Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 139: roadside encounter

Panda put on a worn light leather armor and stood in a shop specialized in doing business with adventurers.

There are several such shops in Tarakhan City. They buy various unidentified or unnecessary things from adventurers, and at the same time sell various things useful to adventurers to earn the difference.

The first thing to do this kind of business is to have good eyesight, not to treat garbage as treasure; the second thing is to be eloquent, able to persuade adventurers to sell their hard-earned things at a low price, and then use the same hard-earned money to buy them at a high price. Things that may not be really suitable; the third and most important thing is to be good at kung fu and have the ability to control the situation. Adventurers are all rough people. Sword, if the kung fu is not good enough, just wait for five steps to bleed.

For example, the clerk of this shop has good eyesight and eloquence, and kung fu... ahem, kung fu is still fine.

At least he looked at the panda's figure, and completely dispelled the idea of ​​"to prevent this guy from doing it".

Can't talk? Absolutely cannot be negotiated! I really can't afford to pay him to have a drink. Life is much more important than money!

This clerk is also a bit skilled, and three or five strong men can't get close to him. There was also a record of an adventurer who was drunk and slow, and was knocked to the ground by his old punch. However, if the opponent is an orc who is more than two heads taller than himself and whose arms are almost thicker than his thighs, then the option of "use force" obviously does not exist.

Fortunately, Panda didn't mean to cause trouble. He took out a silver bracelet that was about 90% new and put it on the table.

"It's a good thing, and you have to pay it!" he exclaimed, in the typical gruff voice of an orc.

The clerk picked up the bracelet and looked at it carefully.

Judging by the color and weight, it's safe to say that the bracelet is sterling silver - which is worth a lot of money. But what he cared more about was the pattern on the bracelet and a gray-red gemstone set on it.

The gem was an agate, the color was not pure, and the patterns were intricate and messy. It was about the size of the fingernail of an ordinary person's little finger. As far as gems are concerned, they are not anything of value.

But the clerk subconsciously saw some clues from the texture and this gem.

"A magic item?" he asked.

"You have vision!" Panda nodded, took the bracelet, pulled out a short sword, pressed the agate on the ridge of the sword, and stroked it gently.

With the sound of friction, a faint red light appeared on the silver-white dagger.

The clerk was stunned for a moment, and took out a few hay from the counter and put it together. The hay ignited immediately, and many sparks appeared.

"Fire enchantment?" he said in surprise, "This is a magic item that can provide fire enchantment to weapons?!"

Panda laughed without saying a word.

The clerk stared intently at the dagger, waiting patiently. After about ten breaths, the red light on the short sword gradually dissipated. After about fifteen breaths, the red light completely disappeared, and the short sword returned to its previous appearance.

"How many times can this bracelet be used a day?" The clerk turned his gaze back to the bracelet and asked.

"How many times do you want to use it?" Panda sneered. "Once a day, isn't it enough?"

"...That's right, if you say it a few times a day, the price of this thing is too high." The clerk nodded slightly and asked, "How much do you want to sell this for?"

Panda immediately gave an unhappy look: "Didn't I just say it! You look at the price, and I think it's suitable, then sell it; if it's not suitable, then forget it."

The clerk thought about it for a while—mainly considering how to lower the price so as not to irritate this orc who was very unrestrained at first glance, and finally made up his mind.

"It's inconvenient to use money to measure things like this. Why not? Let me list a few pieces of magic equipment. How about you choose one and exchange it for one?"

Panda was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He sells things in this store, just because this store is relatively close to the Earl's Palace. If something happens, he can rush to rescue immediately, and he doesn't plan to do business seriously at all. Choosing among several pieces of equipment can delay a lot of time, which is exactly what he wants.

Of course the clerk didn't know what he was thinking, so he picked out a few pieces of equipment, put them on the table, and introduced them one by one.

It can be seen that the clerk really wants to make this business. The pieces of equipment he picked out were all suitable for a strong but somewhat down-to-earth orc warrior, among which the panda was particularly concerned about a double-sided axe with a "blood-sucking" effect.

This axe can devour a little life force when killing opponents and give it back to the owner. Fighting with it is equivalent to continuously adding blood, which is very refreshing.

However, it also has a big disadvantage - "Vampire weapons" are divided into three grades, the highest grade is that as long as it hits the opponent, it can absorb part of the life force, and the second is that the opponent is injured and will absorb the life force, like this To kill the opponent to absorb the vitality is the lowest level.

It is used to open unparalleled in low-level monsters or ordinary beasts, killing the Quartet, naturally it is nowhere to go. But if you fight against high-level opponents and fight one-on-one, you will not be able to exert the effect of blood-sucking.

The clerk did not hide it, and introduced this in detail, emphasizing that "this axe is suitable for mopping up groups of monsters, not for fighting a single powerful monster."

Panda gently stroked the face of the axe with his fingers, feeling the magic power flowing in the magic texture, and was silent in thought.

After a while, he still shook his head, denying the weapon.

The clerk was not surprised, and introduced another thing to him.

It is a collar that can attach a layer of magic shield to the wearer. Although the effect of physical defense is very general, it has good resistance to various magic attacks.

This thing is also extremely practical for the melee profession, but its shape is relatively poor. The collar is easily reminiscent of slaves or something, so although the effect is very good, no one cares.

The same is true for the panda. He seemed to be reluctantly stroking for a long time, but still shook his head, denying this option.

So the clerk took out the third item, which was a machete. The blade was extremely blunt, and it was afraid that it would cut even a piece of cork, but it was very heavy and sturdy.

"As long as vindictive energy is injected into it, it can form an invisible blade," said the clerk.

Panda's eyes lit up, he picked up the knife, and was about to take a closer look, but in the corner of his eyes he noticed Wu Mian came out of the Earl's Mansion, boarded the carriage, and walked slowly outside the store.

At the same time, there was also a sleepless message in the chat channel.

[Sleepless night: Everything is going well, the earl has already believed our information and will be able to close the net soon. 】

Panda smiled secretly, picked up the machete, and walked out with a smile under the slightly surprised eyes of the clerk.

In order to prevent being noticed, he did not chase Wusian, but walked to the other side, just passing by a bard who was a little downcast.

After a few steps, he stopped and looked back.

The bard kept walking, walking forward, and into a tavern on the side of the road.

Panda pondered for a long time, but made up his mind and followed.

In the chat channel, there is one more sentence.

[Panda: Everyone near Tarakhan City will come here. I might have... met the fraudster Erica...]

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