Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 476: southward

Liu Daoqing served as an exhibit for a total of three days. During these three days, he made a lot of money for the hotel owner.

However, three nights later, when he was happily looking at the wonderful exhibit and thinking about how to expand its influence and make more money, the huge frozen fish poking on the floor suddenly thawed and turned into a pool Water, seeped into the ground and disappeared.

The boss was dumbfounded, and hurriedly went to find the two residents related to the frozen fish, only to find that they went back to their room to sleep shortly after dinner, but the room was empty, let alone people, not even luggage.

"My money!"

The cry like a mourning wife came from the hotel, echoed in the night sky, and was quickly washed away by the noise of Shining Gold Town.

Beside a small pool outside the town, Panda and Don Quixote watched Liu Daoqing, who turned into a stream of water and flew out, reunited with human appearance, and greeted them with a smile.

"It turns out that you can still think when you are frozen," Don Quixote said. "I thought that when you were frozen, you fell asleep."

"Actually, I did fall asleep for a long time." Liu Daoqing replied, "But then I woke up... In other words, why did I get stabbed on the floor when there were so many people watching?"

"Because you broke someone's floor, you have to compensate." Panda replied nonchalantly.

"Isn't it right, how much can a piece of floor be worth? Ten or eight gold coins are worth the sky! I vaguely heard that a woman was saying 'one gold coin per person for the visit' or something..."

"Your hearing is so good!" Don Quixote applauded, looking at the panda.

His meaning is very clear - you said before, this is your fault, please start your performance.

Panda laughed dryly and said, "That... I think it's more sincere to let you earn this money for the boss. By the way, you should have received a lot of experience points and reputation, right?"

Liu Daoqing was stunned for a moment, looked at the system log, and nodded: "The experience points are just average, but the reputation income is a lot, and my reputation in Shining Gold Town has changed from 'cold' to 'friendly', and it's almost enough. Raised to 'respect'... Damn! If I knew that the prestige had increased so much, I would continue to let them visit! After visiting for another ten days and eight days, maybe I can brush the prestige here to 'worship'!"

Panda quietly winked at Don Quixote, who replied with a thumbs up.

"Forget it, why do we have so much time to linger? Now that you are awake, let's continue to set off." Panda said, "It is estimated that the maintenance of the Feixiang has been completed, so we will set off to the south and arrive at Changchun Island as soon as possible. "

Liu Daoqing nodded again and again: "That's right! Get the sea devil's eye early, and go back to see Katerina early. She hasn't seen me for so long, she must be missing me. Then I will push the dining cart to debut, first take out Desserts come one by one, and when she eats with a smile on her face, she takes out the covered plate from the bottom of the dining car, lifts the lid, and reveals the azure blue orb the size of a human head inside... She will definitely be moved to tears!"

Panda laughed dryly, ignoring Don Quixote's suggestion in the private chat channel, "Boss, just let me freeze this fish pot for a few more days".

After contacting Ge Li and others, they soon returned to the dock in the port.

Lana didn't answer. She said that although she was still very interested in adventures at sea, she had more important things to do and needed to disembark for a while.

The sailors and crew members who have already played very hard have already been waiting on the ship.

One fine morning, the Soaring stowed away her anchor, raised her sails, galloped all the way to the south, and began her journey again.

There was no wind, no rain, no danger, no surprises, and no fun.

If you have to find something worth mentioning, it is probably because of the fact that Panda has been helping on the boat, and Panda has actually started the "sailor" profession, and has also risen to level four.

The fourth-level sailor can only be regarded as a newcomer in this industry, but Panda is not interested in spending experience points to advance to this profession. He did not intend to pursue a career as a navigator, although he was actually most familiar with the Southern Islands.

If he was the only traveler in the world, maybe he would consider settling here and use his familiarity with this place to flex his muscles. But there are many travelers in this world, and many people have already settled here, so he really doesn't need to grab business with everyone.

The world is so big, there are so many places to go, so many scenery to see, so many things to do, why do you have to stay in the southern archipelago?

About a month later, the Feifei finally arrived at Changchun Island.

This is the "southernmost point" of the Southern Archipelago. If you go further south, although there are still inhabited islands, they are only small islands with the nature of supply ports, and it is unlikely that you will be able to buy ships.

This island is also the land base of the mermaid forces in the South China Sea. Many strong men of the South China Sea mermaid clan are based here, and sometimes even the legendary powerhouses of the mermaid clan and the famous mermaid queen will come here to live for a period of time.

However, according to the panda's impression, the mermaid queen should not be in Changchun Island during this time. She is cultivating hard in the deep sea and wants to make another breakthrough. It has to wait until the pirate king Barbarossa robbed the legendary weapon "Bloodthirsty Scimitar" made by the Norma soldiers of the Thracian blood sacrifice, and tried to use the mermaid to sacrifice the blood to enhance the spirituality of the knife. In the South China Sea, the tyrannical tyrants besieged the mighty Pirate King.

...But now, the blood sacrifice of Norma soldiers is gone, and several legendary equipment including the bloodthirsty machete are estimated to be impossible to appear again. Maybe the pirate king Barbarossa and the mermaid queen will be able to keep the water from the well, everyone. All right?

The panda thought so, and looked at the mermaids who were all dressed up.

The mermaid family is a famous "pseudo-girl race". Both men and women are young and beautiful, and their sexes are indistinguishable. And their clothes are completely gender-neutral. Even if he widened his eyes and tried hard to distinguish, he could only distinguish no more than two-thirds of the mermaids he saw, and about one-third. Not knowing whether the other party is male or female.

"The world is truly amazing. There are cases where there are men and women who look like lizardmen, and there are cases where there are men and women who look equally like mermaids!" He couldn't help but sigh.

"Where is the difference between men and women? It's obviously very clear." Yunero said in a puzzled voice, "Be it a lizard man or a mermaid, I haven't seen anyone who can't tell the gender from their appearance."

Panda and Liu Daoqing were startled at the same time and stared at him with wide eyes.

"It doesn't matter what the lizard people are, you can even tell the gender of the mermaid?"

"Damn! So you still have this ability?!"

Yuneruo was also surprised and looked at them suspiciously: "Isn't it very clear? It's obvious at a glance, okay!"

Panda wiped his eyes hard, and looked carefully at the beautiful beauties on the street, but there were always so many that he couldn't tell whether they were male or female.

"...The world is really big and full of wonders!" He finally gave up, sighing so.

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