Recasting the Dragon’s Glory

Chapter 176 Xiluo, the bright light! Elves need blessings!

"That's it...I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, Mr. Silo."

The elves looked apologetic.

A slight blush appeared on the white faces.

I feel sorry for my random thoughts and evil thoughts.

Fennis then said:

“Due to the previous battle with the Dragon Mother, we suffered quite a lot of casualties.

At present, there are only 380 clan members. "

After saying that, a little pain appeared on his face.

“I regret the fight eight years ago.

At that time, I and my brothers and sisters around me were helpless.

The Dragon Mistress snatched our eggs from our parents and raised us to fight for her, and we were forced to fight on the battlefield. "

Sillo said with regret.

When the other dragon cubs heard this, their faces twitched and they looked up at the sky...

We heard nothing! Heard nothing! Don't laugh!

"No! This is not a problem between Sir Silo and your Excellencies.

You are only on the battlefield for the last battle.

The outcome of that war had little to do with the young Excellencies at that time. "

Fennis said, then paused and said:

"By the way, dragon sires, a total of five of your companions were captured by the silver dragon lady Trish in the previous battle, and have now been brought back to Dragon Island."

"Five useless guys were captured and taken to Dragon Island. Then the last two guys escaped like us. I don't know who they are...

Hope Martha is safe. "

Alicia said softly after hearing this.

"Martha is very fast and has been following us before. She has also learned many of our green dragon's advanced spells. It shouldn't be difficult to escape."

Kolaman immediately added.

"Silver dragon Trish? That damn female dragon? Very good! I remember this name! If I meet her in the future, I will make her look good!

How dare you bully my youth! You want to capture me with that arrogant attitude!

A mere silver dragon! "

The red dragon cub kept breathing hot breath from its nostrils, with an angry look on its face.

Except for Xi Luo, some of the dragons expressed regret that their companions had been captured, and some expressed resentment towards the silver dragon.

The elves just pretended not to hear.

Silla thought slightly.

The five-headed dragon was captured and taken to Dragon Island to undergo brainwashing and transformation.

Could it be that the eldest prince captured the other two?

He thought about it, and finally nodded slightly:

"Thank you for informing me!

But let's discuss it carefully about what happens next.

There are three hundred and eighty members of your tribe.

This number is very small compared to humans.

But you are elves after all, a nobler race than ordinary humans.

They have some advantages that they cannot match.

It is actually not difficult to find some good jobs. "

"Good job? Sir Silo, can you show us the way?"

The elves looked at Silo longingly.

“Well…of course it’s no problem.

You should all know the reason for the three elves I captured before, right? "Xi Luo said.

"Of course...because of the magic thing."

The elves said helplessly.

"That's right! Because they secretly added demons! Do you know why the three elf sisters took this risk and violated my will?"

"For gold coins... to pay off debts..."

The elves looked sad.

"This is inevitable, but if you can allow your sisters to risk being wanted by me and become criminals to continue doing this business, you can see that the profits of this business are not small.

Do you know how much you can earn by adding magic once? "

"Hmm... I really don't know about this. We just found out about the private Jia Mo being captured by Lord Xi Luo, and we found you..."

The elves shook their heads.

"Then let me tell you, you can earn 20 copper coins by adding magic at one time.

Each time you add magic, you only need to pay the magic power of a level 5 caster at most. "

Silo said.

"Is there actually 20 copper coins for one magic addition?

And it only requires the maximum amount of magic power of a level 5 caster?

So according to Ina's strength, wouldn't she be able to add more than 60 demons a day? "

"In this case, isn't it 12 silver coins a day? More than 40 gold coins a year? Oh my God! You don't need to take risks, you can easily get 40 gold coins a year?"

"No! It's at least 40 gold coins! Maybe 50 gold coins!"

"That's a lot of gold coins! If you can get so many gold coins every year, then the debt you owe should be paid off much faster, right?"

The elves were a little excited.

Although they owed a full eighty thousand gold coins.

But in fact, after many gold coins are owed, the annual interest rate is not particularly high, only about 1%.

It was considered a friendly price offered to them by the two metal dragons and Marquis Dorian.

