Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 173: undercurrent

Lonado went away with a smile on his face.

After all, Panda accepted the temporary commission and will join Mulandana's sweeping team to destroy the monsters that threaten the city.

He didn't want to cause trouble, but as an adventurer, there was money to be made, so why give up? As a player, if you pass up this opportunity to earn experience points in vain, then you have a problem with your brain!

After getting a positive answer, Ronaldo gave Panda a document. This is a recruitment certificate issued by the Foreign Affairs Department of the Governor's Palace in Mulandana. The magic seal on the parchment shimmers slightly to ensure that it cannot be forged.

The technique of this kind of magic seal is not very clever, but it is just putting two pieces of paper together and stamping a seal in the middle with a magic seal. When it is time to verify, take out the corresponding paper, put them together and take a look to see if it is genuine. Although simple and straightforward, it is extremely difficult to decipher. If there is no internal response and no specific pattern can be found, even an expert in a magic circle like Wusian can only sigh.

The next day, Panda took the document to the Patrol Division.

Coincidentally, the staff responsible for the contact happened to be one of the knights who followed the deputy director yesterday to stop the conflict. Although Panda didn't know him, he recognized Panda - that black and white face was so distinctive that if he could even forget it, he might have a problem with his eyes or his brain.

"Welcome, Mr. Panda!" The knight verified the recruitment certificate, nodded, and said with a smile, "I'm glad to have the help of a strong man like you. It would be even better if you are willing to officially join our patrol division!"

Panda also laughed, and after laughing, he curiously asked what happened yesterday.

The knight's smile disappeared, turning into a faint melancholy.

"There is no follow-up." He said, "The director gave Remo a lesson and it was over."

"This is the end?" Panda was stunned for a moment, then understood a little and asked, "Is your director very old?"

The knight smiled wryly and nodded.

"...Then, was he leading the team this time to destroy the demon beasts?" Panda asked worriedly.

The knight suddenly became serious and said, "Don't worry about this! This operation is under the command of our governor himself. Although he is biased, he will never go wrong in this kind of thing. And those who are specifically responsible for your temporary helpers, It's our Deputy Chief James, and he's very friendly to you."

Panda was relieved, and asked about the specific action plan.

"This time the operation is relatively large, and it is still under preparation. If there is no accident, it is estimated that the running-in will begin in five or six days, and the departure will take place in about ten days. It is estimated that it may take half a month for the round-trip journey plus the battle."

"In other words, if everything goes well, it will take about twenty-five days in total?"

"Almost, but I suggest you relax your time a little bit, say prepare for thirty days."

Panda nodded, completed the registration, received a silver badge representing his identity, and left the Patrol Division.

Not long after he left, a young knight came to the contact point and asked, "Did the adventurer who brought the monster into the city yesterday come?"

The young knight did not answer the question, but instead said sternly: "This is not something you should ask about."

"Hey! What do you mean? I've worked in the patrol division for twenty years, and I can't even ask an adventurer? Are you from the patrol division or an adventurer?" The knight was suddenly displeased and sarcastic.

The young knight said coldly: "At least I am not a corrupt person, and there is no money in the family beyond my salary."

"Are you suspecting my corruption? Do you have any evidence!"

"Evidence? You deserve it!" The young knight sneered, "If you think I insulted your reputation, you can fight with me. If you kill me with a sword, no one will take revenge for me."

"The knight's sword is used by foreign enemies! You actually think about swinging the sword against your comrades. You really have no quality at all! Can a person like you become a knight? It's really a generation that is worse than a generation!"

"Don't even dare to draw a sword, stop talking nonsense! Useless old thing!"

The two knights glared at each other like a pair of fighting cocks.

If Panda walked a little late and witnessed such a scene, maybe he would have made a completely different choice.

Back at the hotel, he first went to Barney's shop and asked about the progress of the harness making. When he learned that the work would not be completed until tomorrow, he went to see old Sanchi again and asked where there were well-informed people in this area.

"A well-informed person? What do you want to know?" asked old Sanchi.

"Any news is fine. My knowledge of Mulandana is limited to what I heard from the bard before. Those are definitely not enough, so I want to know more about the city."

"If that's the case, my son Antola will be able to tell you for a long time." Old Sanchi said, "But if you want to know some secret things, or about adventurers' quests, then Antola Unfamiliar. You're going to the Anvil Tavern."

"Anvil Tavern? How could 'anvil' and 'wine' be related?"

"Yes, the shopkeeper is a dwarf, and his name is Anvil."

Soon, the panda came to this "anvil tavern".

Because it was daytime, there were not many people in the tavern. Inside the restaurant, a big man with a bald head was cleaning; in the direction of the back kitchen, a short fat man was roasting a whole sheep; and behind some low counters, a The dwarf with a beard longer than his hair was writing and drawing, presumably to settle accounts.

Panda walked to the counter and put down a few silver coins: "Old Sanji said that if I want to know some secret things or find some tasks, I should come here."

The dwarf stopped, put the wooden board in front of him with the strange symbol that the panda could not recognize on the counter, and looked at him carefully.

"You seem to be capable," he said, "but I don't know what kind of person you are. The old anvil pays attention to credit first, and I won't introduce tasks to people who don't know your character."

"So, what's the news?" Panda asked.

"There is no problem with the news. You can buy a barrel of wine. But I can only tell you some general news. If it is very detailed, you will need to pay extra."

In the next half hour or so, Panda drank a small barrel of dwarf ale that tasted similar to beer, and also got a lot of information about Mulandana.

This information includes the main forces in the city and the relationship between them. The most important thing is that the positions of people from all walks of life in the city on the issues of "conservation" and "renovation" are also included.

Although the dwarf ale did not suit Panda's taste very well, for this special appetizer, he felt that the trip was worthwhile.

With this information, when he participated in the extermination of demon beasts, he felt a little more confident.

At the very least, he won't admit mistakes between the reformers and the old-fashioned, and he will send his head under the knife of others in confusion.

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