Wes sat at James desk, boringly flipping through James private items, while the one side James sat at Coulsons desk, not at all mind.

“You still have this.” Wes laughed, and pulled out a dagger under a pile of papers in the drawer. This is a military dagger, with dense hook teeth on the back of the knife, used for bleeding. Once in close combat, this will be the life-saving mechanism for soldiers, used to quickly resolve approaching enemies and switch back to hot weapons.

“I didn’t think you used this one yesterday, I thought you lost it.” Wes looked at James, turning the dagger in his hand casually.

James expression is not good, there is fatigue, and there are other things. He lowered his voice, “Yesterday the dagger was specially made with silver in it, yes…” James frowned, “Those things.” His eyes swept all around, the police station was as usual, people coming, people going , James didnt say anything that didnt fit the environment. “Its very useful.”

Weiss nodded, watching James seemed to remember something, he took a spherical shape from his belt The metal gadget quickly stuffed it into his drawer, and made a “don’t tell me” expression to my friend.

Wes nodded, with a swipe of his hand in the drawer, what James just put in was blocked by messy documents. But Wes still asked in a low voice curiously, “What is this?”

“Grenade.” James answered with a sullen face.

James is not an idiot, how could he run to the devil as an undercover agent unprepared. Therefore, he took advantage of his own power to’take’ some bauble from the evidence department in case of emergency.

Remember the weapons found in their makeshift base after Ravenchs hunters were arrested on charges of murdering Ryan? James also used this as evidence in court and convicted Ravench’s death.

Unfortunately, I have seen the damage (Second Volume, Chapter 30) that this thing can cause with my own eyes, but James didn’t dare to use it. There’s nowhere to use it. How about bombing Zac? There is also Aili, who doesn’t know the details, and Chester, who doesn’t know the life and death of Zac, James dare not use it.

“Welcome to my hometown.” Wes looked at James and suddenly laughed.

James glanced at Wes and punched him, feeling better.

After being forcibly ended the mission last night, when he returned to the police station with Jasons entire group, James had already explained to his friends Zacs identity and his encounters after he came to Barton. Vampires, werewolves, demons, changers…Of course, there is Mayor Anthony.

Weiss occasionally shook his head when he heard it, and occasionally another expression of sudden realization, and finally gave a summary,’I grew up in this place. ‘

So, when Wes now uses the term “hometown” to mean Barton, James has a feeling that he is not alone, which Chapman cannot give.

Coulson hurried back to his desk, pushed James who occupied his desk, “Don’t touch me for breakfast!” Then he took something and ran away hurriedly.

Wes cast a glance at Coulson, “What else is he busy with?”

The case is over. Jason and the others were interrogated all night. Everything they asked about has been recorded. In exchange for testimony, they obtained an agreement to exonerate the crime.

Of course, Gangelo’s enchanting pupil is still working, so some things are said by James and Weiss. This is half a lie, but under Zac’s half-concealed explanation, James has at least understood that the top of the fight club is not something human police can deal with. So I used a public face to fill the question mark on the display board.

Accordingly, the work on the Barton Police Department has been completed. Because after all, it was Newton who really wanted to catch that question mark, not Barton. The Barton Police Department is here to prevent things from becoming as bad as Newton. As for the portraits on the wanted list, I can only hope that no one really grows like that.

James glanced at the exhausted Coulson all over, lowered his voice, “He still has things, he needs to figure out the real purpose of Newton.” James frowned, Cologne He approves of the Secretary’s double undercover operation, and even he already knows that the devil is actually controlling the Newton Police Station.

“What’s the use?” Wes shook his head, “That’s their Newton’s business.”

James didn’t quite understand, but between the chief and the detective It’s too much difference, he is not going to guess his boss’s thoughts, as long as Coulson is still in Barton and it is safe, he doesn’t care.

The phone rang.

James watched the phone on Coulson’s desk tremble slightly because of the ringing, he hesitated, he was not as casual as Coulson, but he still answered the phone, “Detective Coulson’s Phone.”

“Uh.” The other person was taken aback, then laughed, “Detective Lance! Is that you?”

James frowned and thought of it This is the voice of the’general’, “What’s the matter with you. Coulson is busy, no time.” For no reason, James wanted to hang up, even if it was Coulson’s informant.

