Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 166: willing to travel thousands of miles

Panda didn't hide his intentions at all. Of course, Ma Wang could tell at a glance that the other party was running towards him.

It doesn't feel murderous intentions in pandas, but it can feel something more unpleasant than murderous intentions-that is the desire to conquer itself.

This made it suddenly furious, raised his neck, and let out a neigh.

A dozen or so blue-toothed horses immediately surrounded the panda. Obviously, Ma Wang had no intention of a fair duel, and wanted to solve the problem with a group fight.

Panda laughed.

"You are very clever, and you are not old-fashioned at all." He said to Ma Wang, who was standing behind the horses, "As expected, you are a guy who can set up an ambush and use deceit and lure the enemy! Your brain, I am afraid that A lot of people are smarter."

"But just being smart is not enough!"

At present, the level of the panda is close to level 40. What is the concept of this level? Generally speaking, those demon beasts that are well-known locally, such as "the silver fangs of the Greystone Mountains", are almost at this level. In each country, only the personal guards who guard the generals are likely to have such a level.

Moreover, the level 40 of the traversers is stronger than the level 40 of ordinary people - they are either a legendary race, a legendary occupation, or both. The growth rate is high, and there are many super powerful legendary skills. Generally forty-level characters, there is almost no chance of winning in front of them.

This group of blue-toothed horses are nothing more than snakes occupying a lake on the grassland. They don't even have a decent name. If it is not a dragon species, I am afraid that they will not even reach level 30. Even with the bonus of dragon species, at best it would be level 32 or 3. The horse king is the highest, probably about level 40.

If they haven't fought against the water horses before, maybe a group fights one, which can force the pandas to flee. But now... not anymore.

The panda was talking without stopping, and rushed into the horses.

The huge horse's head opened its **** mouth and bit it, and the white teeth reflected the moonlight, which looked like rows of saw teeth.

In the next instant, the horse's head closest to the panda flew backwards. The violent punch made the big man, who weighed at least two tons, staggered out a long way, shook his head and stood unsteadily, and finally fell to the ground.

It was only the beginning, and then, one after another, the blue-toothed horses were repelled and left the street.

Soon, the group of blue-toothed horses with a total of more than ten were wiped out. Although the pandas didn't use weapons, and didn't kill them with ruthless hands, but after being punched by him, no matter how strong and burly these guys were, they wouldn't be able to relax for a while.

"Okay, everyone who got in the way has left the stage. Now it's time for the protagonists to perform." Panda smiled, slowed down, and walked towards Ma Wang.

Now he is not in a hurry. Ma Qun has been defeated by him head-on. At this moment, Ma Wang has only two choices, either rush up to fight him to the end, or run away quickly.

Of course he wasn't afraid of Mawang coming over and working hard. The strength of this beast is not weak, but after all, it is only "not weak". If he met a few months ago, he must have run as far as he can, and avoided it. But now that he meets it, he is not afraid.

An ordinary blue-toothed horse couldn't even take a punch from him, and even if Mawang was much stronger than an ordinary blue-toothed horse, it was unlikely that he could win against him in a one-on-one situation.

Of course, it's just "unlikely".

With its ability to kill water and horses like chopping melons and vegetables, maybe it really may be above forty levels. Although it is said that a gang leader by a small lake in the mediocre grassland should not have such a rank, but as the saying goes, "novels need to care about rationality, and reality never pays attention to rationality." Even if Ma Wang is really that strong, nothing is impossible.

However, for pandas, the stronger Mawang is, the better!

Even if it is so powerful that it can't deal with it now, it doesn't matter, it will kill it and return to the city.

Anyway, when he saw that this horse king was using his tactics to kill several water horses in a row, he was deeply attracted by this guy. Whether it is now or in the future, he has made up his mind that he must conquer this powerful and intelligent horse king and make it his mount.

Looking at the panda slowly approaching, Ma Wang's eyes showed some unease, but it disappeared immediately, and there was only a high-spirited fighting spirit.

Panda could see at a glance that the overlord by the lake was determined to fight to the end.

He smiled slightly, just as he was about to say something, he saw Ma Wang suddenly spread his hooves and ran into the distance like a fly, and he ran away without hesitation.

(What the **** is this?! Didn't it look like a fighting spirit just now! Why did it run away suddenly!)

Panda was stunned for a moment, then strode forward to chase after him, cursing in his heart at the same time.

(There is a saying that "the urban routines are deep, I want to go back to the countryside", how can even a horse play routines? Can you still play happily!)

