Reckless Through The New World

Chapter 1119: The purchase commission of the armor master

"Can you go to heaven?"

Panda was awarded by the Archangel Michael, and the news that he could go to heaven has just been mentioned in the chat channel. The most important successor is Leonard Yama, who already has the reputation of "famous craftsman".

Although many transmigrators have children, not all children have inherited the skills of their parents. Prett's biological son, Leon, did not - he inherited his mother's "Flagman" series of skills.

Pret had no objection to the choice of his son, but adopted his most proud disciple, Leonard, as his adopted son, and passed on his most proud skills and the surname of the "Yama" family to him.

This was all done before the death of the former Marquis of Weskers, which the late Old Marquis had no objection to. Perhaps he felt that it was also a good choice to let his own grandson inherit the Weskers family.

If there is any dissatisfaction with the old marquis, it is probably that his daughter and son-in-law have given birth to too few children. If Prett and his wife Jenny can have ten or eight children, he will be very happy.

... However, this is really impossible. It is very difficult for non-dragon blood legendary creatures to reproduce with ordinary creatures. When Jenny gave birth to Leon, she damaged the essence of life again. Soon after she was born, Leon showed the characteristics of a legendary creature. When she grew up, she clearly inherited more than 80% of her father's blood, which meant that her mother wanted to give birth to him. , consumes a lot of energy.

If it weren't for the large number of traversers and the ability to search for various rare resources from all over the world, I am afraid that including Prett, many traversers have become widowers.

It is so dangerous to have a child, and of course the transmigrators dare not let their wives have more than one child. That is, only a few powerful wives dare to have more children.

Pratt himself doesn't care. Leonard is an orphan he raised since childhood. Apart from blood, his relationship with him is no different from that of a normal father and son. It is better to make this child, who has been passionate about forging technology since childhood, his heir rather than forcing Leon, who has no interest in forging, to spend all day with the fire.

As soon as he came to the castle, he found the panda and eagerly asked about the situation.

Panda was a little embarrassed to say "go to heaven", laughed dryly, and explained: "I can only visit heaven, it doesn't mean that we will go to heaven when we die - we will only be resurrected in the castle when we die, go to heaven. Not heaven."

Only then did Pret realize that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly explained: "I mean, can you go to heaven now? Can you bring something back from there?"

Panda thought for a while, then nodded: "It should be possible, as long as you don't steal or rob, there is no reason why you can't bring it back. If it's something that is very precious or confidential and can't be brought out of the country, I believe they will explain it to me."

Pret suddenly smiled: "In this case, can you help me buy a batch of raw materials from there?"

"What ingredients?"

"The spring water of the holy spring, the stone of purity, the leaves of the mortal tree, the vine of immortality, the splendid debris... I will make a list for you. If you encounter it, it is not on the list, but you find it interesting. You can also chat with me privately." Pratt said happily, "Good stuff, the more I have, the better. With the materials of heaven and hell, I can make level 90 equipment."

Panda pondered for a moment, and then asked with some puzzlement: "Isn't that bear boy from Anthony's family often visiting heaven? Why not let him help with purchasing?"

"That bear boy is a scumbag. He is daring in his own house and dares to provoke any trouble, but he is careful after going out, not to mention looking for those rare materials. After he arrives in heaven, he will not even dare to talk to people he doesn't know. Talking..." Pratt said helplessly, "When he goes to heaven, the only thing he can bring me is Angel Feather, and he brought nearly two hundred pieces before and after."

"Angel feathers are also good. I remember that they have several attributes such as 'Holy', 'Flight', 'Purification', 'Healing'... No wonder you made a set of 'Holy Feather Armor' not long ago!" Panda remembered When everyone ran to Thrace to participate in the "Holy Feather Armor" exhibition, they couldn't help laughing and said, "At the exhibition, many knights looked at this armor and their eyes were green."

"Angel feathers are of course not bad, but that's not uncommon!" Prett sighed, "As long as you can find an angel, you can easily exchange it with the other party. The quality of the armor is good, mainly because I use it. Other precious materials. This is a certain distance from my ideal 'pure sacred equipment'... My ideal is to create a set of pure sacred attribute equipment. This requires all materials to come from heaven. Row."

Panda suddenly realized, nodded and agreed.

So Prett took Leonard away contentedly. The two came and went like the wind, and they didn't even eat a meal.

When they left, Aaron, who had been sitting next to him in a small transparent shape, said, "You go to heaven, I can't go with you."

Panda was stunned for a moment, then realized that Aaron would never go to heaven.

On any world, only good-aligned creatures are allowed to go to heaven. Aaron is a creature of neutrality and even bias toward evil, and it is almost impossible for him to reach heaven through proper channels.

The only way to get Aaron to heaven is to "smuggle". Moreover, he has to create sacred equipment for him to hide his breath, and he himself will always be hurt by sacred attributes in heaven.

Of course, this is very unnecessary. The pandas are visiting and shopping, but they have no intention of making trouble.

Since Aaron can't go to heaven, here comes the question - what will Panda do when he goes to heaven?

So the panda looked at him unfriendly and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"How about helping grandma cross the road?"

It's funny, but panda can't laugh.

This guy Aaron can really do things like staying on the street for many days, waiting for the old man to cross the road, and helping others over.

...he really did it!

"Can't you find something more reliable to do?"

Aaron thought for a moment and asked, "Go and help kill the demon?"

"That's fine too..."

"Well then, when you go to heaven, I'll kill the devil."

Looking at Aaron's calm face, which was completely incapable of showing any emotion, Panda frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

He always felt that Aaron didn't seem like a person who could do good things obediently...

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