Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1007: Dragon and Phoenix

Even, not only the dozens of golden immortals who entered the deserted land, but also the golden immortals of the other factions in the temple, there will probably be a large number of strengths that will skyrocket.

After all, there are really a lot of super powers and half-step immortality in Abandoned Land. As long as they find an existence that conforms to the laws of their avenues, let them attach the laws to their avenues and advance to immortality, these golden immortals' cultivation bases will follow. The tide is rising.

In addition to this, the most important point is that no matter whether these super powers and half-step immortality in Abandoned Land conform to the golden fairy law of various factions, they will not affect their proving.

After returning to Biluo, several ancestors will single out the strong ones who have practiced the evil ways and evil ways that contain negative laws. Even if the others are not attached to the golden celestial avenues of various factions, they can still rely on the Biluo Heavenly Way to advance.

As long as they are approved by the Dao of Heaven, they will not only allow Biluo to gain a large number of immortal powerhouses, but also strengthen Biluo's origin.

Even if these guys finally fell in the battle, their laws will not dissipate out of thin air, but will become one of the backgrounds of the blue sky. In the future, they may be inherited by a cultivator, and it is possible to directly achieve immortality.

As for those super powers who have practiced the magic way and evil way, Bi Luo will also arrange for them to go to other worlds to advance.

After all, these are all powerful combat powers, and it is hard to pull them out of the deserted place, and it is impossible to let them leave without doing anything.

What's more, Biluo has occupied a lot of worlds in recent years, and can always pick out some suitable worlds for them to advance.

When the time comes, even if these guys want to be the masters of one world, they can follow them, as long as they help out when Bi Luo needs it!

When they are promoted to immortality and pin their own laws in a certain world, they will basically not choose to leave this star field again!

Otherwise, after leaving, the law will be constrained by the world, and it will be difficult to improve the cultivation level.

Only after achieving the eternal realm, can it be possible to break away from the world, free from the constraints of the world, and wander the void wantonly!

Of course, there is no need to do this, maybe for countless years, you will have feelings for that world for a long time, and there is no need to leave the world to explore the unknown danger!

Time has passed bit by bit during the discussions between you and Mighty. Although no strategy has been set in the end, several strategic directions have been drawn up.

Only waiting for those strong people who went to investigate return to Biluo and bring back specific news, they can make corresponding arrangements for the Wizarding World and the Bright God World!


The vast and endless starry sky of the universe is always filled with a mysterious and magnificent vast landscape, which makes people more and more fascinated by it!

On the edge of this starfield, a bright star with blue light lays across the void, dazzling and dazzling. It is far brighter than the surrounding stars, which are as small as gravel. It is like a bright moon than a fireflies. !

Suddenly, in the depths of the distant void, thousands of rays of light flew towards the big green star like hordes of meteors.

The magical treasures in the cave were shining with all kinds of auras, connected head to tail, quickly dipping through the void and coming to the world.


The solid boundary wall trembled lightly, opening a huge gap, allowing these thousands of cave worlds to fly in!

However, not all the magical treasures of the cave entered the Biluo boundary wall, and many of them circled around for a while, bypassing the Biluo, and flew away.

Among them are the dark palace of the fallen angels, the dark ark, and the cave sky of the blue side carrying the army of billions in the deserted land!

They will travel to different worlds and settle down temporarily.

Of course, the Fallen Angels will not choose to return to the Demon Realm. It’s just too far away. They haven’t built a space teleportation array in these years. The key is to go back now and face the inquiries of the other great demon kings and the entanglement of the major demon races. They feel troubled.

Since it has not yet decided whether to invite the demons to participate in the war, there is no need to go back during this period. It is better to find a world nearby to settle down temporarily. Anyway, with the current situation, the next war will not be too far away, and it is not worth going back. One trip!

Even the army of the Fallen Angels cannot enter Biluo casually, and the army of billions of powerful people in the Abandoned Land is even more unlikely to be allowed to enter!

Those super powers and half-step immortality are nothing more. Whether they are selected by various schools of gold or eternity, or those who have been specially selected by several ancestors with some peculiar skills to enter the Biluo promotion, there are all ancestors' restrictions. On the body.

Moreover, their strength is stronger and more restrictive to themselves. After being promoted to Immortality, they will let go of their obsessions, and will cherish the opportunity to practice in the big world even more. Coupled with the ever-increasing number, there is no worries about what they will do!

