Red Rebels

Chapter 312: crazy for money

Chapter 312: Thinking About Money And Crazy

Those who are familiar with the Europa League know very well that the transfer market is a brutal battlefield!

If the league is a battle, then the transfer market is an arms race before the battle. The introduction of star players that are urgently needed by the opponent can not only attack the opponent, but also strengthen its own strength.

This is what the giants do today!

Who is Europe's hottest transfer superstar this summer?

Beckham was unquestionably elected by Manchester United to launch the transfer market!

The team most likely to get Beckham is undoubtedly Barcelona. Laporta imitated Florentino's campaign strategy and used Beckham as the campaign capital. Manchester United, in order to be the first star in the team, To the market, even chose to sign an agreement with Laporta who has not yet been elected, which has been criticized by many people in the industry and fans!

Then came Ronaldinho of Paris Saint-Germain. He attracted the attention of teams including Manchester United, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Chelsea. The Brazilian was destined to join the giants this summer, and the parent company was in critical condition. Paris Saint-Germain could not keep this great **** at all. The only suspense was, where would he go?

Abramovich's entry into Chelsea has brought in hundreds of millions of transfer fees. They will undoubtedly be the focus of the most shining transfer market except Beckham and Ronaldinho. The difference is that Who can they attract to join Chelsea?

Xiao Yu is undoubtedly the person who knows Abramovich's ambitions best. He knows that Chelsea will definitely do it this year, but history is different from his previous life.

The most obvious is Real Madrid. After renewing his contract with Makelele, Real Madrid followed up with Hierro and Bosque to retain Morientes. At the same time, it also directed the target of recruitment to the central defender and the organizational midfielder.

As for bidding for Ronaldinho and Beckham, the former is undoubtedly a strategy of Florentino, and so far, Xiao Yu has not seen it very well.

There is no doubt that Beckham can play an organized midfield position, but his price is as high as 25 million pounds. In today's football, there are not many teams that can get this money. Real Madrid can barely take it out. But they have to give up the backcourt signing and sell a few stars at the same time.

Laporta took advantage of David Beckham's fame and gained a lot of momentum in the election. However, the Barcelona board has announced that Barcelona has reached 98 million euros in debt so far this season. There is simply not so much money to introduce Beckham. And Cruyff also commented in the column that Beckham did not have the ability to play in Barcelona.

"Unless Barcelona's board wants the team to play an English-style long pass next season, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to understand the need to introduce Beckham. I think what the team needs most next season is the defense, the middle Field and winger! "

In the column, Cruyff also named two Brazilians, Deco and Red Reunion Junior Juninho. He believes that both players have the ability to play in Barcelona, ​​the former performed very well in Porto Excellent, although the latter has never had experience playing in the top league, but his ability is not lost to Deco at all, and he still has an amazing positioning ball technique.

As for the winger, Cruyff focused on Lisbon's Quaresma. He believes that the Portuguese star will be the best successor of Figo. Barcelona should take advantage of him while he has not yet established his fame. .

While the transfer market in Europe was bustling, the Beckhams were on vacation, and then they were going to Asia. Xiao Yu called him on the phone once, but Beckham was obviously reluctant to talk about the transfer, but Said that this matter would be left to the agent to let Xiao Yu not worry too much.

Although that was the case, Xiao Yu felt very unworthy of Beckham.

To this end, he specifically criticized Manchester United's deportation of Beckham in an interview with the media.

"As I have emphasized before, the transfer of players is normal, and the club has to push a player to the transfer market in exchange for a lot of cash for referrals. This is understandable, but I want to ask Manchester United Board of Directors, why exactly does Laporta sign a transfer agreement with you? "

Having said that, Xiao Yu suddenly laughed.

"Is he President of Barcelona?"

The reporter shook his head.

"Oh, I remember, he's just one of the candidates for the chairman. If he signed an agreement with Beckham privately, then I can understand that because it's normal, it happens almost every day, but what I don't think is, This kind of thing will happen to Manchester United. Can it be considered that Manchester United is worried that no one wants their players, so they can't wait to shoot? "

"This is a very stupid business practice. They are destroying the value of Beckham. Now, Barcelona say they have no money. Cruyff said Barcelona do not need Beckham. Laporta signed with Manchester United. It is less and less likely that the agreement will work, what will Manchester United do at this time? "

"Discount, usually supermarkets do this for those products that cannot be sold!" The reporter answered with a smile.

Two months ago, Beckham's worth was 40 million pounds, and then hesitated at 30 million pounds, but now Manchester United has offered 25 million pounds, which is like a supermarket discount.

