the world of cultivating immortals and learn from our advanced experience. Don't worry, I will have nothing reserved."

The little palace lord smiled slightly and winked at Chu Ge.

After more than half a month of recovery and adaptation, this daughter of the Nascent Soul finally revealed her full appearance.

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