Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 498: The means of the Okasasian sect

The panda just settled down on Norman Island.

The members of the Okassas sect lived very leisurely, doing nothing during the day and night, and had nothing to do except pray for about half an hour a day. No farming, no work, not even cooking—the food here is delivered from inside Norman Island, near the core of the hill, and those outside live in low-lying log cabins. Waiting for the believers, there is not even a tool to start a fire in the house, let alone a fire for cooking.

Because of boredom, most Christians choose to listen to sermons. Those in charge of the sermons were old people with at least half of their hair gray. The content is nothing more than how bad the world is. There are bad guys everywhere. It is miserable to live and die. With a new life...and so on.

Panda has also heard sermons. To be honest, the content of sermons is actually quite high. Each story is informative and detailed, and vividly depicts the hideous faces of those rich, rich and luxurious, while those of the poor and miserable poor people. Life is even more heart-wrenching, and I can't help but cry tears of sympathy.

Pandas are still like this, not to mention those ordinary believers. When they hear that they are drunk, they are envious; when they hear the wanton rampage, they are indignant; when they hear the poverty and poverty, they sigh; when they hear the misery, they even shed tears of sympathy.

With these as a foreshadowing, when the preaching old believers describe reincarnation in the body of God Ocasas, enjoying a peaceful and peaceful life, free from oppression, no labor, no aging, no sickness... living a stable and happy life In those days, the eyes of the believers were full of longing, and many of them were dumbfounded.

Panda watched indifferently, but saw that after each sermon, the eyes of the believers who listened to the sermon became confused and calm, as if their energy and reason had been sucked away.

It is indeed a cult!

This kind of method, of course, the traversers will also. Alice, who has the personality of Beelzebub, the prince of hell, one of the seven demon monarchs, has such an ability. She made a few small puppets not long ago, and there was a piece of her hair hidden in the puppet, and the person who got the puppet could be known by her as long as they sincerely prayed to it. With the temporary connection between each other, she can give each other a little magic power and realize each other's wishes. As the price of maintaining the passage, the prayers would be groggy for several days, as if they were sick and had a low fever.

Alice is a kind-hearted demon, and the magic channel from the human world to the human world will not consume too much. But if it is a meaner and meaner demon, or if the passage connects the two worlds, the prayers will consume a lot.

Judging from the appearance of the Okassas sect followers after hearing the sermon, their consumption is really not small.

I just don't know whose energy and reason have fallen into the hands of? Is it some magician who casts evil spells? Or some demon from hell?

But it is certain that no matter who these things fall into their hands, they will not be used for good.

A person who will use this method will only do evil.

The panda lived on Norman Island for five or six days. Every day, he carefully observes the situation on the island, especially the situation in the core area of ​​the sect. There are still experts in the Ocasas sect. According to the settings in the game, the leader is a level 70 boss, and there are several characters above level 65 in the church. And that weird stone statue, once activated, is level 80.

Level 70 is not necessarily legendary, but level 80 definitely is. With Panda's current strength, it would be difficult to escape against a legendary boss.

Fortunately, he didn't think much about escaping.

Now he is thinking about another thing - when he was playing the game, every one of the Orcassians on Norman Island could spell magic. Although it was only a fireball and lightning strike, the quality of the three-line explosion, but the power of the quality three-line weak. Needless to say, the person who was killed by the first two blows naturally died, even if it was only temporarily restrained by the first two moves, and the opponent charged in front of him and then blew himself up, he would usually hang up.

To deal with them, you need a strong enough long-range power. This five-player dungeon is one of the very few dungeons that does not require melee combat at all. Even a chopper warrior should bring throwing weapons and use throwing to conquer the world.

Of course, Panda also downloaded this instance. At that time, he was no longer a Berserker but a Paladin. He was responsible for providing BUFF in the team, and when necessary, he helped his teammates to top the tank as a meat shield. At that time, he was heavily armored, with a tower shield in his left hand, and a flying hammer in his right. The attack power of the flying hammer is not very high, and it is better to hit the enemy with a high chance of stun effect. As long as the enemy is stunned at once, it is almost stable.

His teammates are generally dressed like this - this dungeon does not welcome crispy skins, it doesn't matter whether you are a mage or an assassin, self-destruction is one of the very few attack methods with "true damage", as long as it is self-exploded, Whether it is physical defense or magic defense, it is useless, and it can only be carried by pure blood.

It's a pity that the "self-destruction" skill can only be learned by very few occupations. Among the nearly 200 traversers, not even a single hand has truly mastered this skill.

After all, this move has little meaning in the game. The power of self-destruction depends on the health value. However, those who will self-destruct are all spellcasting occupations with low health value. The most common ones are cultists, followed by apologists. A singing and dancing troupe, Semiramis, who is already a well-known singer in the Western Land, is this profession. In other words, in addition to those skills with special effects on the magical girl skin, her most powerful skill is actually self-destruction.

However, so far, she has not encountered an enemy who can force her to use this trick.

She is a very busy person. She is busy managing the song and dance troupe all day long. How can she have the spare time to fight and kill with people?

Panda is very envious of the self-destruction skill. Although the effect of this skill is not as powerful as that of "God's Scourge", the cost is much lower than that of "God's Scourge", and the punishment is also small. As long as you die once, the weakness time is doubled.

The effect of the self-destruction skill is determined by the upper limit of the self-destructor's own health. The higher the upper limit of life, the greater the power of the self-destruction. Panda is a well-known blood cow in the guild, and the life limit is ranked in the top three in the entire guild. If he can learn to self-destruct, if he explodes at once, even the legendary powerhouse can be half-dead.

Therefore, when he came to the Ocasas Sect this time, in addition to grabbing the "Star Heart" gem as Prett's wedding gift, he also had the idea of ​​seeing if he could learn the skill of self-destruction.

Of course, this is only a secondary goal, and he can still clearly distinguish the relationship between primary and secondary.

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