Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 503: Traveler's escape trick

Panda's hard power is indeed not comparable to Azera.

The two sides fought for about a minute, and his health was almost bottomed out.

To make matters worse, he didn't dare to die in this cave.

This cave is the sacrificial site of the Ocasas Church. God knows if dying here will imprison the soul!

After the incident with the ancient **** giant clam, he no longer had absolute confidence in the power of the system. So even if you want to die and go back to the city, you have to run outside the cave to die, not inside.

But the question is... how to get out?

He thought about it, but he couldn't think of a way to get rid of Azera's entanglement and escape smoothly.

After all, Azera was much stronger than him. Although she didn't know why she didn't use those powerful methods, just relying on a sword had already left him in a state of embarrassment and embarrassment.

To rush out of the cave under such circumstances, at least force Azera to take at least one or two steps back, but Panda really couldn't figure out how to force her back.

At this moment, Azera's offensive suddenly slowed down, revealing a few flaws.

Panda was stunned for a moment, but his hand did not relax at all, almost subconsciously condensing all his strength on his right hand, and waving his hand was a horizontal slash. Hearing the whistling of the wind, this slash actually made the sound of a sharp blade breaking through the air. Wherever the palm of the hand passed, the air also trembled vaguely, forming a hazy crescent moon, which slammed towards Azera.

This is the fighting qi skill of the warrior type, "Dou Qi Slash". Although a paladin is a cleric, he is also half a warrior type. He can also master fighting qi skills, but he can't master the most high-end ones.

As soon as the Dou Qi slash swung out, the panda didn't even waste time looking at the results, just turned around and ran away.

According to his estimation, this move would block Azera for half a second to a second at most, and it would be impossible not to hurry up.

But in fact, the effect of this trick is far better than he imagined.

Facing the sweeping Dou Qi Slash, Azera's expression changed. Instead of dodging or attacking, she turned her mana into a wall, completely blocking the Dou Qi Slash.

There was only a roar, and the battle qi slammed on the wall of mana, dissipating into nothingness, but Azera couldn't help but take two steps back.

Her strength is stronger than Panda, but Dou Qi Slash condenses her whole body strength in one line, while the mana wall is much scattered. Condensation versus dispersion, she naturally suffered a loss.

This is obviously extremely stupid, and definitely not something that anyone with rich combat experience should do, but Azera looked back and smiled.

The believers were unscathed.

For Azsera, the Cult of Okassas is the foundation of her existence. Unless absolutely necessary, she will never hurt the believers. Those low-level believers are not the thick-skinned blood cows like pandas. With the power of Panda's Dou Qi Slash, even if it is only a little aftermath, they will immediately kill them.

That's why she didn't dare to use powerful tricks before.

Panda has no feelings for the Okasas sect. In his heart, sooner or later, Azera will turn this group of people into lunatics who meet with fireballs and lightning strikes and self-destruct three times. There is no need to keep their hands at all. But Azera doesn't think so - at least for now, she's not crazy enough to cultivate the quality of the cultists.

So now her situation is "a rat-proof weapon".

Under such circumstances, Azera naturally did not dare to use any means with an area attack effect, nor did he dare to use particularly powerful tricks, so as not to affect the cultists, and could only rely on swordsmanship for close combat. This is precisely what Panda is best at, and it gives Panda a chance to get rid of her entanglement and turn around and escape.

Seeing the panda escape, she could have caught up with a sword from behind, but Azera thought about it, but slowed down a little.

Go out and fight!

She had already calculated the strength of the panda, and knew that this orc would definitely not be able to beat her. As long as she is outside the cave, she can use all her strength to capture the opponent alive without worrying about accidentally hurting the cultists.

Yes, catch alive!

Azera is not an unskilled farmer. As a strong man who can pull a cult from scratch, she has a lot of knowledge. Although Panda's strength is far less than hers, he is already a rare expert, and he is an absolute core-level elite no matter what organization he is in. How could such an expert suddenly come to him? And do nothing else, just to steal a relatively large star core fragment?

The most important thing is that with his strength, he obviously can't take it with him if he steals it! Directly to death.

This is not reasonable!

Azera was full of doubts, and naturally wanted to catch the panda and ask her questions. She is quite confident in her own spells, thinking that it would be a big deal to absorb all the rationality and energy of this orc, although it will make the other party become stupid, but for the prisoners who need to extort confessions, as long as they can ask the information they need, who can Don't care if he becomes a fool!

There are many cases where prisoners are tortured to the point of being out of human form, and even tortured to the point of mental breakdown. In comparison, just turning into a fool is simply not worth mentioning.

She thought well, but Panda had absolutely no intention of cooperating.

As soon as he came out of the cave, without saying a word, he detonated the explosive crystal on his body, and it exploded into a rain of blood as Azera watched.

"This... what's going on?!" Azera was stunned when she saw the blood all over the floor. "If you want to commit suicide, why do you have to rush outside to kill yourself? Can you commit suicide in a cave?"

"Such a powerful character, inexplicably sent to death, why is this? It's simply incomprehensible!"

She muttered to herself, and she was suddenly shocked—in the blood all over the ground, there was no large star core fragment that had just been snatched away!

"Impossible!" she exclaimed, "Where did it go?"

It is said that the orc died by blowing himself up, and the things on his body must have fallen to the ground. But there was only blood all over the ground, but he couldn't find even a single bit of his belongings - not to mention the star core fragment, even the robe he was wearing disappeared without a trace, not even a rag. No.

Of course this is not possible! If the explosive crystal was so powerful that it could blow up his clothes and even the shards of the star core, how could there be so much blood left?

Not to mention that the star core fragment is the strongest gem in the world, and it is even difficult to process it into other shapes, let alone a mere exploding crystal, even a legendary powerhouse may not be able to give it a full blow. smash.

So... where did that extra large star core fragment go?

Azera frowned, looked around carefully, and finally determined that the star core fragment was indeed not here.

"Something's wrong... very wrong!" The cult leader muttered to himself, carefully searching the surroundings with magic, looking for even a little clue.

After a while, she finally gave up completely, shaking her head, her face full of doubt and worry.

She is not afraid of powerful enemies, it is really a big deal to fly far away, but facing such a strange enemy, she can't help but worry...

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