Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1191: There are days before the Dragon of Doom is resurrected...

In the tense and busy, time just passed little by little.

The Dragon of Doom is still recovering unhurriedly. The traversers specially asked Fire Dragon Rhodes to help come forward as an intermediary. They went to Longdao, which had just returned not long ago, and invited a few very old seniors of the dragon race to see it for themselves. a bit. A few old dragons who are almost the same age as the Peking Man can be discussed for a long time, and finally judged that if the current trend is followed, this magic dragon (assuming it is a dragon) should be fully resurrected around 880 on the mainland calendar.

At the beginning, when everyone traveled through it, it was seventy-seven or six years, and in 1980, it was one hundred and four years... It's not bad, and I earned four years.

Although everyone said "earned four years" in a very relaxed tone, there was only heavy worry in each other's eyes.

The Dragon of Doom is lying there, and everyone knows that it will be completely resurrected sooner or later, but after all, it has not yet, so there is some room for self-deception. But the old dragons have even estimated the exact time when it will be fully resurrected, so there is really no room for self-deception.

In the canteen of the castle, Sanyu wrote a line of words on the blackboard. Anyone who has gone through the college entrance examination must be familiar with and hate this line of words.

There are still X days before the resurrection of the Dragon of Doom.

The position of this X is a socket, and the socket can be replaced. At present, "3837" is written on the socket. This is calculated based on the new year of 1980 as the expected resurrection date of the dragon of doom. There are only three hundred and sixty days in a year in the Western World, and thirty days a month, neat and tidy. If a Virgo obsessive-compulsive disorder came into this world, it would be very happy.

Panda looked at the sign for ten minutes, then ran to the back kitchen and found more than three.

"What's with that countdown sign?" he asked.

Sanyu replied: "Little Eggplant (Laisha)'s suggestion, she said that she was like this when she was going to take the exam, and it felt very atmosphere."

Panda laughed dryly: "The atmosphere... It is indeed very atmospheric, but don't you think there is a problem?"

"Problem? What's the problem?" Sanyu was a little surprised, "This can make us more clearly aware of the urgency of time, I think it's good."

"...Don't you feel pressured? Aren't you afraid that everyone will come to trouble you?"

Sanyu shook his head, he really didn't feel much pressure.

Panda sighed, and he suddenly realized that Sanyu's nerves are really not ordinary.

After thinking about it, it was found that the food was insufficient after crossing the road, and people who could come up with boiled grass for everyone, how could their nerves not be rough?

So he couldn't help laughing: "You can't use your own requirements to demand others. There were so many people in the beginning, except for a few who could really eat grass, and the rest was the most enjoyable for you to eat grass by yourself."

"You're not bad, right? I remember eating clean every time, CD."

"I'm holding on. To be honest, eating grass is really uncomfortable!" Panda sighed, "Pandaren... are also carnivores!"

"Then you eat so happily?" Sanyu was stunned for a moment. He had never studied what pandaren eat, but thought they were omnivores—everything pandas eat is delicious, except Maiev's dark dishes.

Panda smiled wryly and shook his head, he just habitually does not waste food.

While he was talking, Loma rushed in in a hurry, and before anyone arrived, the voice came first: "Oh, I said the chef, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open! What is the 'Dragon from the Doomsday' There are still 3837 days until resurrection' ah! You go to it and ask! See if it agrees or not!"

Sanyu smiled at the panda, meaning "you're right, the troublemaker is here".

Here comes the troublemaker, and it's not just Loma alone.

Sanyu was explaining to Loma, and several people rushed over in a hurry, and they all came to protest.

Since it's here, it's natural to explain it. But I just said a few words here, the footsteps were continuous, and many people came again.

Soon, the kitchen was full of people, and the people who came later had to block outside and couldn't get in. Fortunately, everyone's mood is still stable. No one yelled or shouted slogans, let alone beating, smashing, looting or even setting fire. The quality of the protesters is really higher than that of the European and American demonstrators.

Otherwise... I'm afraid that Sanyu will have to rebuild the kitchen.

With so many people gathered together, no matter how rough the nerves are, they understand the seriousness of the problem.

He's not the kind of stubborn person, and since everyone is against it, then of course it's okay to change it - it's not troublesome anyway.

Soon, the words on the blackboard were erased, and the inserts and cards were removed, as if nothing had happened.

However, everyone who has seen that line of words before has a heavy heart.

The words on the blackboard can be erased, but what is about to happen cannot be erased by anyone. The resurrection of the Dragon of Doom is so close that it is necessary to use "days" to calculate it.

More than 3,000 days is a lot to talk about, but... as soon as you close your eyes and open your eyes, then one day has passed!

It has been more than 90 years and more than 30,000 days have passed since you all traveled to this world. These more than 30,000 days actually didn't feel like a long time. After careful calculation, it seems that I haven't experienced much. Looking back, I can still remember the grass-fed thing, like it was yesterday.

After a small turmoil, Panda and a few others held lunch boxes together with Sanyu, left the cafeteria, and came to the roof of the castle.

"Time flies so fast!" Sanyu took a mouthful of hot soup and sighed, "Unconsciously, more than ninety years have passed!"

"It can't be called 'unconsciously'. Over the years, we have traveled a lot, done a lot of things, killed a lot of monsters, and improved a lot." Loma habitually raised the bar.

Sanyu smiled and didn't argue with him - arguing with Loma is a very stupid behavior. This guy is usually fine, but once he gets into a state of arrogance during an argument, he really has to slap you with every word. Can **** people off.

He casually looked for a topic to divert his attention, pointed to the human cannon not far away and said, "I remember we used it a lot back then, but in recent years, it has not been used anymore."

"Yeah, the castle's teleportation array can go everywhere, and everyone can fly, so there's no need for this." Panda took the conversation, lest Loma raise the bar again, "I remember the last time I used this, it was back then. When I swept away the stronghold of the undead forces in the world. Since then, I haven't used it again."

"Now, the old man like me often comes to wash and scrub it, oil it, check it... When people are old, they are nostalgic. This guy and I are also old friends." Volibear, the white bear, sighed softly and said, "Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, let alone a human, even a machine is old..."

This statement made everyone sigh. More than 90 years is definitely not a short time. On the earth, many countries do not have such a long lifespan. If a person can grow up to this level, he can get an extraordinary status by virtue of his seniority. During the military parade on Tiananmen Square, only the old comrades and the head of state wear tunic suits, and everyone else wears suits.

After sighing for a while, Sanyu said: "I am quite satisfied with life in this world. If possible, I hope that such peaceful days can continue. The dragon of doom is going to be resurrected, we can't do anything about it, but after it is resurrected, We must do our best to kill it!"

"You still need to say it!" Loma sneered, "If you don't kill it, no one will eat it!"

"That's right!" Panda nodded, "The Dragon of Doom is our only enemy. If we don't get rid of it, not only will this world be threatened, but we will also have no peace!"

Everyone agreed, and there was no disagreement.

The meal was quickly finished, and when he left the roof, the panda couldn't help but sighed as he watched the setting sun that was gradually lowering.

Originally, on September 1st every year, everyone would hold a celebration of "Traveling Memorial Day", but since the discovery of the Dragon of Doom, it has been almost twenty years, and it has not been so celebrated...

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