Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 557: gift (1)

The bouquet was taken by Princess Fisna, symbolizing the end of the wedding ceremony. But the wedding did not end there, and there was one more important thing to do next.

Guest gift.

Giving gifts is an inevitable part of celebrations, but different celebrations have different timings for giving gifts. For example, in birthday celebrations, the celebration officially begins after the guests present gifts; on the contrary, in weddings, it is only after the wedding ceremony is completed that the gifts are presented.

Of course, no matter if the gift comes before or after, the last part of the celebration must be the same banquet anyway.

A good meal is an essential part of the celebration, whether on Earth or in the fantasy world it travels through.

As for Trela's wedding, gifts from the guests before the banquet can make the wine sweeter and the dishes more delicious, greatly enhancing the gourmet level of the meal.

Sanyu was the first to present the gift. As an excellent chef, what he gave was a condiment.

About twenty kilograms, not a lot, but high quality.

"The broth powder obtained by magic drying at room temperature," he said. "Only three percent is needed to turn the water into a rich chicken soup."

Jenny looked at the large package of sealed powder with interest and asked, "How does it taste compared to ordinary chicken soup?"

Sanyu smiled disdainfully: "On this continent, no one's skill in stewing soup can compare to me!"

That's for sure, relying on the cheating method of improving his occupation and skills with experience points, his chef level has reached an unimaginable level 40, and his cooking skill level is so high that it can be described as "crazy".

If he now travels to the world of "Spirit of OO" or "One of OO", presumably the dishes he made can already emit a beam of light when they are out of the pot, which can last for at least a few hours; let alone a taste , even if you only smell the aroma, you will directly burst your clothes.

In contrast, Sanyu's own skill "weapon master" level is not high, even lower than the average level of the guild.

After all, the experience value is limited, and it is impossible to do both. For the president of "Crossing the Earth", the chef is his specialty, as for the rest, it is nothing more than a leisure time pastime.

After more than three years, Panda also gave him a gift.

"The Heart of the Star? This is a good thing!" Praet said happily, "If I want to make a giant soldier in the future, I don't have to worry about the power source!"

Panda nodded with a smile, and looked at Princess Feishna out of the corner of his eye.

She held the bunch of flowers and smiled happily, completely ignoring the conversation here.

It's fine if she doesn't pay attention, if she hears this, she might be in trouble.

Immediately, Panda realized his mistake.

How can there be trouble? No one in this world knows about the Giant God Soldier. When it reappears, it doesn't matter if they know it or not...

Jenny didn't know the "Star Heart". She looked at the golden-red gem that was the size of a human head and continuously emitted light and heat, and asked in surprise, "Is this the legendary star core fragment? How big is it?"

"This is the complete 'star core'," Praet explained. "The fragment of the star core is the product of its fragmentation."

"Then it must be precious?"

"There are probably only a few in the world... Maybe this is the only one." Prett said.

Jenny was taken aback. She didn't expect that this gem, which doesn't seem to be particularly amazing, would be so cherished!

However, she was destined to be startled many times today, because many of the gifts sent by the travelers were extremely cherished.

For example, the dwarf Loma Bronzebeard presented a black sledgehammer decorated with gold, which was a forging tool produced by the holy mountain of dwarves in the extreme northern snow field, where the stone is harder than iron. The masters of the dwarves used the underground flames to forge the essence of the mountain, and it often took five or six years to make such a hammer. And because the masters do not necessarily make this, from ancient times to the present, the number of forging hammers that have actually been made is actually very small. Often only a master grows up, the masters of the predecessors will make such a hammer for him. Forging hammer.

Its name is "Hundred Refinements Diamond Hammer".

Pratt happily weighed the hammer and waved it a few times, his eyes full of joy.

"It's not easy to find, how did you get it?" he asked.

"I bought it from a dwarf master." Loma replied, "I brought a piece of your work. After the master appreciated it, he said that although you are not a dwarf, you are also qualified to have the Hundred Refinements Diamond Hammer. He sold me his hammer."

"Is it expensive?" Jenny asked.

"It's just a barrel of wine. What really convinced the master was Prett's work." Loma replied with a smile, without his usual vicious tongue.

The next person who gave a gift was Long Biao, the leader of the Homecoming Party, who was usually not interested in anything, and presented a huge lion skin, which was the legendary beast "Nemea Lion" raging in the south of the orc steppe. "skin.

Prett didn't recognize the origin of this animal skin at first, but when he took the animal skin from Jenny's hand and identified it, his face changed immediately.

"God! Isn't this the skin of the Nemea lion? You robbed the great cause of that cottage uncle B?" he asked in the chat channel.

"Anyway, there are all kinds of powerful monsters in the world. The hero Koles wants to make a fortune, and there are many goals that he can challenge, and he doesn't care about such a one."

"But... isn't this guy ineffective in physical attacks and 100% resistant to all magic?"

"We caught it alive and drowned in the water."

" guys are so strong!"

Legendary monsters are just monsters after all. Compared with the real legendary powerhouses, their biggest weakness is their lack of wisdom. I don't know how many ways the Homecoming faction thought about to capture this almost indestructible monster alive, and then drown it.

As for the method of peeling it, it is very simple. It is nothing more than starting from its mouth and cutting the inside of its body.

Pratt's attitude towards this animal skin was very solemn, which attracted the attention of Princess Fisna. She took a closer look at the huge lion skin, but did not see any clues - the appearance of the Nemea lion is similar to that of ordinary lions. There is no difference between the lions, except that they are bigger. In the World of Warcraft, many are bigger than it.

Of course, what the travelers sent were not only such extremely precious and rare gifts, but also those that were full of features or very practical.

For example, Volibear, the white bear, gave a pure white thick velvet vest, which is a special product of the bear family, called "white velvet vest". Long Biao's gift, but it is also practical - wearing this short vest, no matter how cold the weather is, you will not be frostbitten.

And the gift from Laobai, the pig man, is even more interesting. It is a big bag of diapers.

"It took me several months to purify diatomite with magic, and I managed to make a hundred or so, but the technology has been perfected, and if I need it in the future, it's not too much trouble to make some more." This bald fat man "Hopefully they can come in handy sooner."

Jenny didn't understand the use of something that looked a little like a trousers but a little bit smaller, until Pratt explained it to her in a low voice.

Then her face turned red, but she couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Lao Bai's triumphant appearance, everyone couldn't help but admire him.

To actually send diapers... It's really a shame this guy wants to!

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