“Emilia! Hey, Emilia!” Amid the noisy voices of the shelter, a young man called to the woman who had just walked in.

Emilia turned her head, holding the certificate that she had just shown to the police to register in her hand, looking around in confusion. The space of the shelter is filled with messy metal cots. Each bed is filled with two or three people in tattered clothes. The air is full of various smells. This is really not a place that fits Emilia’s identity.

Emilia finally saw the person who called her, a staff member of the asylum.

The police confirmed her identity, and ordered a sentence to be careful to keep the private items away, so she no longer cares about her and continues to check other people. Emilia walked towards the man and glanced across the crowded and messy asylum. “What’s the matter?”

“Emilia! Where is Harrison?! Have you seen him? “The man is a little anxious.

Emilia frowned. This is why she came here. She came to see her boyfriend. Obviously she was going to be disappointed. “No, isn’t he here?”

“no! He is not here! He has not been here since yesterday afternoon! Do you know where he is?!”

There was a chaos in Emilias heart, “Oh, he I’m not very comfortable. I was resting yesterday. I thought he was better today and came back to work.”

“No! He didn’t come!” The man looked excited, “Damn it!”


Emilia looked at the man in front of him, frowning, “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“The two detectives are going to see him!” The man pointed to the man in the office. The direction, “I want to say something about the control, but he has not been there! No one answers the phone at home!”

Amelia looked at the policeman at the door who kept checking people in and out, frowned. , “Is this what they are talking about?”

The man pouted, nodded.

Emilia glanced in disgust at the policeman controlling the entrance and exit of the shelter, “This is a shelter, not a prison! These people are homeless people, not prisoners! They have no right to do this. Do! Harrison won’t allow it!”

The man shook his head helplessly, “Yes. Harrison won’t allow it, then where is he?”

After complaining, the man feels boring. What else can he do besides complaining? The boss’s silhouette is not there, what the police are going to do, they have no ability to stop it!

Emilia walked towards the office with anger.

This is the only vagrancy shelter in Barton. It was originally a warehouse built to facilitate road transportation when Barton City was first framed. Then the city planning gradually became scientific. After Bache developed, all the warehouses Moved north to the warehouse area around the port of Massa. There are many abandoned empty warehouses next to Becky.

This is what used to be a warehouse in the outermost periphery of Becky, which was converted into a shelter. So it still retains the warehouse structure. There is actually only one floor, and you can see the 4-Layer high ceiling from the lobby.

Up the stairs against the wall, 2-Layer is just a section of platform protruding from the side wall. Emilia stepped up the stairs, walked to the office partitioned by composite panels, and opened the door.

“Who gave you this right…”

James turned his head and looked at Emilia in a daze, “Doctor? Why are you here?”


Emilia looked at the young detective who had sat silently with herself for three hours the night before, opened her mouth and frowned, “I have a better question, why are you here? !”

She has a bad impression of James, first impression, everyone already knows. You can imagine the three-hour treatment time.

Emilia: “Lets talk about the task you performed first.”

James looked at her and was silent.

Emilia: “Then let’s talk about your family, how do you feel as the son of the general.”

James continued to look at her, silent.

Emilia: “Lets talk about Barton. This is the easternmost city in the Federation, and it is also a very young city. Do you have any thoughts on the city?”


“So, what are your living habits? Are there any problems? Have you met any new friends? I know you have a girlfriend. Let’s talk about her…”

Three hours of silence, accompanied by the sound of raindrops.

What makes Emilia disgusting is that silence is a common process in the first psychotherapy. In addition to being able to constantly test topics that could pry James’ mouth open, she couldn’t come to any actual diagnosis, and she could no longer accuse James of not cooperating with the treatment… She could only accompany the other party.

James frowned and quickly said to his partner Coulson, “This is my psychotherapist, Dr. Browning.”

Coulson raised his eyebrows and looked I looked at Emilia, who was obviously unkind, then looked at the name tag on the empty desk, laughed, “Doctor, are you Harrison Ted?”

Emily Asia frowned.

Coulson shook his head and smiled, “It doesn’t seem to be anymore, so what do you do?”

Amelia looked at Coulson, then James. The two detectives have completely different body languages, Coulson is very comfortable, and James obviously does not want to appear here. Regardless of Coulson’s question, she went to the desk and sat down like a master, “I see my boyfriend, is there any problem, detective.”

“That’s right.” Coulson found his partner frowned and pursed his mouth. It seemed to be useless. Understandably, James called and scolded him after the’treatment’ that day.