Under the moonlight, one of the two figures escaped and the other chased, running wildly among the waist-deep weeds.

The blue tooth horse runs very fast, much faster than the panda. But where it passed, a lot of weeds were broken along the way. With the wild survival skills that the panda has practiced during this period, it can easily see its escape route and chase it all the way.

Therefore, although there was no trace of the blue tooth horse in his sight, he had no intention of giving up, nor did he stop at all, and kept chasing.

After chasing for almost an hour, he saw Ma Wang again.

Ma Wang was grazing and resting leisurely on the grass beside a forest.

(Huh? With such sharp teeth, it can still eat grass?)

Panda was puzzled, and stepped up the pace, trying to catch up early, subdue this guy, and then study its food habits.

But the dull sound of his running was quickly heard by Ma Wang, and this large monster turned his head and immediately continued to run without hesitation.

After a while, it disappeared from the panda's field of vision again.

Panda has no intention of giving up at all, and continues to chase along the traces of Mawang's escape.

Almost an hour later, he caught up with Ma Wang again.

So Ma Wang fled again, and Panda chased again.

Just run away and chase after him, and the night will soon pass. The rising sun shone on everything on the grassland golden, whether it was weeds or birds and beasts, they seemed to be plated with a layer of gold.

Dawn is the quietest time in the grassland, but the running of one person and one horse breaks this silence.

Wherever they passed, birds were frightened, wild beasts fled, and even monsters were shocked by the momentum of both sides, and honestly gave way, unwilling to be in trouble.

Time passed little by little, the sun rose higher and higher, and the sun gradually became hot.

Ma Wang is still at large, and the panda is still chasing.

However, Ma Wang's pace is not as fast as before. At night, it often only takes a few minutes to run out of the panda's field of vision. But now, it needs to run for more than ten minutes to do the same thing.

This shows that it is tired and its physical fitness has decreased significantly.

In contrast, the situation with pandas is much better. As a paladin, a spellcaster capable of harnessing divine energies, he can use spells to regenerate himself.

Although bullying a horse in this way and speaking out is somewhat humiliating, in order to catch up with it, catch it, and subdue it, the panda doesn't care about the humiliation.

If you can't catch up with it after using the spell, and you can't catch it, that's a real shame!

The sun was gradually approaching the zenith, and the hottest time of the day had arrived.

It's almost late spring, and the weather is not hot. But under the scorching sun, there is still a bit of dryness on the grassland.

Usually at this time, the beasts need to rest, on the one hand to avoid the heat, and on the other hand to save their physical strength.

But Ma Wang cannot rest, and Panda refuses to rest.

They are still escaping and chasing one after another, unwilling to give up.

Ma Wang's running speed is getting slower and slower. In the past, every time the panda lost its track, it had to follow the footprints and broken weeds to track it down. After running for about an hour, it was possible to catch up with it again. But now, he usually only takes about half an hour to catch up with the resting horse king.

And whenever he was caught up, Ma Wang often needed to run for half an hour if he wanted to get rid of him.

It can rest less and less and more and more tired.

Of course, the panda is also very tired. He has been running wildly since last night until now. Ma Wang can rest for half an hour to an hour at intervals, but he can only stop for a few minutes at most, drink some water, eat something, and take a breath.

This kind of running method means that his physique is very strong. If he were an ordinary adventurer, he would have been exhausted long ago.

At this moment, he was panting like a cow, and he felt that his legs were already very heavy, and he had to use spells repeatedly to relieve fatigue. But the power of the spell is also limited, and the effect of relieving fatigue is gradually getting worse.

But he had no intention of giving up.

He knew that at this moment, the contest between himself and Ma Wang was not physical strength, but will.

Either he falls down, or the king of horses falls, there is no third possibility!

"Run! Run!" He said in a low voice after Ma Wang ran out of sight again, "I will never give up, even if I have to catch up all day, even if I chase it at night, I will continue to chase tomorrow. I'm going to catch up with you too! Catch you!"

However, Ma Wang does not seem to think so.

After he caught up with Ma Wang again, the beast that had been running wild for a long time finally stopped running and put on a deadly stance.

Seeing that it turned its head and rushed towards him, while spitting out white foam, he opened his **** mouth, as if he wanted to bite himself into two pieces, and the panda couldn't help laughing.

"you lose!"

he said confidently.

As he said, after a while, Ma Wang, who had been punched several times in succession, could no longer stand up and collapsed to the ground.

Standing next to the prey he had finally caught, the panda couldn't help laughing even though he was so tired that he wanted to sit on the ground all of a sudden.

"Happy! Happy!"

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