Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 465: interracial village

Pandas come and go gracefully. Without even returning to Tianbao Pavilion, he left Pelican City directly.

Of course, they couldn't go back to Tianbao Pavilion. They sent a large group of women and children—there were a lot of young and beautiful girls—to Tianbao Pavilion. Su Qianrou’s grievances had at least risen to the height of a mountain. They were not Yang Ziliu. I don't want to cause trouble at all.

As for what will happen to Yang Ziliu... Well, husband and wife, quarreling at the head of the bed and reconciling at the end of the bed, it's just that he works hard at night to prove his innocence.

While walking, Liu Daoqing suddenly laughed, looked left and right, and said thiefly, "Do you think... Sister Su will squeeze Brother Yang dry at night to prevent him from making mistakes?"

"I'm's possible." Yunero thought for a while, nodded, and said in a very approving tone.

"It's not easy." Panda frowned and said, "Yang Ziliu is also a martial artist, and her level is one level higher than her. The stamina bonus of the Juggernaut class is not high, even if they want to engage in a night, it should be Yang Ziliu. The advantage is right."

Liu Daoqing was stunned, blinking blankly, and after a few seconds he said, "What you said makes sense, but I am speechless..."

Yunero looked at the panda carefully, then at Liu Daoqing, and then showed an expression of sudden realization.

"I understand."

"Understand what?"

"You two are both virgins."

"Aren't you?" Liu Daoqing asked, "Don't tell me, with your current appearance, you can actually hook up with a girl!"

Yunero was silent for a while, and said in a muffled voice, "I was not before I crossed."

"Damn! You actually left the group?" Liu Daoqing was shocked, "We don't even know?"

"I wanted to wait until the wedding to notify you."

Panda frowned and said, "Then you've crossed over now, aren't things a bit bad?"

"No, it's nothing." Yuneruo smiled, "We broke up about a month before time travel."

"Why?" Liu Daoqing asked.

"Probably I'm...not romantic enough." Yuneruo sighed, "The girl's mind is really hard to understand! She was willing to sleep with me, but because she thought I wasn't romantic enough, she finally broke up. It's over... Romance or something, is it really that important?"

"Who knows, I'm not a woman." Liu Daoqing shook his head.

Panda thought for a long time, and then shook his head.

He didn't know anything about romance.

The couples he remembered didn't seem to have any romance at all-maybe there was romance in their life, but he couldn't feel it.

In the final analysis, people like Wufu really don't get along very well with romance. When a man spends a lot of his spare time getting stronger and thinking about how to get stronger, it's hard to free up the energy to figure out how to make a woman happy.

After a while, it was Yuneruo who found the topic first and eased the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Where are we going now?"

"Compared to the map, it should be Qingshui Town."

"Clearwater... what is that place? I'm not familiar with the archipelago area."

Pandas can be regarded as a living map of the southern archipelago. Hearing this, he laughed and introduced: "Qingshui Town is a small town with agriculture as its mainstay. The biggest feature of this town is the swampy area next to the town. Artificially built large-scale fish ponds and engaged in artificial farming. Every year they produce a lot of fish, in addition to eating themselves, they also sell a lot. Their dried fish is famous throughout the Pearl Island. ."

He paused, smiled again, and said, "Also, this town has a very special place."

"What's special?" Liu Daoqing asked curiously.

"Residents." Panda said, "More than half of Qingshui Town's residents are lizardmen, and the remaining half are mainly murlocs... In other words, it is a 'different' town."

Liu Daoqing suddenly became more curious. Although he has experienced a lot of things, he has not been in many places. I have seen a lot of human towns, but I haven't seen a single alien town.

What does an alien town look like? What are the customs and customs that are different from human towns? The more he thought about it, the more curious he became, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace to get to Qingshui Town as soon as possible.

But compared to him, Yunero seemed a little melancholy.

He has always been brave and resolute, charging in front and retreating in the back. Like a panda, he can be regarded as a pacesetter of the reckless type. At this moment, he was a little timid, as if he was afraid of something.

"What's the matter with you?" Panda asked, noticing his appearance. "Is there something to do? Or did you think of something bad?"

Yuneruo sighed and shook his head: "It's nothing, I just... probably think too much."

"Thinking too much? What are you thinking too much?" Liu Daoqing asked curiously.

"It's nothing." Yunero still shook his head, but stopped talking about this topic and talked about something else.

From Pelican City to Clearwater Town, the distance is not very far. The three of them walked fast, and it only took almost two hours to complete the journey that ordinary people need to go out early in the morning and walk for a whole day, and came to Qingshui Town.

This town really deserves to be a different kind of town, and the architectural style is completely different from what you have seen before. There are no tall houses here. They are all half-pit and half-house structures. Most of the houses have a big pit. The pit in the house was still full of muddy water. Walking on the road, from time to time, I can see cheerful children screaming, jumping into the pit from the door, or splashing a piece of dust, or splashing a lot of muddy water.

Outside the town are large paddy fields. Farmers with thin or thick scales work in the fields, and there are people waiting by the fields. After a period of time, they bring water to them and water them.

The farmers obviously enjoyed being watered, and when they were watered, they stopped working and squinted happily. And every now and then someone would say something like "pour more" and then someone gets another tablespoon of water, and someone gets criticized for "work hard first".

Panda looked at the scene in front of him with interest. Although he had been to this village more than once in the game, there would not be such a vivid scene in the game, and the game production company did not produce any "alien ecology" CG. Seeing it with my own eyes at this moment, I suddenly felt full of exotic atmosphere.

While walking, he suddenly discovered that many lizardmen turned their attention to him, and... after turning around, they never turned back.

what are they looking at? What's so good about here?

He looked at himself suspiciously, sure there was nothing noticeable about him.

He looked at Liu Daoqing again, Liu Daoqing was looking around curiously, and there was nothing to worry about.

In the end, his eyes fell on Yunero...

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