But the gods and supernatural powers in other Abandoned Lands are different. There are too many of these guys. Bringing all of them into Biluo will definitely cause chaos. There will definitely be some guys secretly hunting humans secretly. What's the use of killing them?

Therefore, the ancestors had already decided where they would stay in the future before the strong army in the deserted land was called out. First, they would look for a few worlds near Biluo to settle, and wait for the war to start again. Convenient to convene.

As for those powerhouses who majored in the Dao of the Devil and the Path of the Necromancy, they are directly sent to them through the teleportation array connected to the corresponding world, so that these powerhouses can be promoted to immortality in the world of the corresponding attributes!

Although Biluo also has strong people like the ghost ancestor Cangshan, and the existence of the Beiman ancestor, but what they cultivate is not a pure ghost road, strictly speaking, it still belongs to the Taoist line, but it is a different way.

What's more, the ghost ancestor has not opened up a complete land of reincarnation. At this stage, it is indeed not suitable to include too many necromantic powers, otherwise the Biluotiandao will be infected with the breath of death, but it will not be beautiful!

However, the dragon and phoenix clans entered the realm together with the various factions of Biluo.

As a result, these two great beast races were reinforcements invited by Bi Luo to send strong men to the Primordial Star Territory, and it was unreasonable to shut them out.

Furthermore, the human race and the dragon and phoenix races have been in alliance for a long time. Even though Biluo is a branch separated from the prehistoric ancestral realm, there is still a certain degree of connection in air, unless the two races are willing to risk their luck to bite back and violate the oath of the Great Dao. Risk, otherwise there will be basically no possibility of taking the opportunity to counterattack the blue sky.

What's more, the army from the dragon and phoenix clans is very powerful, but there is not even a strong one, but it has not yet reached the point of defeating Biluo!

As for the rebellion of the small group of phoenix descendants during the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, it does not represent the entire Phoenix family!

Besides, they have already accepted the punishment. The consequence of betrayal is to be wiped out. If none of them survives, the consequences are not serious!

However, the non-extinguishing mountain where the Phoenix family once inhabited the blue sky is still preserved for them, and it has not been occupied by a certain power as the resident of the mountain gate!

Therefore, after entering Biluo, the Phoenix clan quickly flew towards Buhuoshan Mountain under the guidance of the mighty power of the God of War Palace and settled down first.

The reason why it is led by the monks of the God of War is purely because the Fire Mountain is in the Southern Region. As the overlord of the Southern Region, the God of War must of course do its best as a landlord!

As for the dragon army, it is better to say that directly under the leadership of Ao Bing, the lord of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, he flew straight to the sea in a mighty manner.

A huge dragon army traverses a region along the way, and after entering the sea, it looks like a dumpling, one by one diving into the sea and disappearing!

The blue sea area is extremely vast, and it is said that these dragons, even if there are hundreds of millions of dragons, they will still be placed!

Ao Bing, the lord of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, is even more enthusiastic.

The Heavenly Dragon Realm finally arrived with a few good fortune ancestors and many other people, so he naturally wanted to entertain him.

Therefore, not only the dragon tribes who occupy various sea areas under their subordinates came to entertain these tribesmen, but they also deliberately ordered those handsome and mighty male real dragons and many slender female dragons to dress up so that they can show their own advantages. , I hope to be able to fascinate some of the same clan and expand the strength of Biluo.

To be honest, the Biluolong clan does have a lot of room for development.

After all, this is a big world, and the sea is extremely vast. Although it is not comparable to the four large seas of the ancestral realm, and the vast sea of ​​the Heavenly Dragon Realm, it is also more vast than the sea of ​​the ordinary large world.

It's just that although the East Sea Dragons stood in the right team during the Great Tribulation Period, they have always been advancing and retreating with the human monks, but this also caused them to be suppressed by all walks of life during the Great Tribulation, causing them to suffer heavy losses.

Although several ancestors took good care of the dragons after the Great Tribulation, the dragons' ability to reproduce is really limited. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and their populations are still dissatisfied!

Thousands of true dragons may seem like a lot at first glance, but in fact they are distributed over hundreds of millions of miles in the sea, which is really not worth mentioning.

Even now, there are still many Shui clan great monsters who survived the Great Tribulation Period occupying one side, and they are not obedient to discipline. There are also many demon kings with powerful and powerful subordinates who segregate a sea area and become kings on their own.

This made Ao Bing, the lord of the Dragon Palace, often lamented that they have vast sea areas, but they can't control all of them. Although there are many shrimp soldiers and crabs under his command, they can't always rely on these shrimp soldiers and crabs to fight in all directions.

