At the end of September, after several days of preparations for the surprise attack, Bai Chuanfeng once again led people into the meeting hall of the Ministry of Finance.

But this time, besides Yu Arai, there were two more people.

Setsuya Tabuchi, Chairman of Hara Nomura Securities.

However, he was implicated in the Hayama incident and was forced to resign due to the interests of Nomura and the General House.

Now he is invited by Bai Chuanfeng to join the acquisition team for Changyin.

Although this person previously worked in the securities industry, his extremely strategic vision is almost unparalleled in the neon financial industry.

As early as the end of 1989, he accurately predicted that the stock market would plummet in early 1990. Before that, Tabuchi had sold off all the stocks in his name.

In addition to the stock market, he can even accurately predict the Nikkei Index.

There is also the land bubble and the current financial tsunami. Tian Yuan had a private chat with Bai Chuanfeng a long time ago.

Looking back now, Tabuchi's judgment was almost all on target.

If that were all, it would be best to call him a visionary, far from being strategic.

But what is remarkable about Tianbuchi is that he deeply realizes that Neon's current banking system is no longer suitable for the current economic situation.

He once told Shirakawa Kaede, “In the current neon financial system, the Ministry of Finance has the highest status, and its agent is Industrial Bank.

Under the instructions of Industrial Bank, banks in major cities allocate funds under false pretenses, and the only ones who obey are the debt-financing securities companies below. "

Tabuchi's lifelong goal is to break this system.

Now that he heard that Bai Chuanfeng was planning to acquire Changyin, Tian Yuan accepted his invitation without even thinking about it.

The thought of personally destroying the "escort fleet model" maintained by the Ministry of Finance makes people's blood boil.

Besides, as the old enemy of the Ministry of Finance, the grievances between Nomura Securities and it are enough to write a novel.

The moment he stepped into the parliamentary hall of the Ministry of Finance, Tian Yuan even felt elated.

The other person following Shirakawa Kaede is an outlier in the neon banking industry, Masaki Yashiro.

The reason why he is said to be an outlier is because Yashiro Masaki is an out-and-out "internationalist".

Although he is also a senior member of the banking industry, he is Citibank's representative in Neon.

In addition to Citibank, Yashiro Masaki previously served as president of Mobil, General Motors, and Esso Petroleum.

It can be seen from this series of employment experiences that he is an "internationalist" who is very different from the traditional neon people.

Now the reason why he accepted Bai Chuanfeng's invitation was to join the "Changyin Acquisition Team".

In addition to the conditions for Bai Chuanfeng's opening, he also wanted to try to reform a big bank.

Because today is only the first meeting, the four core people from Shirakawa Kaede's side are dispatched.

After sitting down in the meeting hall, they discovered that not only Hokuto Bank was here, but also Sumitomo Trust, headquartered in Osaka.

Although there were already vague speculations in their hearts, Bai Chuanfeng and the others still greeted everyone politely.

The people from Sumitomo were a little surprised to see someone from Beito Bank.

But that was not the only surprise. After Shirakawa Kaede and the others sat down, the UBS Neon representative also came to the scene.

Well, does the Ministry of Finance think that Changyin is some kind of hot cake?

Shirakawa Kaede was very disdainful of the Ministry of Finance's move. He was still engaging in bidding in such a bad situation.

After everyone arrived, the Ministry of Finance presided over the meeting, with Miyazawa and Haneda observing, and other participants discussing.

A rescue plan for Changyin has begun. Oh no, it should be an acquisition and merger plan.

When the affairs officer of the Ministry of Finance introduced that Changyin's current non-performing assets were 4 trillion yen.

The representative of Ruishi Bank couldn't help but interrupt him and asked if Changyin's bad debts should be 11 trillion, why did it become 4 trillion?

The clerk, who seemed to be offended, expressed his expression forcefully.

Changyin's non-performing assets are only 4 trillion, and its other loan businesses are very healthy.

Faced with the Ministry of Finance's remarks, the people from UBS shook their heads and stood up to say goodbye and left the meeting hall.

Please, the news outside is already in turmoil, and Changyin is about to break.

What's the point of still being tough at this point?

Perhaps because they are afraid of taking responsibility, or perhaps because they don’t want to release too negative news, the Ministry of Finance insists that Changyin’s bad debts are 4 trillion.

However, UBS did not tolerate them. They were deeply disappointed with the rigidity and slowness of the Neon government and directly chose to withdraw from the competition.

Because of the bad start, the atmosphere in the conference hall became a little more solemn.

Chang Yin, the originally gloomy representative, looked even more disappointed.

Seeing that everyone was silent, the people from Sumitomo took the lead in speaking after taking a look at Shirakawa Kaede and the others.

It’s okay to want Sumitomo to accept Changyin, but the prerequisite is that the government divests Changyin’s non-performing assets.

After all, no bank in Neon can take over RMB 10 trillion in non-performing assets.

On this point, the Ministry of Finance remains non-committal.

The landlords have no surplus food, and the Ministry of Finance itself cannot handle it.

So after tentatively asking Sumitomo's asking price, the other party immediately wrote a series of numbers on a piece of paper, folded it and handed it over.

This is equivalent to on-site bidding, and everyone can bid according to their own bottom line.

However, after the Ministry of Finance saw the numbers on the paper clearly, it shook its head in disappointment. This little money could not save Changyin at all.

