Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 455: Mad Dave

The port where the Feixiang is anchored is unknown and small in scale. It mainly does some business such as repairs and transshipments. This kind of thing is hard to imagine elsewhere, but it is very common in Pearl Island.

There are no four seasons in the South China Sea, only two seasons. One is the rainy season and the other is the dry season. The dry season is just that. Whenever the rainy season comes, violent storms are commonplace, and there will even be heavy storms for three or five days in a row. When the wind and rain were the heaviest, it is said that there was once a huge wave swept across the sea and sky. In this kind of weather, all ships should not even think about going out to sea. Going out is courting death.

In order to avoid the storms in the rainy season, people in the South China Sea like to live in a place slightly farther away from the sea if conditions permit. Of course, it would be better if it could be further away. After all, no matter how big the storm is, as long as you don't go out to sea, it's actually a little more dangerous on the beach.

Islands like Flying Fish Island are really too small, and there is nowhere to hide if you want to avoid them, so you can only resist. Just like the cities in central China, winter is neither warm nor heating, and keeping out of the cold all depends on the righteousness of one's body, and those who have the conditions will naturally either go to the warm south or the north with heating, anyway, they will not stay here for the winter. .

As for sometimes there will be cold snaps in the south, even snow and ice, or the unfortunate failure of the heating in the north, these are all accidental situations, such as natural and man-made disasters, and cannot be used as a routine.

Panda and the others left the port, and after a little discussion, they split up and went in two different directions.

The sailors, led by Lana, Don Quixote, and Crushed Ice, want to go to the nearby "Golden Town". This small town is famous for its gold mines. Of course, they didn't go to pan for gold, but to enjoy life - the gold mines in the town of Flash Gold have long been exhausted, and it is now a famous entertainment place in the Southern Islands, with a variety of entertainment projects, wine, sex, wealth and wealth. .

Panda, Yuneruo, and Liu Daoqing are in Pelican City, which is a little further away. There are traveler companions living in that city, so they can inquire about something.

Moreover... Pelican City is also a very important city in the game, and there are many tasks of high value. If they have a chance, they want to see if they can get a little light.

"From here to Pelican City, it is about 150 miles away. Even if ordinary people travel day and night, they have to walk for about three days." Walking not far from the port, Panda said, "We don't have that many. Time can be wasted, it can only be accelerated.”

"Well, I'll take you away with the water escape." Liu Daoqing said, "My water escape is very fast. As long as the water veins are connected, I can walk thousands of miles a day."

"Thousands of miles a day, we can run it by running." Panda shook his head, "If we run day and night, it's far more than that."

"But water escape can save a lot of effort." Liu Daoqing said.

"I think this speed is about the same. But the question is, are you sure that this place is connected to the water vein of Pelican City?" Yunero asked.

Liu Daoqing stroked his beard and said, "Although I'm not sure, but generally follow the direction, at least you can save a lot of road."

So it's settled.

As Liu Daoqing cast the spell, a huge water ball was raised around the three of them, leading them to sink into the underground water veins. I saw the surrounding light and shadow flickering, the sound of water rushing, and the sound of many bubbles, chaotic. Yuneruo felt a little dizzy after just watching it for a while, and when she turned her head, the panda had closed its eyes and was lying quietly in the center of the water polo.

"So you can sleep?" Yunero asked in surprise.

"No," replied the panda, "I'm just a little dizzy."

Yunero laughed, followed his example and lay down, closed her eyes, and fell asleep before she knew it.

When they woke up, they had arrived at the famous freshwater lake outside Pelican City, which took a little more than two hours.

The three of them tidied up their outfits a little, came to the gate of the city where the pelican statue was erected, paid the entrance fee, and entered the city with the sound of "Welcome to Pelican City".

The city is quite prosperous, there are many shops, and there are all kinds of things. They even saw someone selling grass candy from Tara Khan Collar, but they didn't know if it was imported from the Kingdom of Trela? Or was it shipped from the Molai Federation?

After entering the city, Panda opened a private chat and contacted "Yang Ziliu", one of the pair of traversers who settled here.

"Old Yang, where are you? I came to Pelican City with Yuneruo and Liu Daoqing for a tour."

Moments later, the answer came.

"My husband and wife have a small shop called 'Tianbao Pavilion'."


"Coordinates XXX, XXX."

"I thought you'd say 'like this, like that'..."

"If you say that, you will definitely trouble me when you arrive. I'm not stupid!"

The panda laughed and told the other two people about the matter. The three of them looked at the map, estimated the location of the coordinates, and walked all the way.

Only halfway there, Panda suddenly stopped and looked at the fountain in the city center doubtfully.

The shape of this fountain is very special, neither round nor square, about the same as the freshwater lake outside the city. In the center of the fountain, there are several statues of water birds, the largest of which is naturally a pelican. Each water bird sprayed water in its mouth, and the water mist reflected colorful rays of light in the sun, forming a rainbow, and the scenery was quite beautiful.

But what really caught his eye was not the beautiful fountain, but the man standing in front of the fountain.

The man was tall and chubby, but he looked depressed, with obvious sluggishness and madness on his face, he was clearly a lunatic.

He stared blankly at the people passing by, sometimes smiling, sometimes roaring, as if he had a lot of thoughts, maybe it was these thoughts that drove him crazy.

"Let's go, what's so strange about a lunatic?" Liu Daoqing said.

Panda shook his head: "Of course it's not strange for a lunatic, but this lunatic... shouldn't be here!"

Saying that, he walked over and went straight to the madman.

"Do you still know me?" he asked.

The lunatic looked at him dumbly, and after a while, nodded: "I have seen you."

"I've seen you too." Panda said, "I used to live with you when you opened a hotel."

After speaking, he sighed: "Boss Dave, Pollock City was not destroyed by the war, why did you come to Pelican City and become a lunatic?"

The tall and fat madman was stunned for a moment, his eyes that were still clear and bright soon became cloudy, and he looked at the panda dumbfoundedly, then opened his mouth and sang a song.

His singing was hoarse and dry, but it concealed the weakness of dysphonia. Although it sounded sad, it was no longer as unpleasant as it used to be.

Seeing him singing stupidly, Panda frowned, puzzled.

The fate of Pollock City's destruction has long been changed. Now this city still exists safely on the western coast of the mainland, but Dave, the hotel owner, has become "Mad Dave"?

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