Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 499 Breaking Inside

In Shirakawa Kaede’s plan, both Shirakawa Electric and Shirakawa Interactive Entertainment will be listed in the United States in the future.

Even for the sake of brand effect, it is not impossible to combine the two into one.

Just like Sony, it forms a giant that integrates manufacturing and entertainment.

Only in this way will the word "Shirakawa" be truly recognized internationally and truly become a first-class brand.

Again, an unlisted company has limited prospects, especially under a capitalist social system.

Looking at any large and influential company in the world, who is not listed on the market?

The reason why Baichuan Interactive Entertainment has not yet been listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange or Nasdaq is simply to maximize profits.

In this acquisition of Paramount, Baichuan Interactive Entertainment and Baichuan Electric will hold shares at the same time.

After all, it is a century-old company, and Paramount’s reputation needs no introduction. Wait until things get straightened out internally and Paramount releases two blockbuster movies.

At that time, it was a good time for Baichuan Interactive Entertainment to go public. Otherwise, how could we cut leeks and sell ourselves at a good price?

Of course, there is still some way to go, but it won't be too far.

As for the acquisition of Paramount, as mentioned before, Shirakawa Kaede is not really that optimistic about the film and entertainment industry.

The newspaper explained that this was not an invasion of neon culture, and successively appointed two North American Hollywood figures to become the heads of Shirakawa Paramount.

After doing all this and releasing to the outside world that the Shirakawa Group wanted to integrate into North America, Shirakawa Kaede turned around and calmed the doubts within the group.

Seeing the confusion on the faces of many group executives including Yu Arai, Shirakawa Kaede couldn't help but reveal the real reason for his acquisition of Paramount.

"Perhaps you are wondering why I chose to invest US$9 billion in a film and entertainment industry that I am not very good at internally?"

Although Shirakawa Holdings has Daiei below, its importance is minimal and its performance in the neon market is average.

This is what everyone is confused about. If Baichuan Holdings itself is a giant in the entertainment industry, then there is nothing wrong with wanting to go further.

But now, let alone the Big Mac, it is even worse than Sony.

Arai Yu and Hasegawa all looked at Shirakawa Kaede eagerly. Although they knew there was another reason, they also hoped that Shirakawa Kaede could solve their doubts for them.

"The real purpose of acquiring Paramount is to deepen exchanges with the political and financial circles in the United States."

Shirakawa Kaede's simple words made Yu Arai and the others slightly widen their eyes.

Their eyes showed surprise, surprise, and a hint of helplessness.

Previous explanations to the outside world that the so-called "hardware and software are the two wheels of business" were just superficial words.

“Shirakawa Electric has been established in North America for many years, and even its market share has always been good.

But I have been to Northern Milan many times and even lived there for a while.

But I have never been invited to a local gathering attended by politicians and business people.

Everyone, although we have made certain achievements in business, Shirakawa Electric is not yet a first-class enterprise in the United States. "

Bai Chuanfeng felt a little helpless when he said these words. This was his true experience over the years.

Although Shirakawa Electric's products sell well all over the world, and SIC's chips are successively adopted by Apple, Compaq, IBM, etc., Shirakawa Kaede is successful from a business perspective.

He also has a wide network of contacts in North American business circles, and the name "Shirakawa Kaede" is one of the most well-known among Japanese business people in North America.

However, all this cannot change the situation that Bai Chuanfeng has never integrated into Bei Mi or been recognized by Bei Mi.

Did he not want to? No, as a business person, no one would refuse to be accepted by the wider market.

For example, New York's business people will book the Metropolitan Museum of Art and hold a grand party.

VIPs from the political and financial circles gathered together, but Bai Chuanfeng was never invited.

In other words, although there are business contacts, they have not yet been recognized as partners.

It's not that Bai Chuanfeng is eager to become a dog licker, but that he cannot be recognized as a partner.