Coulson smiled, “Do you know where Harrison is now?”

Emilia sorted out the things on her boyfriend’s table familiarly and took a look Coulson, “Why do you ask, I don’t think this kind of privacy needs to be told to strangers casually.”

Coulson twitched his lips, “Okay doctor, you know we are not strangers, we are police detectives “He pointed at James who was sitting next to him with a mocking smile, “This is still your patient. Don’t you just chat with your psychotherapy? Let’s just chat.”

The corner of Miria’s eyes twitched, and Coulson’s impression in her heart was already at the bottom, and she was another policeman who belittled her professionalism!

“Hmm.” Emilia looked towards Coulson, “You are detectives and my patients, so I know you are detectives of the murder team.” Her tone was really not How friendly, there are too many things entangled in the heart.

Prevent everyone from forgetting that Emilias boyfriend Harrison is a ghoul. Added, very hungry ghoul. To add, the very hungry ghouls whereabouts unknown. Finally, add that there are two ghouls waiting for the murder team detectives in the office.

“Am I being interrogated.” Emilia’s gaze shifted from Coulson and placed it on James’ face.

Coulson twitched his lips, profile character, is a detective profession. Unfortunately, this is also the profession of a psychologist, so Coulson naturally regarded this as a deliberate embarrassment caused by Emilia’s bad impression of James.

Coulson laughed reluctantly. It was an explanation, “Of course not, just ask casually, hehe.” Does he think this is Emilias unprofessional behavior, misusing the patients private information and making Doctor-patient conflict.

Coulson has never looked down upon the profession of a psychologist. He waved his hand in a casual tone, “You also watched the news. Now that the police are tense, we will be transferred to use it. Now we need to talk to your boyfriend.” Coulson turned his head to the outside of the office. The first floor signaled, “Our police impossible to leave these people alone, and their safety also needs to be guaranteed.”

Coulson is polite, to protect the safety of these homeless people? It is more to prevent fugitives from being mixed into these confused people! The rolling news throughout the day put a lot of pressure on the Barton Police Department.

Emilia relaxed, at least for now, there are no damaged bodies in the shelter…

But immediately, she frowned again. The original intention of her coming up was because this forced restriction made her angry, “You have no right to do this kind of thing, they…”

It was James who interrupted Emilia. Now, this guy who kept pursing his mouth and not talking looked at Emilia, “You are not a staff member of the asylum, we dont need to explain to you.”

Coulson raised his eyebrows and looked At a glance at his partner, if it was Coulson himself, he would never say that, but emphasized that in order to protect the safety of other people and obtain the other’s approval. But James’s directness was unexpectedly effective, and Emilia was choked and shut her mouth.

The three people in the office fell silent, all for the purpose of appearing alone.

Emilia cleaned up the desk, cleaned up the bookcase, wiped the table, swept the floor, to the trash…

The three of them never showed up.

James watched Emilia, who was constantly ignoring their existence in the office, acting freely, a kind of aggrieved emotion that was’treated’ poured out. He twitched his lips, “Lets go, its a waste of time here! We have more important things to do.” Coulson twitched his lips, the control has actually been implemented, and they are here for it. It is to “notify” the Chief-In-Charge of the shelter. Waiting for a real waste of time, following James, still handed out a business card, “If your boyfriend shows up, please let him notify us.”

Emilia wrinkled He took the business card with an eyebrow, and watched the two detectives leave the office and go downstairs. Nervously returning again, Emilia picked up the phone in the office, dialed the phone of her boyfriend’s home, and waited anxiously.

“Im Harrison, Im not here now, please leave a message.”

Emilia hung up the phone, her lips opened and closed softly and kept saying,” Where are you?! Don’t do anything stupid! Harrison!” Now lets think about a nauseating question, where does the ghouls’food’ supply come from? Let us think objectively about this question. When most people choose to send the dead to the incinerator, the cemetery is taken back by the city government for redevelopment. In such an era, where will the ghouls who need corpses to maintain their shape look for? food’.

Amelia looked towards the crowded tramp outside below through the office window.

“He won’t!” She shook her head.

Everyone still doesn’t know what kind of person Harrison is, but let us believe in the city that the Hayate, Zach, Benjamin, and Anthony have cleaned up together. Please trust his girlfriend’s judgment and accept the assumption that he will not kill those innocent, still alive tramps.

“Grand!” Emilia exhaled softly, she seemed to be sure of this judgment, “It must be a vampire in the southern district! They have the only cemetery!”

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