Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 533: The martial arts ceremony begins

At the end of August, the weather was still hot, but it was quite cool on the day of the knight's tourney. The sun is shining, the cool breeze is mighty, and it actually feels quite a bit of golden autumn.

"As long as a group of magicians can temporarily change the climate from midsummer to mid-autumn, magic is so convenient!" Riding a heavy warhorse, Neckerhart did not carry a crossbow today, but carried a longbow, which was far away. Looking at the two flags about four or five miles ahead, "It's really extravagant to create such weather just for such a competition!"

"It can't be called luxury. After all, it's a contest between three hundred knights. It's a big battle!" Panda, dressed in gold-encrusted armor, looked like he was walking out of the COS venue. The men and their horses were all wearing heavy armor, and they seemed to be invulnerable to swords and bullets.

They formed a big circle around Jenny, who was also wearing heavy armor, as if they were Jenny's escort. Their identities on the surface are the mercenary knights who had asked Preet to repair their armor during the Norma battle. This time, they came to participate in the competition in the capital of Trela, purely to compete with Preet. friendship between the two.

Strictly speaking, such contestants cannot be considered "innocent", but with Princess Feisina vouching for them, there is no problem.

Of course, the princess in uniform is not a coward who honestly admits defeat after being calculated by others. Although there is no way to change the restriction that "famous masters are not allowed to participate in the competition", she insists that "since there are no masters to lead the team, then more should be allowed. The young people have the opportunity to show their talents", which expanded the scale of the competition.

The monthly knight competition in Terrera is not very large. Generally speaking, there are about ten people in each team (no more than fifteen people at most), and there are only four or five teams in total. But this time, in the competition composed of three countries, there are a hundred people in each team, and the three teams add up to three hundred young knights!

These three hundred people are almost the essence of the younger generation. Wang Tuhao once joked that if someone took the opportunity of this knight competition ceremony and a meteorite magic hit the competition venue, the high-end force of the next-generation armies of the three countries would shrink by at least a quarter or more.

A quarter may not seem like much, but that's all the power of a country! Not to mention, there are only pure knights and warriors here, and the casters have not participated yet.

In other words, the hundred young knights here are almost half of the official martial arts powerhouses of the next generation of a country.

Some of the "experience-only" people in the transmigrators, after getting the news, once suggested that everyone just lay an ambush and take these 300 people in one pot, and they will definitely get a lot of experience points. This idea can't be said to be unreasonable, but it's just a little crazy. Not only has it been strongly suppressed by decent people such as Panda and Sanyu, but even Loma Bronzebeard and Semiramis, who are relatively more inclined to villains, also Also disapproved.

But the reason for their disapproval is that the pigs have to be fattened before they are killed. These people have not grown up yet, and they will not get much experience points if they are killed. Even if you want to turn them into experience points, you have to wait until they go further on the road of life, or even reach the peak, before they can kill the killer.

For example, Duke Henry and his son, the future legendary powerhouse Jakyll Henry and the group of soldiers who died in the landslide did not provide much experience to Liu Daoqing and others who created the landslide. And Hyde Henry, who won the battle of Norma and launched the massacre, although only one person, provided all the traversers who participated in the battle that attacked the Thracian army and hunted down Duke Henry. A considerable amount of experience.

It can be seen from this that killing is also a science, not as long as the knife is fast enough.

For such a statement, Panda does not agree. He is more inclined to the "task school" and believes that gaining experience by doing tasks is the safest way. And through each task, creating intricate interpersonal relationships in this world, pushing the wheel of history to turn, can also derive more tasks and gain a steady stream of experience points.

In contrast, although killing is simple and clear, a person cannot be resurrected from the dead, and all the tasks and follow-up stories related to this person have all vanished. At first glance, the experience value gained is a lot, but in fact, it is the practice of killing chickens and collecting eggs to dry up the pond, which is not advisable.

For example, in this knight competition, Semiramis and the others' opinion is that everyone will directly use all their abilities to kill the opposing two or at least the Thrace side. And Panda's suggestion is to take it easy, just win the battle, you can't kill them now - wait a few years, whether it's Tara Khan or the battle of the royal capital, there will definitely be a chance to wow quack. Kill a happy one.

The two sides discussed it for a while, and in the end, there were more people in favor of pandas. And the most crucial reason comes from Prett - he said: "I'm getting married in a few days, and it's my big day, and it's always bad to have blood all over the place now. And Jenny and I both participated in this competition, and the couple got bloody, a bit unlucky."

The transmigrators are not birds of the sky, but they have to give their brothers face. So even Semiramis, who wanted to turn many famous characters in the game history into experience points, had no choice but to give up regrettably.

"If you think about it, there's nothing wrong with this." She pointed at the Thracians opposite her with her warhammer, and said, "I dress so plainly now that I won't win many people if I kill them. Be careful. I'd better wait until I change back to magical girl outfits in the future, and a light cannon will blast them to the ground, and they will definitely attract everyone's attention!"

Jenny couldn't help laughing when she heard that she was funny, and said to Pratt beside her: "Your friends are so funny, I like this joke."

Prett also laughed, but he knew that his friend was really not joking...

Time passed little by little, and when the sundial reached ten o'clock, His Majesty King Terrera, who was sitting on the viewing platform, issued an order to "start the competition".

The horn, which symbolized the beginning of the contest, was blown, and the low and desolate sound of the horn echoed in the artificial autumn wind, arousing a sad atmosphere.

The three teams of knights formed their own formations and slowly moved towards the center of the arena from three different places.

Although this temporarily created arena has many complex terrains that can be used for tactics, they unanimously chose the simplest and most direct method and decided to start a head-to-head battle on the open flat ground in the central area.

Head-to-head duels are the romance of knights!

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