Seeing this scene, the people from Sumitomo didn't hold back, and quickly stood up, bowed and left the scene.

Seeing UBS and Sumitomo Bank leaving one after another, Shirakawa Kaede once suspected that these two parties were entrusted by the Ministry of Finance.

Otherwise, such a bidder would seem to be too insincere, not even offering a single price, but giving up a symbolic second price before giving up.

No matter how you look at it, it seems a bit abnormal, but judging from the stinky expression on the Tibetan province's face, it seems that they are very angry.

In fact, it’s no wonder that everyone dislikes Changyin so much. Now that all parties have a lot of unresolved problems at home, they have no spare energy to acquire other banks.

Besides, the merger of two banks with large amounts of non-performing assets is not a good thing.

If not, the bad debt problem will get worse and worse, and eventually collapse all together.

Therefore, Neon Local Bank is very cautious about merging with other banks.

They were able to come here today most likely because they were invited by Miyazawa, so they could not save face by making a symbolic appearance.

Bai Chuanfeng looked around, okay, now he is the only one left, and the so-called bidding is in name only.

"Cough~" Clearing her throat, Bai Chuanfeng broke the dullness in the meeting hall.

"Miyazawa-san, Haneda-san, since things have reached this point, let's get straight to the point, right?"

The Ministry of Finance affairs officer who presided over the meeting looked at Miyazawa and Haneda who were at the head.

The former nodded impassively, "Brother Baichuan, it doesn't matter. Even if we don't reach an agreement today, it won't affect our continued cooperation in the future."

Since Miyazawa had set the tone in advance, Bai Chuanfeng was not polite.

"This is a series of reform measures we have formulated in response to Changyin's situation."

While Shirakawa Kaede was introducing, Yashiro Masaki had already stood up and distributed the prepared materials to the officials of the Ministry of Finance and the Cabinet.

“Taking into account Changyin’s non-performing asset ratio, Beidu Bank plans to buy Changyin as a whole for US$1 billion.

At the same time, another US$1 billion will be injected into Changyin within the next year to improve its operating conditions.

In addition, in terms of business, we will also make major reforms to Changyin and strive to get it out of its own predicament as soon as possible.

Of course, the premise of all this is that we hope that the government will properly settle Changyin's non-performing assets, at least some of them. "

If you want Bai Chuanfeng to save Chang Yin, there is no problem.

But it is obviously unrealistic to dump all 11 trillion of non-performing assets to Beidu Bank.

Therefore, the conditions offered by Shirakawa Kaede were to acquire Changyin at a very low price, and at the same time, the government had to be responsible for some of the non-performing assets.

Only in this way can Beidu Bank have the confidence to completely digest Changyin.

This is also the most feasible plan after careful study by several financial tycoons such as Arai Yutaka, Yashiro Masamoto, and Tabuchi Setsuya.

Extremely low prices, controllable non-performing assets, and retaining enough ammunition can transform Changyin into its own high-quality assets.

There is no doubt that the price offered by Shirakawa Kaede and the others also made the Ministry of Finance frown.

This price is not much higher than Sumitomo's asking price. The only advantage is that Beidu Bank does not require it, and the government accepts Changyin's non-performing assets in full.

But even so, this price is still too cheap for Changyin.

You must know that the scale of Changyin is not comparable to that of Beidu Bank. Changyin is an international bank.

Even before the bubble, Changyin was ranked ninth in the World Bank.

S\u0026P and Moody's risk control ratings for Changyin are also AAA.

Changyin has its own branches in Wall Street and Ouzhou.

But now that long silver is sold at such a low price, it really hurts the heart of the Ministry of Finance.

"Shirakawa-san, the Ministry of Finance will accept your plan first.

But the final outcome will require further discussion by the Cabinet at a meeting. "

Before Miyazawa could speak, Chief Minister Haneda took the lead in replying to Shirakawa Kaede.

Seeing Miyazawa moving his mouth but finally saying nothing, Bai Chuanfeng also nodded politely.

"In that case, I will take my leave now."

After greeting them, the people from Beidu Bank also stood up and left the meeting hall.

Once outside, Arai Yu couldn't help but speak.

"Shirakawa-san, the Ministry of Finance seems to be dissatisfied with our offer."

"Because they want to save Changyin again, and the Ministry of Finance will not agree to the acquisition of Changyin until it is desperate."

Bai Chuanfeng did not expect to win Changyin in the first contact, and this business would not be so smooth sailing.

However, he is very confident about Changyin, because few banks in Neon have the spare capacity to acquire Changyin.

As for the group of vultures on Wall Street, would any Beidu Bank dare to sell in the Ministry of Finance?

As long as it has this intention, Shirakawa Kaede guarantees that the entire neon media will scold the Ministry of Finance for losing power and humiliating the country.

If a good local bank doesn't sell it and goes to the vampires on Wall Street, what are you thinking?

Besides, do you really think that his relationship with Shirakawa Kaede within the government is fake?

Changyin is only worth this price now! He Bai Chuanfeng said it!

"Haha, what a pleasure!" Tian Yuan felt relieved when he saw that the Ministry of Finance was in decline.

He was at the vanguard of Changyin's drastic reforms.

Changyin, this piece of fat is about to reach your mouth.

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