In this way, the annual interest is almost 800 gold coins.

It still looks like a lot.

40 gold coins doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.

But don’t forget, they have natural trees!

Although some of my roots have been damaged, as long as I don’t continue to break off branches and just sell the leaves, I can offset all the interest every year.

40 gold coins is a pure profit!

It can allow them to continue to reduce the principal they owe!

"Your Excellency Xi mentioned the matter of adding magic...are you planning to allow us to have legal qualifications to add magic?"

Some smart elves couldn't help but guess.

The other elves also blinked their bright eyes and looked at Xi Luo expectantly.

"Yes, we can cooperate. I will give you this qualification, but the gold coins you earn from adding magic must be divided equally between the two of us."

"Split equally?"

The elves hesitated.

There were also some calm elves who couldn’t help but say:

"Your Excellency Xi Luo, it's okay to divide it equally, but how many people in your territory need to add magic every day... If it's less, then we have more people and it's not enough to make enough money..."

“You can rest assured on this.

I've said it before.

Our Nile City currently has a population of 170,000 to 80,000!

Among them, the number of magic jet cars that have been pre-sold exceeds 10,000.

The number of people adding magic every day is almost reaching a thousand, which is enough for everyone to add magic.

And, this number will continue to increase slowly.

Of course, we plan to continue to grow bigger and stronger in the future and develop it to other cities. You don’t have to worry about not having enough magic. "

"Very good!"

When the elves heard this, they were all very excited.

One of the elves even calculated:

“There are 380 people in our tribe.

Although not everyone is a spellcaster, almost everyone possesses magical powers.

The number of casters in it is more magical.

There are almost 10 people above level 10.

Another 200 or so spellcasters are between levels 6-9.

At least 2,000 vehicles can be added in a day.

Even if we can only share half, we still have 2 coins at the end of the day.

There are more than 700 gold coins a year..."

The other elves smiled when they heard this.

Silo listened.

But he nodded secretly in his heart.

Although these elves are few in number.

But the combat power is really not low.

10 out of 200 spell casters are level 10 or above.

Others are level 6-9.

It is indeed an immortal species.

Compared with the maximum life span of 100 years for ordinary humans, the advantage of 400 years for elves is indeed not small.

However, their extremely long lifespan also allows them to have an extremely long growth period, which is similar to that of giant dragons.

But it's a pity that the elves don't have the dragon's domineering talent.

So it will seem a little embarrassing...

Seeing their slightly excited smiles, Xi Luo couldn't help but laugh:

"Everyone! Actually, it's more than that!"

His words made the elf temporarily recover from the excitement and look at him.

“In our Nile City.

Adding magic is just one way to earn gold coins.

As long as the magic power is not completely exhausted.

Then everyone can still maintain a good mental state, and it will not affect you from continuing to do other things. "

Silo continued.

"Can we continue to do other things? This is really great!"

Finnis, the leader of the elves, waved his fist excitedly.

Several other elves also showed happy smiles.

But a few elves looked troubled:

"Do you still have to do other things? That...wouldn't it be too tiring?"

In essence, they still like free elves and hate working.

But for the green forest, they had to work part-time.

But it’s almost enough to have a job, right?

Two jobs? Are you too tired?

Fennis's face jumped when he saw the expressions of these elves, and he looked worried again.

She knew what the elves were thinking, but she had no choice.

You can't use your status as leader to force the elves to work hard, right?

They elves have always been a democratic group.

This kind of thing cannot be done!

"Everyone, you only work two jobs? You actually feel tired?"

Seeing the expressions of the elves on the side, Shi Luo sighed and said with a look of disbelief.

"Two...two jobs are certainly tiring! In this way, we only have half a day left to freely enjoy flowers and trees and feel nature every day..."

One elf looked hard to accept.

"Tsk! Sloth! Sloth! What a laziness!"

Hearing this, Silla shook her head as she spoke.

"You elves are all so lazy? Do you know what the meaning of life is?"

"Of course it's to feel nature...enjoy nature..."

The elf who just spoke said naturally, his brows raised, slightly unhappy that Xi Luo said they were lazy.