If it were not for the human race, and several good fortune ancestors of the human race made it clear that the sea area was under the jurisdiction of the dragon family, so that the other monster kings in the sea would not dare to mess around. Snatch the throne of the lord of the sea.

Therefore, Ao Bing not only wants to use the force of the billions of dragons and several good fortune dragon ancestors to deter the sea monster king, but also wants to lure as many young and powerful dragons as possible to stay and help them open their branches and leaves. Increase ethnicity.

Anyway, they belong to the dragon family. Although they are the one from the East China Sea, they are not incapable of mixing with the other branches, as long as the descendants of the born are pure-blood dragons!

In order to multiply his own family group, this old dragon king is considered to be willing to go out. Not only has he gathered all of the Donghai dragon clan who have never been married, but even the princesses of his family are also well-dressed, often dragging them to various banquets and playing In the name of entertaining the same clan in the Tianlong Realm, it actually held a son-in-law recruitment.

Regarding these, Ao Hao and several other great ancestors of good fortune and other dragons naturally knew what he meant, but they were happy to see it.

The most indispensable thing in the Heavenly Dragon Realm is the true dragons of various races. It is not harmful to be saved by him. Even the Heavenly Dragon Realm itself often migrates small branches to the outside world, in order to occupy the territory in more worlds and develop and grow. .

It's just that among the princesses of Ao Bing, the youngest one still wears two Bao Baotou on top of his head, looking at the innocent and cute little dragon girl who looks like a five or six-year-old girl from the human race. Pulling into it, this made Ao Na and other ancestors a little bit dumbfounded.

Of course, Ao Bing is just pulling his little daughter to make up the number, and it is not enough to marry such a cute little daughter now. If anyone really dares to beat the little dragon girl, he will definitely be beaten!

With the return of the ancestors and cultivators of various factions, especially the entry of the dragon and phoenix forces, it immediately attracted the attention of all the cultivators in the Five Regions.

Since the ancient catastrophe, although the dragon clan is still there, it can only be seen by chance in the sea, and the phoenix clan has become extinct. The vast majority of monks have only heard of the name of the dragon and the phoenix, and have never seen the dragon and the phoenix in real life.

Now that he suddenly entered the army of hundreds of millions of dragons and phoenixes in the world, how could this not surprise the monks everywhere?

But no one was scared.

Because long before the expedition army returned, the news that the dragon and the phoenix had come to help each other had come back, and the monks from all over the five regions had already known it.

Coupled with the great victory this time, with the help of the Dragon and Phoenix races, not only defeated the coalition forces of all races, but also defeated the Angel Legion of the Bright God Realm in one fell swoop, beheading several strong fortune!

As soon as the news came out, Biluo's practice world immediately boiled over, and countless monks were elated and cheered for this great victory.

Those monks who had returned from the expedition, whether they were in the Zongmen or Fangshi, as long as they were recognized by others, they would immediately surround a large group of people, and they would talk about each other and explain the various fierce battles during the expedition.

Even if the ordinary young monks have limited eyesight, they can't see the battle scenes that are too far away, but this still can't obliterate the enthusiasm of countless monks in the spiritual world!

The excitement belonging to the monks at the bottom continued, and as the events of one war after another were spread out, countless hot topics were aroused.

Especially the fact that the ancestors of the Spring and Autumn Academy Shan Chang Gongsun Cuo went to the original star to invite reinforcements from the dragon and phoenix tribes, and to summon the army of billionaires in the deserted land to participate in the war. The spread of the uproar.

Of course, Qin Feng, the Golden Immortal who originally proposed the proposal, was inevitably moved out, making him once again a hot topic among countless monks!

This kind of lively scene has been soaring until the good news comes out from the family sects, one after another sects have monks promoted, or there are various visions of the Dao, this kind of lively atmosphere has once again risen to a new one. Steps.

The gathering places are full of people coming and going. The monks who used to be in retreat for many years can't sit still anymore. They often miss the gathering places and discuss all kinds of good news happily.

Because, in the next few years, there were too many visions of immortality of the preaching, so many monks from all over the world were too lazy to spread it wildly. Instead, they used each domain as the place to compare which domain to preach the Dao in recent years. The number of strong people is greater.

This kind of comparison, until dozens of sects successively reported that Jinxian ancestors broke through the shackles and advanced to eternity, and finally reached the true culmination. The entire Biluo practice world can be described as a boiling anti-yingtian!

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