Walking into the examination room, Owen took a closer look, and was stunned for a moment.

The conditions here are much better than he expected.

There are about 1,000 scholars who came to Talahan City to participate in the imperial examination, which is a huge scale. They used to be just lodging, and they occupied more than half of the mid-to-high-end hotels in the entire city of Tarakhan - there are not many multi-storey buildings in this world, and ordinary buildings have up to three floors above and below, most of them are two floors, a large Hotels have about thirteen or four rooms, and even smaller hotels have only five or six rooms.

Thousands of people take the exam together, what a huge exam room is needed? Owen had estimated, and then thought he was probably unfounded.

Even what he can think of, Earl Tarakhan and his staff, it is impossible to think of it.

Facts have proved that he is indeed unfounded.

Although the examination rooms are not large, they are well arranged. The desk on the side of the door and the bed on the side of the wall are all foldable. They are usually folded and hung on the wall. When they are needed, they can be put down without taking up any space. Even the chair you sit on is foldable, and can be folded up to become a palm-width piece.

With this design, the space inside the room is much more spacious. When you need to take an exam, put the desk down and open the chair. The entire exam room is a study room that is at least enough for use; when you need to rest, put away the desk, open the two hidden compartments on the ground, and place the exam papers and stationery separately. Go in and close the hidden compartment to ensure that the test paper will not be accidentally damaged.

Then, take out the quilt from the large dark compartment on the ground under the bed, put down the bed, and make it. So the small examination room became a bedroom again - not a big place, but enough to rest. Even the bed was quite spacious, even a big man of orc blood could lie comfortably.

It was early autumn, and the weather was a little cold, but it wasn't cold at all in the exam room. It was obvious that the climate was adjusted by magic. According to the instructions for candidates posted on the wall, Owen spent about half an hour to test the various facilities in the examination room one by one. After confirming that they were all in good condition, he arranged the desks and chairs and finished the examination. Prepare.

At about ten o'clock, the patrolling soldiers delivered test papers and stationery.

Although the soldier's attitude was very friendly, Owen couldn't help but startled when he felt the powerful aura in him.

Although he is not strong, his vision is not bad. This patrol soldier is dressed in ordinary clothes and has a good attitude, but the feeling of a strong man on his body cannot be concealed. He can bet that this patrol soldier is definitely a high-ranking martial artist—a powerful fighting spirit, it is impossible to completely put away. The murderous aura that has been honed through hundreds of battles is even more impossible to hide completely.

When the patrolling soldier went out, Owen calmed down, looked at the test paper, and was surprised again.

What is this all about!

He planned to take exams such as history and literature, or geography, politics, etc., but... at least this first paper, he didn't see any content in this regard.

This paper talks about all kinds of trivial matters, from how to mediate a quarrel between two old people, to how to decide a dispute between a businessman and a soldier, to a lawsuit for divorce and property division... It doesn't seem like a scholar should learn at all. Something that the stewards under the lord should learn.

Owen frowned, lost in thought.

These scholars came to participate in the imperial examinations, of course, not to be officials or managers, but to become knights, or even grassroots nobles with actual fiefs.

As a noble, is it necessary to learn these things?

He was still thinking, when he heard noises coming from outside, but some scholars who were taking the exam were unwilling, got up and left.

The scholar was quite handsome in appearance, extraordinary in temperament, and the clothes on his body were also quite luxurious. At first glance, he knew that he was of good origin. Owen guessed that he might just want to join in the fun and see what happened to the so-called "imperial examination". Even if he passed the entrance exam, he would probably go back to retirement and would not really be a grassroots noble in Tarakhan.

Seeing the indignant look on his face, one can imagine that he felt insulted by those "vulgar" topics.

It wasn't just the scholar who felt insulted.

After him, more than a dozen scholars left one after another without taking part in the imperial examinations. One of them also wanted to call on everyone to strike the exam together, but as soon as he spoke, he was helped out by the patrolling soldiers.

Seeing this Xiongtai's angry face but speechless, Owen, who went to the entrance of the examination room to watch the excitement, couldn't help but want to laugh.

"If you want to make trouble, you must at least have enough strength to make trouble!" In the examination room next to him, a mocking voice came out, "If you don't have strength, you must at least have eyesight. These The patrolling soldiers have the symbols of high-level members of various martial arts schools. They are obviously elites from various factions. Maybe they were specially invited from Calipura. Just relying on this guy's ability, he wants to make trouble? Don't get caught on the spot If you kill him, you should be thankful!"

Owen finally couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, he returned to the examination room and sat down again, and began to answer the paper seriously.

The grassroots nobles have no conditions to recruit a large number of people, and many things have to be done by themselves. Those who understand this knowledge will at least not become a useless lord who knows nothing.

Probably, this is what Earl Tarahan intended for this paper?

"It seems that the test papers on the first day are very effective!" In the evening, when Panda and the others were having a dinner, someone sighed, "It's a good idea to change the order of the three test papers!"

"Yeah, it's really a good idea." Eric nodded, "If you follow the original plan and take the common sense test on the first day, it may not have the effect of screening and standing."

"Who said you can't stand up?" Panda who participated in the compilation of the test papers was unhappy. "I guarantee that they will feel strong pressure when they see the last two big questions!"

Having said that, those transmigrators who also participated in the compilation of the exam papers could not laugh.

After a while, someone sighed: "Panda, those questions you asked... If you put it on the earth, you will definitely be beaten to death."

"How is that possible! It's just a little more difficult." Panda said nonchalantly, "Draw a picture, write the corresponding function, and then deduce the effective range in practical applications based on this function and some of the given data. The college entrance examination is simply a matter of giving marks, isn't it?"

"It's a little more difficult? It's completely maddening, okay!" Loma shouted, "The mathematics of this world has not yet developed to that stage!"

Panda snorted coldly and glanced at Loma with disdain, as though too lazy to explain to him.

Eric next to him sighed and explained: "This topic is not difficult for magicians. After all, learning magic always requires studying mathematics. It's just... Most scholars don't know how to do it. Spend time and energy on math you don't need..."

"Then this topic?"

"Anyway, we are recruited by merit, and it makes no difference if everyone is worse off."

Their negotiation decided the tragic experience of the candidates on the last day...

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