Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 192: early decisive battle

Because there are not many monsters in general, and their strength has been greatly enhanced, this day, the masters of the crusade did not go out to sweep, but stayed in the camp to recharge and wait for the night battle.

Everyone knows that this crusade has come to an end. This morning, there were only more than a hundred monsters left. I will consume more at night, and tomorrow morning will be the time for the decisive battle.

In other words, the most dangerous "last battle" of the crusade is coming!

Throughout the day, the atmosphere in the camp was very heavy, whether it was Mulandana's soldiers, hired adventurers, or orc rebels from various nearby tribes, all silently preparing. Gear up, maintain your weapons, or simply go to sleep.

During the past period, alcohol was prohibited in the camp, but today it is not prohibited, on the contrary, the supply is open. Therefore, some heroic characters greeted three or five friends, had a good drink together, and rested when they were drunk.

The battle of tomorrow morning is unpredictable. If you don't have a good time drinking now, maybe you will never have the chance to drink again in this life.

Time goes by so slowly, from day to night.

At midnight, the ceremony was held again.

The demon beasts who had formed a habit in these days came to the camp and attacked the walls and fences as always.

Their strength has become very powerful, and the trenches in front of the wall are useless to them. Every time their strong bodies slam into the wall, people feel the wall shake slightly.

"The situation is not very good!" James said with a gloomy face after listening to the reports of several technical officers. "This year, there are more monsters than expected. The key is that there are more big ones. They have too much impact on the wall. If it goes on like this , the wall may not be able to withstand it."

Panda asked: "What should we do then?"

"There is only one way, to cut their numbers!"

Panda understands.

"Okay, I'll go," he said without hesitation.

"It's not enough for you alone," James said. "There are hundreds of monsters outside, no matter how powerful you are, you can't beat that many."

"Then what should I do? I don't think ordinary people can help me."

Of course James knew that pandas were not proud. A master like him often doesn't need help when fighting. Even if you need help, you must be strong enough to be able to help. Ordinary soldiers and even knights, it may be better to have a larger number, but a small number can only help.

He frowned, pondered for a long time, and then invited the leaders of the various churches and several great shamans of the orcs to come over.

The crowd arrived quickly, and James said straight to the point: "I'm afraid the wall will not be able to withstand it. I want to start a decisive battle in advance."

Both the bishop and the shaman are very old and have experienced many crusades. They have a wealth of experience, and naturally they can see that the situation is not good.

If the wall is breached by the monsters, the battle will be extremely unfavorable for the crusade.

In contrast, canceling the ceremony now and taking the initiative to break open the pre-prepared gap on the fence can control the battle under relatively favorable conditions, which is an acceptable choice.

Although this will also greatly increase the loss, this option is at least relatively small compared to the loss of being broken through the wall by monsters.

"So be it," said a gray-haired bishop, "Our Church of the God of Justice will fight at the forefront!"

"Let's let the Church of the God of Suffering go to the forefront." The bishop, who is already friends with Panda, said, "Don't argue with us, we have the strongest experts here."

With that said, everyone looked at the panda.

Panda smiled and nodded: "Yes, I will lead the team to the forefront. I am here, and the position is here."

The Church of the God of Justice and the bishops of several other churches all sighed and regretted the loss of this opportunity.

For these fanatical clergymen, death is of course terrible, but to die for the faith, to promote the doctrine, and to increase the influence of the church, it can be said that death is heavier than Mount Tai, and it is completely worthwhile.

Since it's worth it, it's nothing to be afraid of.

People are always going to die, and it is enough to die worth it.

People die every day in this world, how many people can "die worthy"?

The opinions of the clerics were unified, and the shamans who led the orcs also expressed their support.

In order to avoid the beast tide and eliminate potential dangers, the orcs are not afraid of sacrifice.

It was the adventurers who finally decided their attitude, not to mention them.

Tomorrow morning is also a decisive battle, and now it is also a decisive battle, both horizontally and vertically, early and late, in fact, there is no difference.

Since it's safer to fight now, let's fight now.

As for the soldiers of Mulandana, their thoughts are actually similar to those of the orcs. The difference between the two sides probably lies in whether they are regular troops or not.

Mulandana was originally a city where various ethnic groups lived together. After so many years, many people's bloodlines were mixed. There are many orc knights in the patrol division, and there are also many orc soldiers in the crusade. Although everyone is a little bumpy at ordinary times, in this key event, there is no distinction between each other.

As a result, the opinions of the entire crusade army were completely unified.

On the high platform in the center of the camp, James delivered his pre-war speech.

He is really not a good speaker. He clearly made a lot of preparations before taking the stage, but when he got to the stage, his face turned red, and after a while, he only uttered a few words.

"The monsters are bigger and bigger than we expected, and the wall may not be able to hold." He said, "So, for the sake of safety, the crusade army headquarters has discussed and decided to start the final battle in advance!"

Then, he turned around and wanted to step down. Fortunately, the old knight who was his staff reminded him, and he remembered the most important words. He hurriedly turned back and said loudly: "I wish us victory and slaughter this group of beasts, just like our ancestors, successful maintenance. Our peaceful life! Long live Mulandana!"

Panda listened in the audience and couldn't help laughing.

He finally knew how the cold-faced, very serious, always reticent James Thrace came from in the game.

I remember in the CG, when James was about to fight, there was no nonsense, he just waved his hand and shouted "We will win".

Now it seems that this guy James, I am afraid that he has experienced many times like today's embarrassing speeches, and finally realized the truth that it is better to hide the ugly than to be humble, and learned to be concise.

Talk less, try not to talk, naturally it is not easy to make mistakes.

Although the process was a little funny, after all, James finally shouted a slogan, which finally allowed the soldiers in the audience to find an opportunity to shout.

The panda listened to their roars one after another, looked at their increasingly excited faces, and nodded slightly.

This looks like a decisive battle!

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