The Praet workshop is located in a relatively remote part of the new city of Trela. The panda looked at the system map and walked for about half an hour before finding the armor workshop.

The facade of the workshop is not large, it is estimated that it is only about ten meters. The doors and windows are open, and you can see that many samples are placed in the hall inside. The chimney of the workshop behind is wafting faint black smoke, and there is a little spark in the smoke. It can be seen that there is work inside.

Just as the panda was about to enter the door, he heard the sound of hooves coming from behind, and five or six horses were galloping, aggressively.

When he looked back, he saw a man with a young face and a strong figure, but with a vicious and mean expression on his face, with a few fully-armed knights, rushing over viciously.

(I've only just come to Trella, and someone has troubled me?)

Panda wondered in his heart, but did not hesitate to move. He put down the visor of his helmet with his left hand, and pressed his right hand on the hilt of his saber.

He didn't draw his sword, but an awe-inspiring aura burst forth, as if it were the substance, to meet the rushing horses.

The few knights felt his momentum, and they drew their swords one by one, as if they wanted to charge. But they didn't expect that the horses they were riding suddenly neighed one by one, hurriedly stopped their pace, and even stood up, looking very scared.

If it was replaced by a person with average skills, he might be thrown off the horse at this moment. Fortunately, these people are very good at riding. Although the situation is unexpected, they can still sit still, but they are also quite embarrassed, and the terrifying momentum of the previous charge has disappeared.

"Who are you? How dare you stand in my way!" the young man yelled angrily, "Do you know who I am! Do you know where this place is!"

"You should be glad that this is the capital of Terrera." Panda said coldly, "If it was in the wild, you would be dead just because you dared to charge at me on horseback."

The knights were furious, and when one man put his feet on the horse's belly, he was about to rush towards the panda, but when he heard him snort coldly, the brave warhorse neighed, but he didn't dare to take a half step forward.

These horses are tall and straight, and are first-class horses. However, they do not have the bloodline of demon beasts, they are just ordinary horses. It is naturally suitable to use it to show financial support, but it is suitable for fighting... In the face of the momentum of the legendary race of pandas, how could these low-level animals have the courage to charge?

Naturally, the knights also felt the aura of the panda, and looked at each other in dismay. Even the young man frowned, slightly uneasy.

Although he is arrogant, he is not a real straw bag. I hadn't noticed it just now, but now I've noticed the panda's aura—his aura is fierce and deep, mixed with an indescribable majesty. Facing this kind of aura, if you close your eyes, you will feel standing in front of you. Not an orc, but a beast!

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Panda." Panda replied.

The young man frowned and looked at a knight beside him.

"Panda..." The knight pondered for a while, and suddenly asked thoughtfully, "What is your relationship with Mr. Panda, the 'Dragon Slayer' who killed the evil dragon in Mulanda three years ago?"

"I wasn't the only one who killed that water dragon," replied the panda, "and...killing a water dragon is not really a 'dragon slayer'. It's just someone putting gold on my face. "

He said that, of course, to admit his identity. So the knight immediately became awe-inspiring and introduced a few words to the young man.

The young man didn't care at first, but after hearing the last sentence, his face changed greatly, he rolled over and dismounted, and respectfully saluted the panda.

"It turned out to be Mr. Panda who killed the Thracian prime minister Leopold! I heard that you failed to assassinate the tyrant Richard, and thought you died unfortunately. It turned out to be just a rumor."

He is not a fool. The other party can kill the famous master Leopold Otto in Thrace City, and then escape from Thrace City. This ability, this murderousness, can't help him not be in awe .

The identity of Leopold in Thrace can be described as under one person and over ten thousand people. He was King Richard's most trusted subordinate and the highest official Thracian official, and he was also the patriarch of the Marquis Otto family. But it was such a big man who was killed by "Dragon Slayer" Panda and burned into charcoal, and then this "Dragon Slayer" rushed out of Thrace City alive!

It can be seen that Panda is not only extremely powerful, but more importantly, he does not care about power status at all. As long as he provokes him, he will dare to kill anyone!

Not only that, but shortly after the killing of Prime Minister Leopold, the "Dragon Slayer" also appeared in the Kingdom of Leyton and shot to assassinate the Thracian King Richard.

This is even more shocking... Richard is a dignified king and one of the most powerful people in the entire Western Continent. Those who dare to assassinate him are really bold!

Moreover, Richard is protected by the Frost Sword Saint, known as the "No. 1 Powerhouse in the Western Land", who can assassinate Richard among thousands of troops and escape from the sword of the Frost Sword Saint. How strong is the Dragon Warrior?

Anyway... just the son of a mere marquis, he definitely doesn't want to use his own head to try the opponent's sword.

The other party dared to assassinate even the king, even the marquis and prime minister. In his opinion, he is probably just a passerby who "can kill".

The so-called ghosts scare people to death, people scare people to death, and the most fearful thing is not to scare people, but to scare themselves. The son of the marquis is just frightening himself - Panda really has no interest in killing people, and he is not a murderer at all.

Swinging a sword and killing people in the city of Trela? Or in front of Pratt's workshop?

He definitely didn't want to do this if it wasn't a last resort.

Instead of looking at the face of the monk and looking at the face of the Buddha, Prett opened a shop to do business, and he paid attention to a kindness to make money. He killed himself at the door of his house, and the floor was covered in blood, and the blood might even be sprayed into his house... This is really a shame.

Panda has a very good personal relationship with Prett, and the armor on his body is tailor-made for him by Prett. In any case, he also wants to give Prett a face.

Of course, he wouldn't say these words. In the face of this nobleman who didn't know where he came from, he just smiled inexplicably and didn't say anything.

At this moment, Pratt's voice full of personality with metallic echoes came from the room.

"Who is making noise at my door? I am a workshop, not a vegetable market!"

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