Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1196: I'm full!

About a week later.

[Snow elf who is always high and cold: Panda, I think your idea... is not very reliable. 】

[Panda Warrior: How can I see it? 】

[Snow elf who is always cold: In the past few days, I have abandoned several unimportant occupations and 20 or 30 skills that are of little use, but I do not feel any improvement in my ice spells. 】

[Panda Warrior: Have you practiced ice spells? 】

Sitting in his room with a grimacing face, the shattered ice froze for a moment, and asked subconsciously, "Do you still want to exercise?"

"This is a question... If you don't exercise, how can you improve your ice spells simply by giving up other occupations and skills? 'Focus' is nothing more than allowing you to reach the limit in a certain area. This is just to raise the upper limit Value, not to add points directly to you!"

"But I still have a lot of experience points to reserve... I can't use experience points anymore."

Panda froze for a moment and frowned.

After a few seconds, he asked, "You really don't have any experience points?"

"Really, the same as before."

Panda immediately posted the news in the chat channel, reminding everyone not to act rashly.

Soon, everyone spoke up, saying that they had not had time to act.

Even those relatively unimportant occupations and skills are raised with experience points. Just give up? How can it be so easy!

Seeing that everyone hadn't had time to act, Panda finally breathed a sigh of relief - fortunately, no bad consequences have been caused, at least the only person who has been victimized for the time being is Bing Bing, and from what he said, the victimization is not yet. serious……

At this moment, a sentence in the chat channel made him almost jump up.

[Fire King Raymond: Hammer Yo! Lao Tzu has abolished everything except the fire method, and your child can't tell me now? I'll die for you! 】

"Damn! Why are you so impatient!"

"Our bros are all straight, and we don't do fancy stuff!"

Panda sighed and asked, "Since that's the case... what's the effect of your upgrade now?"

Like him, Raymond is level 99. However, because after level 99, there is no experience in killing monsters or doing quests, it is too late for training and so on, so Raymond didn't train much, and his experience value still stayed at about a few tenths of a percent.

"The effect is pretty good, and the upgrade speed is about the same as before."

When Raymond said this, everyone was shocked.

How effective is the panda's idea? !

"But... this method is not very reliable." Raymond said, "Although there is no problem with the upgrade, the combat effectiveness has dropped."

"Combat power?"

"Yes, the combat evaluation of the character panel is simply... If the A-shares fell like this, the securities center building could be filled with corpses that jumped off the building..."

"No way!"

"Don't you know that these days, stock trading is all about leverage? You can make ten times if you go up a dollar, and you can lose ten times if you go down a dollar. I'm going to talk about it!"

Seeing that he was about to distort the question again, Panda sighed and interrupted their nonsense: "That... Raymond, are you sure this method won't work?"

"It won't work! It definitely won't work. Even if I reach level 100 now, I'll be a shrunken turret at best. The single output should be much higher than before, but the continuous output capability is definitely not as good." Raymond is sure Said, "I'm afraid this method is a bit tricky, don't use it."

Seeing this, the traversers sighed one after another, including Shattered Ice, some who wanted to take the specialization path to reach the full level also chose to give up.

Although the full level seems to be very interesting, maybe there will be a different scenery after the full level, but... everyone will have to deal with the dragon of doom in a few years! Now in this situation, one more combat power is just another one, it is really unbearable to lose!

If the Dragon of Doom is finished and everyone is still there, you might as well give it a try - anyway, everyone is already an invincible master of loneliness. Even if one person can't beat it, can't two hundred people beat it?

Hehe, we have even killed the Dragon of Doom, who would dare to pick on us!

Of course, all these ideas are just a beautiful idea for the time being, and the distance from realization is probably as far as from the earth to the Zentraedi...

Panda's idea was useless, and the traversers had no choice but to put aside the good wish of "full level" and help Raymond level up.

They first took Raymond to farm monsters. After the battle, it was determined that as long as the enemy was level 89 or higher, they could provide Raymond with experience points - just like the normal situation in the past.

Although monsters above level 89 are difficult to find, but... at least there is a way to "purify".

This time, the passers-by almost all came out and broke into **** collectively.

Facing the menacing alien legion, the unprepared Hell Legion was beaten into a mess. In just one month, the transmigrators, the Light Demon Kings, captured six alive, not to mention the remaining legion commanders. In short, when the purification ceremony was held again a month later, the one hundred and eight Aojin pillars were all tied with figures with heads and faces in hell.

"It's a pity that I didn't catch a seventh monarch." Looking at the high-level demons howling in the holy flame, Panda shook his head in dissatisfaction, and said, "If you can catch a seventh monarch, maybe you will be able to give it all at once. Raymond is maxed out."

"That's not bad." Sanyu smiled and said, "Just wait for us to catch them again. Hell is so big, it's not too difficult to catch a few demon kings."

"I'm afraid that they will suffer a loss this time, and they will run away when they meet us in the future..."

Everyone sighed. In terms of force, the traversers can naturally crush most of the demon kings in hell. But the crushing is crushing, the other party wants to run, they really have no good way.

To solve this problem, the easiest way is to go straight to the furnace of hell. No matter what the demons think, they must do everything in their power to protect the center of **** - without the furnace of hell, the demons cannot be resurrected after death. It can be said that even if the seven monarchs are compensated, they must keep the furnace of hell.

But the problem is that the furnace of **** is located in the center of hell, surrounded by lair of high-level demons, and the seven monarchs lead the most elite legions of **** to guard. If you want to get there, even the traversers can't do it.

Perhaps with the help of the Paradise Legion, you can try to challenge this "impossible mission", but it will definitely cause heavy losses to the Paradise Legion, and the traversers are not willing to let their allies suffer such losses.

Then, just take more time.

Anyway, as Sanyu said, **** is so big, it shouldn't be too difficult to catch a few demon kings.

Facts have proved that Sanyu's judgment is correct.

After this purification, the traversers entered **** again and successfully captured several demon kings.

With the help of He Ke, the second or fifth boy, catching the Demon King was not as difficult as they expected.

By the way, He Ke is now the thirteenth devil king of hell, and the speed of promotion is like riding a rocket. It is comparable to a dog who is good at guessing and has no bottom line...

A year later, Raymond finally reached level 100.

When his level became 100 and his experience bar changed to "unupgradable", he couldn't help cheering.

"I... I succeeded!" He raised his hands and shouted loudly, "I'm full! I'm full! I'm full!"

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