Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1159: Angels' decision

To complete the plan proposed by Eric, of course, did not happen overnight, and the traversers quickly got busy.

According to their own abilities, everyone divided this huge plan into several parts and implemented them individually. What Panda is responsible for is to go to heaven, discuss with the angels about the dragon of doom, and see if they can pull the angels to help.

The traversers are very confident in their own strength, but no one would mind having more helpers. Demons cannot be trusted, but not angels. Good-natured and orderly, they are reliable teammates of any good alignment.

When the panda arrives in heaven, he finds that his old friend Jafar is not there. He went to the Plain of Enthusiasm to ask someone, only to know that after Jafar recovered, he went to the battlefields of heaven and **** to fight bravely.

As the most senior mid-level commander of the Legion of Heaven, the Holy Angels are very popular on battlefields everywhere, and no amount is enough.

Unable to find Jafar, Panda had to go to the City of Justice to seek help from the Archangel Rachel, the Archangel of Light and Guardian.

"Monsters that can be resurrected?" Rachel asked in confusion after listening to Panda's introduction, "There are many monsters that can be resurrected. Is it worth your worry?"

"That kind of thing is different from others!" Panda thought for a while, remembered one thing, and said, "For example, that ghost ship, I have used divine scourge to purify it before, and even the sailors on the ship have been overthrown. But it turned out to be alive again - isn't it very unreasonable!"

Rachel's face changed, and he hurriedly asked, "Are those sailors who have been saved, still there?"

"It's still there." The panda replied solemnly, "The first time we saw it resurrected, we sent someone to investigate. Not only those sailors are still there, but even the ghost ship is still in the 'crystal of the Land of Light'. Inside the lake, receive purification."

Rachel remained silent. He had lived for so many years. From the time when the gods of the First Era were still on earth, until now, he had never heard of a case where a purified undead could be resurrected in a undead state.

This is like a piece of food that has been eaten and even digested. How can it be placed on the table intact?

To be able to do such a thing, the supernatural power is simply unimaginable.

At least... Rachel himself couldn't think of any way to do it.

In this world, no amount of power can reverse the fact that has happened. The peerless powerhouses can make the sky crumble, make rivers flow backwards, perish the living and resurrect the dead, but they absolutely cannot distort the facts and obliterate what has happened.

Obviously, the ghost ship and the sailors on board are still in the world they went to. Where did the ghost ship and the sailors on board come from?

After a while, he asked in a dry voice, "Are you sure...that ship, and the sailors on it...the same as before?"

The traversers have also studied this matter, and the panda immediately replied: "Not completely sure, but we can be sure that the appearance of the ghost ship is exactly the same as before, and the weird sailors on board, at least they look exactly the same."

Rachel was silent for a long time, and finally sighed deeply.

"I can't solve this matter, so come with me, and I'll take you to Gabriel."

Among the archangels in heaven, the archangel Gabriel of water is in charge of the daily administration. Although Michael, the archangel of fire, who had previously awarded the panda with honors, has the highest status in theory, he is generally only responsible for military affairs. In the parlance of the earth, it is the head of state and the supreme commander of the army, while Gabriel is the head of government, similar to the prime minister or prime minister.

The other archangels also have their own positions. Raphael, the archangel of the wind, is the highest inspector of heaven, inspecting everywhere all day long. The stories of the angels punishing evil or praising good are mostly because of him or the inspectors under his command.

The last of the four archangels, Archangel Uriel of Earth, is the supreme judge of the Legion of Heaven. Although the angels are kind and orderly, the legion of heaven is not only angels, but also many other creatures of good or order. There are often some conflicts between them, and even between the angels, sometimes there are conflicts.

Unselfish and honest, Uriel is responsible for dealing with these contradictions. According to the investigation of the travelers over the years, in fact, he is not so much a judge as a mediator-good person. The conflict often does not develop to the point where a judge is needed, and a neighborhood committee aunt can solve the problem.

Well, Uriel can probably be called "the tallest neighborhood aunt in the world", no one.

As for the archangels such as Rachel and Sariel, of course they also have their own positions. For example, the Archangel of the Moon, Sariel, is responsible for guarding the defense line of the sky, and supervising the sealed "Hell Star" Rahab by the way. As for the Archangel Rachel, the guardian of the Light and He, he was basically incapable of fighting because of his serious injuries. His current position is the market administrator of the City of Justice.

Well, you can think of him as a farmer's market manager. It's just a little bit older, a little more senior, and has a lot more face than others...probably.

Under the leadership of Rachel, the panda passed through several enchantments and finally came to the very center of the City of Justice, the Hall of Glory.

The Hall of Glory is the most tightly guarded place in the entire Angel Legion. There are always a large number of powerful angels patrolling here, and there are countless enchantment protections. Even if the legions of **** come in full force, don't even think about breaking the entire Justice City before it's destroyed.

In a small conference room in the Hall of Glory, Panda met the Prime Minister of Heaven, the Archangel of Water, Gabriel.

This angel has a soft personality and a soft appearance. At first glance, she looks like a dignified woman, but she is a little sorry for her figure. She may need to eat more papaya and drink more milk.

Of course, this is because he is in a daily state, restraining his power. If he fully released his power, he would be a giant with several pairs of wings of light, surrounded by bright water currents. In every stream, there are countless runes that symbolize order and kindness. Each rune can easily kill an ordinary high-level demon.

The archangels all have similar fighting forms, but... unless the Seven Sovereigns appear on the battlefield, they will never show such a posture and step into the battlefield.

After Panda explained his purpose, Gabriel pondered for a moment and made a decision.

"Although I'm not sure if the resurrected ghost ship and the undead sailors are the original ones, this matter is indeed worthy of attention. Go ahead and prepare. After you're ready, tell us the time and place, and we will arrange for Raphael to go there in person. Take a good look."

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