“Detective Lance!” The’General”s tone was not affected by James’ indifference at all. “Seth is back, how is it, are your things going well?”

James’ face darkened, and when he came out of the room last night, Seth was already standing at the door, frowning and saying,’Zac is right, saint we can’t beat. ‘Then I didn’t know what was in the air (Dylan) while explaining what a saint was, while disappearing into the night. James only vaguely heard one name,’Moses’.

“You wait.” James put the receiver aside. Of course he understood that the’general’ was reminding him,’I just did something for Coulson, and Coulson should pay him back. ‘, so James tugged at the corner of his mouth and turned and caught up with him while walking upstairs while muttering to himself and so on Coulson.

“The’General’ is looking for you.”

Coulson glanced at James, snorted, ran back and picked up the phone, “What!”

I don’t know what was said on the receiver, Curson curl one’s lip, “Get someone to send a photo! You still want me for this shit!” He hung up the phone and ran away.

“Hey! How long shall we stay here?” James shouted at Coulson.

Coulson waved his hand impatiently, “Ask the boss.”

James really didnt want to stay in this place anymore, he waved to Wes, and Coulson Run to the upper floor together.

The Chief of Cologne did not leave the police station overnight. The testimony of Jason and the others will be reviewed by him, and the news about Cologne from the Newton police station will be summarized by him. Come, he is busier than everyone else.

James knocked on the door of the director’s office, got a response, and opened the door.

Cologne glanced at the son of the general, then returned to the document in front of him, “The people in Grande in the Southern District have already withdrawn.”

James He frowned. After he returned, he immediately heard of the’accident’ in the southern district. The owner of Grande’s house pierced the police station car and left Grande for no reason. The vampire really didn’t leave much room for James, he had to disclose to the director Grande’s identity as his informant.

It’s just that the director of Cologne looked at James a little strange.

Think about it, its not difficult for the police to know the relationship between’General’ and Coulson, because Coulson used to be a patrolman in that area, and he arranged it specially when the southern part was the most chaotic. Patrol police patrolled and protected the site of the’General’.

But the relationship between James and Grande, apart from being limited to private communication, not at all left any trace. According to common sense, the two are fundamentally impossible. So it is conceivable that Cologne was very surprised when he heard that the son of the general had a cooperative relationship with the once-famous “cleaner” in Barton City.

Oh, by the way, Cleaner, meaning that if there is something unclean, such as a corpse, that needs to be cleaned up or disappeared, look for two old fogeys from Grande.

But now, Grande doesn’t seem to be in the previous business anymore, and it’s changed a bit like Repet (Novel), and all he takes is high-end business. Cologne can’t tell whether this is better or worse. He just knows that it’s better not to offend these guys. After all, they are competitive.

Yes, Nuo’s relationship with the police is higher than that of the’general’!

“Me and Wes.” James really didn’t want to answer, “Can you go now? The witness’s testimony is almost over.”

“En.” Cologne He glanced at James and said, “This task was completed very well. I look at you very differently. Let’s take a good rest today.”

There is a trace of depression in James’ chest, “Very well done.” ? He really doesn’t know what he has accomplished! As soon as he touched the door, he was broken into and Zac ended the entire mission, and it had nothing to do with Jason and the others to testify honestly.

Weiss has already detailed what Zach said to Jason before James came. The vampire apparently used the conflict in another case as a psychological pressure to force Jason’s entire group to change its position. James really didnt think he contributed a little bit to the whole case…

“About my report.” James decided to make his heart feel better, that is, to make some real contributions. “At the Hermann factory, the transferred paper…”

The Cologne chief waved his hand and frowned, “Forget about that.”

Zhan Max was stunned.

Cologne lifts the head, looking at James, “You better not let my slight affection for you disappear.” Cologne shook his head, “Let me ask you something. You Have you got that piece of paper?”

James shook his head.

Cologne continued to ask, “Do you know what’s on it?”

Shaking his head.

“Aili and Chester, did we catch these two people?”

Shaking his head.

Cologne looked at James, snorted, “Herman told the police that he had lost something?”

James frowned and shook his head.

“You can go now.”

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