But fortunately, she also knew that Xi Luo was on the upper side of their relationship now, so she didn't get angry.

"Wrong! Big mistake! The meaning of life should lie in work!"

Silo growled and glared at the elf with a serious look:

"Do you know the descendants of Blue Star?

On their side, there was an empire that some people in it had proposed.

People must work and fight as hard as possible when they are young! Do you know why? "

"No... I don't know..." The elf was confused by the question.

“Because only in this way, your life will not be empty!

Elf! If according to your idea, you should feel and enjoy nature throughout your life, then when you get old, you can chat with your descendants.

What should you teach them? What to tell them?

Do you want to enjoy nature like you do? Feel nature? Is this right?

This is not right! If this is the case, who will build homes? Who will serve the people!

You have completely fallen into a beautiful illusion trap! Understand? "

Silo was impassioned and resonant.

"This..." The elves looked at each other.

"Do you know? In Blue Star, that great empire, an extremely famous celebrity once proposed such a concept!

Be able to work hard! Earn as many coins as possible! This is a blessing for you!

Any idea why this is?

Because you have a young body now! Have a vigorous heart! If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity, work hard to earn gold coins!

Do we have to wait until we are old in vain?

When you get old and your body is no longer good? And then you start to regret it?

Regret that you did not work hard to help the tribe when you were young. When you are old, your descendants will be ashamed of it!

Just imagine it!

When your children and grandchildren read and study history in the future.

See the plight of today.

Some elves who enjoy the blessings work hard to win a bright future for their tribe.

But some lazy people only enjoy and feel nature, have no unity, and don't care about the life and death of other people in the group!

Became the so-called edge elf!

What will future generations think of you? How are you viewed by other tribesmen? "


The elf who just spoke was even more confused.

"If you don't work hard! Then the pressure will be concentrated on the other elves around you.

What if they don't work hard either? The pressure will be concentrated on future generations!

So you have to work hard! Understand?

Consider this a blessing!

How could those heroes who were not afraid of difficulties and left their names in the annals of history be able to leave their names in the annals of history?

It is because they are not afraid of difficulties, take the lead in everything they do, and regard all hardships as blessings! "


"You know it's in the Blue Star empire.

It’s a shame that ordinary people don’t work! It is to be laughed at!

There are many famous sayings on their side.

For example, workers are the most glorious!

Working people, working souls, working people are all superior to others!

Human happiness exists in life, and life exists in labor.

There are even festivals dedicated to workers to celebrate them!

It's necessary for one person to do one job!

If you work two jobs, you can barely be considered a hard worker.

Three jobs, four jobs, five jobs, it’s just ordinary!

This is work, but isn’t it making your life more fulfilling?


Say something unpleasant.

Why were you defeated by Belle's evil dragon? Take away the green forest and pay such a huge price to regain it?

Isn’t it because you don’t work hard?

If you work hard to improve your strength every day, you can earn gold coins.

Now that your strength has increased and your equipment has improved, will you be unable to deal with a less than legendary dragon? Of course it's impossible!

That’s why you are usually lazy! That will cause today's bitter consequences!


Now that the problem is before your eyes, do you still want to pretend you haven’t seen it? Still thinking about escaping?

Do you still have any sense of responsibility? "

Silo became more and more impassioned.

Talk about a group of elves with different expressions.

Some looked thoughtful, some looked ashamed.

Finneas's eyes flickered and he looked at Silla in amazement.

She felt that what Sillo said was so right!

If the tribesmen hadn't been accustomed to laziness, how could they be facing the current situation?

And what I just proposed, leaving a name in the annals of history?

Um! The debt this time must be recorded. In the future, how many gold coins each elf will repay together will also be recorded!

Let me see which elf dares to continue to be lazy!

Then she must become a shame to the whole clan!

Let future generations despise her!

ah! Your Excellency Silo! What a role model for our generation! See everything so clearly! Like the light of my life!

While Finnis was thinking, his eyes looking at Silla became more and more intense.

This is a beacon! Also a confidant! He is also a guide to noble thoughts!

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