Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1184: Simata!

In the 863rd year of the mainland calendar, it was the 87th year that the traversers came to this world. April 6th, late spring.

The light and flames in the purification circle have dissipated. Except for the burnt white ground, the charred metal pillars and chains, one hundred and eight demons, including a demon king, have all been destroyed. After purification, no trace is left.

After a period of time, they will be reborn in the furnace of hell, but these reborn demons will lose almost all of their power, and I don't know how long it will take to recover to the level before they were purified.

For the **** where the struggle is extremely cruel, this end is no different from death, and it may even be worse than death.

Of course, the traversers don't care how miserable these purified demons will be. In fact, they would love to kill these demons completely to get the maximum experience points - just can't.

Angels and demons are not simple creatures, but the product of the combination of the soul of the creature and the "law". They are partially lawful and are immortal unless counteracted by the opposite law.

In other words, the correct way to kill a demon completely is to sacrifice an angel and die with it.

This method... Maybe the angels don't mind, but the transmigrators do.

In a decisive battle against the Dragon of Doom, the more allies the better. The demons really can't count on them, and other forces are relatively weak, and the only reliable allies are the Legion of Heaven. So, the angels can't lose a single one - even if they want to die with the demons, they have to wait until the dragon of doom is over.

Perhaps, after fighting the Dragon of Doom, they don't have to sacrifice.

Most of the dragons of doom will emerge from **** and then attack the western world. At that time, I don't know how many demons will die under its hands - as the ultimate disaster that destroys the world, the Dragon of Doom can completely destroy angels or demons. It raged in a wave, and half of the demons left in **** could be considered good luck.

Many traversers, such as pandas, were secretly waiting to see that scene, and were prepared to gloat in advance.

The thought of how miserable the demons will be in front of the Dragon of Doom puts everyone in a good mood. After fighting for so many years, each other has been immortal for a long time, even the most generous traversers are happy to see the unfortunate aspect of hell.

What's more, if the demons are not unlucky, how do the fellows who belong to the **** camp in the traversers come to power?

They have all figured it out, and when the dragon of doom is over, they will help Alice and the others grab the seat of the seventh monarch. For example, the real Beelzebub, that fellow should get out of the way; there are other **** stars, Rahabo, who have been sealed for so many years, and why are they still occupying the kennel and not shitting!

But now, Panda is not in a good mood at all.

"Damn it!" He looked at the experience bar carefully and couldn't help but doubt his eyes, "Why don't you have any experience points?"

He had just risen to the ninety-ninth level, and was the first one among the traversers to step into this level. He was mentally prepared that the benefits of the purification ritual would decrease after rising to such a level. But I never imagined that the decline would be so great.

No experience at all!

"It shouldn't be! At level ninety-eight, only 2% of a demon king is purified. For such a large-scale purification ceremony, a normal 10% to 15%. Even according to the principle of experience decay, now At least it should have a look of 4 to 5 percent, how can it not even be 0.1 percent?"

He muttered to himself, frowning.

Because it was the first purification ceremony after level ninety-nine, he specially led a team to raid **** from another direction and caught the fifty-fifth "grey crystal" Dudu**. This demon king was added later, not one of the seventy-two demon kings in the past, but his strength is not weak, and it is definitely not a parallel import - among the demon kings before the sixty, there is no parallel import.

There is no experience in this way. Could it be that the purification ceremony can no longer bring him experience?

He thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out why, so he just posted this on the chat channel.

The transmigrators immediately talked a lot, and everyone was surprised.

According to everyone's plan, it was originally supposed to be about level 85 by brushing on the battlefields of heaven and hell, then rising to level ninety-six by attacking hell, and finally completing the remaining five levels through purification rituals to reach full level .

In general, this plan should be very reliable, but no one expected that after rising to the ninety-ninth level, even the purification ceremony would not be able to get experience points!

"When I was playing the game, how should I upgrade this last level?" Sanyu asked, "Heyin, you should have collected information on this, right?"

"The game company didn't announce it, but according to logic, it should be to kill the minions of the Dragon of Doom in the rift of doom, and do some quests by the way." Harmony replied immediately, "But... that's not right! The demon kings themselves are not at the same level. Low, plus the bonus of the purification ceremony, no matter how you look at it, you should be able to upgrade to the full level..."

"But the fact is that it doesn't work," Panda said. "I don't understand why. Can anyone of you guess the reason?"

Everyone discussed it for a long time, but no one could come up with a reliable explanation.

In general, there are several ways to explain this matter, but none of these sets of methods are unanimously recognized by everyone. Among various explanations, Harmony's proposal that "level 99 is the current limit of the world" has received the most approval and support, but not even one-third.

Although for the era before the appearance of the Doomsday Dragon, the ninety-nine level of Michael and Lucifer was indeed the limit. But the traversers think they shouldn't be subject to this restriction - they came from the era of level 100!

Moreover, if they are really limited by the "version", then the level cap should also be ninety, not ninety-nine!

In the end, their discussions were fruitless, and if they had to say there was a result, it would be a bad result.

Everyone is worried.

The team that originally challenged the Dragon of Doom should be a hundred full-level masters with a full body of artifact. In the process of the challenge, there must be a number of group kills, and in the end, some precious consumable items will probably be used in order to win the honor of the first kill.

But now, they not only couldn't find an artifact, they couldn't even find a full-level character.

Level 99 and Level 100, don't look at the difference by only one level, but when playing a boss, this level difference is a few percent difference in offense and defense. The original equipment is not enough, the consumption of props is insufficient, the situation is already very bad, and now it is still a few percent worse...

Now, if I had to use one expression to describe everyone's mood, it would probably be shouting "Simata", while the muscles in the face were twitching and twisting, or even two lasagna-like tears, the body trembled as if Malaria... an expression like that.

Obviously, everyone seems to be really unable to cover it this time.

So, maybe... it's time to find a way back...

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