"Smart!" Xiao Yu praised him, but his face soon became serious. "But Beckham is not a commodity on the supermarket! He is a person, a living person. He is a superman developed by Manchester United himself. Star, is Manchester United this way to deal with the players they have cultivated? "

"If it is, then I will say, Manchester United, you **** want money and crazy!"

Xiao Yu's interview appeared on the front pages of many sports newspapers in England the next day. In particular, his abuse of Manchester United was more concerned by Manchester United fans. Some of them fanned Xiao Yu, but more of them kept silent. Some even support Xiao Yu.

Is Beckham wrong?

Manchester United official said that the reason the club decided to sell Beckham is that he put the loyalty to the club behind the national team and himself, ranking third. But many football commentators in England asked, you can come up with Is the evidence coming?

Obviously impossible, because the only evidence for Manchester United is that Beckham accepted the Queen's call during the injury, but that was the entire England national team to accept the call, as the captain, Beckham should have appeared.

What else?


Beckham did not associate with other teams for the transfer, nor did he publicly say he wanted to leave Manchester United, nor did he sign an agreement with a certain club.

He has made a raise, but who hasn't made any trouble in Manchester United?

He has also violated discipline, not to mention a big thorn like Keane. Even those far away Andy Cole, Cantona and others, who have not violated Ferguson's discipline, why did Ferguson forgive them?

All sighted people know that Manchester United needs money, Ferguson wants to re-organize the team and needs transfer fees, so they must sell the most valuable player in the team, who?

No doubt, Beckham!

This is normal. Xiao Yu feels that this is really normal. It is normal for the team to sell a star for money, but what is not normal is that Manchester United ’s brain is amused and he signed with Laporta. With such an agreement, is this what the giants should do?

But the most incredible thing is that they also proactively announced the existence of this agreement!

Xiao Yu didn't know if Abramovich had met Kenyon, nor did he know what kind of psychology existed in Kenyon's operation of Beckham's transfer, but there was no doubt that he committed One of the most fatal mistakes.

It is true to sell Beckham, what is wrong is to use this poor operation technique to sell the star player cheaply!

After Xiao Yu went out on the street in an exclusive interview, Manchester United officially made a statement admitting that the team did receive a quote from Spain, and the team is also considering accepting the offer.

This ambiguous statement was tantamount to indirectly acknowledging the existence of the agreement, and at the same time allowed Laporta to hold Beckham's banner high and win popularity for his campaign.

When Sky TV's football program put these two sets of black humorous scenes on the same television frame, Manchester United undoubtedly completely lost the image of the giants and became Laporta's campaign tool.

What else?

Once there are no giants to pay for Beckham, they can only discount it. According to rumors, Florentino told his relatives that if no one did, Manchester United may even sell Beckham for an ultra-low price of 10 million pounds. Um.

Because this is an imperative transfer!

If things happen to this point, if Beckham transfers, although Manchester United ’s reputation is damaged, he can still exchange some cash, but if Beckham does not transfer, then Manchester United is a loss of wealth and wealth. The reason why Manchester United criticized it so thoroughly is that their operation in this transfer is really too poor.

Florentino has great interest in this geeky fan, but he is still waiting patiently, he has to wait to see the farce of Barcelona and Manchester United, because he is very clear that Barcelona will not buy Beckham, Laporta is using Beckham to attract popularity for himself.

Barcelona really value Ronaldinho, but Florentino does not want Barcelona to easily get the star they want, so they are also interested in Ronaldinho, but also Deco and Xiaoru Ninho is interested.

These two La Liga superpowers have always had a tradition of fighting in the transfer market, especially this year!

Beckham clarified in the United States that he said he would not transfer to Barcelona. All rumors about his transfer to Barcelona were fabricated, and he has a contract with Manchester United!

Obviously, he is angry at the actions of Manchester United and Laporta and Cruyff's criticisms. Moreover, he does not feel that he is good at moving to Barcelona. This team cannot bear his type. Player, the team behind him told him clearly.

In this case, without going to Barcelona, ​​Beckham would only have two places to go, that is Real Madrid!

But Real Madrid was not in a hurry. After finalizing the renewal of Macclele and others, Florentino began to search for the central defender in the transfer market. The team began to negotiate with Rome, hoping to get Samuel .

The Argentine's performance in Serie A is very coveted. His introduction will also greatly improve Real Madrid's defense strength, but his price is very high. Rome suddenly set a sky high of 30 million euros. This price is similar to Beckham Now the market price is similar.

This made Florentino hesitate because he never paid such a high price for the central defender. Moreover, he was faced with a choice. Once he paid Samuel for a sky-high price, it meant that Real Madrid would have no money to buy Baker. Ham.

Is it Samuel or Beckham?

Florentino is embarrassed! 2k novel reading network

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