Of course, it is not only Locke and Liu Daoqing who will hurry up and prepare for the future.

Among the travelers, apart from those like Long Biao who are alone in this world and have no personal relationships at all, even those senior single dogs have some friends and juniors. Not to mention that many people are already married and have children, even grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren... Wang Tuhao has met his great-great-grandchildren not long ago.

Of course, they couldn't ignore the people who were worried about them, and they were trying their best to find a way.

It's probably because the heroes see the same thing. In the end, the solutions that everyone came up with are actually similar.

It is called "escape" in one word.

Escape is the unanimous choice of the travelers after calm thinking.

Regardless of whether everyone can defeat the Dragon of Doom, at least it is certain that there will be an earth-shattering war—no, not "earth-shattering", but "destroying the heavens and destroying the earth"!

Don't you see, Dongtu has let this war be broken into pieces.

Therefore, before the war comes, the people who everyone cares about must be evacuated first, and the farther away the better. That way, at least they wouldn't lose their lives in the aftermath of the battle.

But it is not so easy to evacuate.

It is not difficult for one or two people to stay away from the Western World. But tens of thousands of people, and even a few countries, would have to be completely evacuated.

In the history of the Western Land, similar things have happened, that is, the seclusion of those legendary races. In the era of the Second Era, many powerful races relocated to the small world because the concentration of magic power in the Western World gradually declined.

It's just... the distance between those small worlds and the Western Continent is really not far enough.

In the past, few people would evaluate the distance between "worlds", but since the sage and witch Xingzhao proposed the concept of "pan-world model", many magicians have devoted themselves to this research. Over the past few decades, everyone has summed up a fairly large-scale model of the pan-world structure.

This model takes the western world as the center of the pan-world, and then is surrounded by a vast void, and the worlds are floating in the void, just like bubbles floating in water.

A long time ago, there was also a magician who proposed such a model, but it was later rejected in practice-because many worlds did not float in the void in a three-dimensional attitude, but appeared as a plane in the void, or even a line. line, a point.

This chaotic pattern left the magicians helpless, but Xingzhao solved the problem. She proposed that every world should have its own place in the void. However, the “gate” that enters and exits the world and the world itself may not be unified—specifically, it is like you live in a house in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and your household registration is still in your hometown. Others will look for you based on your household registration, or you will return to your roots when you get old, and you will still be a native of your hometown. But usually to find you, of course, to the house you rented.

At first, this theory was ignored - in the academic field, "ideas" are the least valuable, and hypotheses without experimental or observational results are even worse than toilet paper. But a few years later, Xingzhao completed the verification of her vision. She used a specially designed magic circle to align the coordinates of a certain world determined by calculation, and launched a forced teleportation, which was successful.

Generally speaking, to teleport across the world, you must first obtain the coordinates of the corresponding world. And the coordinates of that world should not be in that position - its coordinates are a face in the void, which is a typical situation that contradicts the "Starlight Pan-World Model".

Starlight's experiment is very dangerous. This kind of forcible cross-world teleportation is basically no different from sending it to death. One hundred failures and one hundred failures are almost inevitable - there is no one percent, and the teleportation to the void will only create spatial turbulence and completely destroy the experimental product. The only slight possibility is that the experiment was not successful, but that the experiment was lucky enough to be teleported to some small space debris that was riding on a "half plane" in the void, that's all.

Worst of all, to be able to send a feedback signal after reaching the target. Experiments must be performed by creatures that have the ability to cast spells independently and possess a considerable degree of magic power - it is not something that cats and dogs can do to inspire cross-world positioning magic items.

Generally speaking, those who can do such a thing must be at least an intermediate-level mage.

Although for those great magicians, this level of mages is nothing. But their number is not large, and it is impossible to be so large that they can be wasted casually.

On the other hand, in terms of hell, cannon fodder-level demons are often used as "positioning tools" to open up new worlds. Anyway, they don't care about casualties, and the effect is not bad...

Travelers are not afraid of danger, so Xingzhao can get the highest quality experimental products in the world. Not only are they excellent in strength, but they will also cooperate well. Most importantly, even if the experiment fails, they can often see a little bit of the teleportation target before they die, and get some vague but extremely precious information.

Relying on the sacrifices of the undead cannon fodder, Xingzhao spent several years perfecting his theory, and successfully found a world that could be used to prove his theory.

Now, her theory has become one of the basic courses for the magicians in the Western World to learn the worldview. The pan-world model proposed by her has been continuously improved and expanded through repeated experiments and explorations.

The world that is farthest from the Western Land World has been discovered so far, which is the "Wizard World". That world has not even determined its exact location, and can only roughly estimate the direction and distance, because the dedicated detection and teleportation magic circle cannot be teleported that far.

When the traversers considered the "back road" problem, Xingzhao put forward a suggestion.

Send those who need protection to the wizarding world.

That's not only the most distant world that everyone can find, but more importantly, it has a mature magical civilization and a sufficient population. This means that even if the war between the traversers and the dragon of doom has led to the destruction of a series of worlds such as the Western Land, the fire of civilization can be continued by just relying on this world.

Moreover, even if it is necessary to escape further, starting from the wizarding world, at least it is farther and more buffered.

Everyone is not without any concerns about her proposal-because it is too far away, traversers rarely go to the wizarding world, and their influence there is not large enough. Apart from Panda, the leader of the White Wizarding Alliance, there is nothing else to do.

"If I knew earlier, it would be better to let Aaron rule that world..." Someone muttered, "When faced with disasters, the tyrant mode is much more effective than the leader mode..."

After all, but as we all know, that is impossible.

If Aaron really ruled that world for decades, I'm afraid there would be no "civilization" left in the whole world...

That guy Aaron, one person is enough to destroy an entire civilization!

After repeated discussions, the traversers finally accepted Xingzhao's plan. Except for a few people like Locke who planned to think otherwise, the vast majority of travelers sent their wives, children, relatives, friends, disciples, etc., to the wizarding world one after another.

In Xingzhao's research institute, the ultra-long-distance teleportation magic circle rotates day and night, almost never stopping. But even so, it will take at least five or six years to transmit the most important people. As for those that are relatively unimportant... Maybe it won't be too late to teleport them when the Dragon of Doom is resurrected...

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