The influence of Shirakawa Electric or Shirakawa Holdings will always remain on the surface and cannot truly become a world-class company.

After all, when it comes to overseas markets and overseas capital, the world's attention will be focused on North America.

This is why Shirakawa Kaede seeks to list SIC in rice, but this is not enough.

Financial means alone do not allow entry into the local community, and even the oil baron of Camel will not be invited to the party.

Participating in banquets is a part of diplomacy. You can often gain something at the party that is not available at the negotiation table.

Since financial means are not enough, there is one way that can be done, and that is to bring in Hollywood actresses.

If the wife is a Hollywood actress, she will be invited to the party. It doesn't matter even if I'm a kid myself.

After all, the party is invited to the wife, and the husband will not be harshly criticized as a foil.

But obviously this does not apply to Shirakawa Kaede. Although his wife is also an actress, she is not a Hollywood actor.

Since this doesn't apply, then just become a Hollywood boss.

Film companies are a special existence in American society. Film is an industry that originated in the United States and is the pride of American culture itself.

This is different from the positioning of automobiles and electrical products. That is why the Shirakawa Group was attacked as "purchasing the soul of the United States" after acquiring Paramount.

Of course, Shirakawa Kaede's acquisition of Paramount was not just for partying. What he wanted to do was make Shirakawa Electric an insider in the United States.

As long as this can be achieved, Shirakawa Electric will be recognized as a first-class brand.

After listening to Shirakawa Kaede's explanation, Arai Yu and others understood the deep meaning of Shirakawa Kaede's actions.

But is it too expensive to spend $9 billion to buy a ticket to enter the circle?

From a long-term perspective, it will be impossible to earn back the US$9 billion from Paramount within five or even ten years.

But again, investing in Paramount should not only be considered for its own sake, but the improvement of the entire business environment is the top priority.

No, it was just a few days after the merger. After releasing a series of signals to the outside world, Shirakawa Kaede, who has been in the limelight recently, indeed received an invitation to a party.

The host of this party was none other than Wasserstein, who facilitated the merger of Time and Warner.

Yes, it was the same month that Shirakawa Holdings acquired Paramount.

Two weeks later, Time and Warner also announced that they had reached an agreement and would initiate the merger of Time Group and Warner Group.

In this merger, Times paid a total of US$12 billion in cash and stocks, and finally brought Warner back home.

Wasserstein's M\u0026A consultant and asset management company Lazard also played a crucial role as the advisory group in this merger case.

So while holding a party to celebrate, Wasserstein naturally thought of Shirakawa and Paramount, which also completed the merger two weeks ago.

"Mr. Baichuan, you should have come to me in the first place.

With the help of Lazard, the combination of Shirakawa and Paramount will be faster and more efficient, and of course, more cost-effective. "

Wasserstein, who was holding the champagne, winked at Shirakawa Kaede and Shirley Rankin beside him.

Bai Chuanfeng laughed loudly, while Shirley held his arm and greeted Wasserstein skillfully.

As a manager who has been working hard in Hollywood for more than ten years, Shirley Lan is lucky enough to handle this with ease.

In fact, Wasserstein didn’t know that without the emergence of Kaede Shirakawa, the merger of Time and Warner would not have been so smooth.

Historically, when negotiations between the two parties entered a critical period this year, Paramount suddenly jumped out and expressed its willingness to acquire Warner for US$12.2 billion.

Because of its troubles, after a series of lawsuits and negotiations, Warner was acquired for US$14.9 billion in the 1990s.

Now that Kaede Shirakawa has suddenly taken over Paramount, without its interference, the negotiations between Time and Warner are going smoothly.

So strictly speaking, Wasserstein, who is holding the champagne now, should be grateful to Shirakawa Kaede.

Without Paramount's trouble, the Times would have saved nearly $3 billion.

"Mr. Wasserstein, when it comes to mergers and acquisitions consultants, we really need to trouble Lazard later."

"Oh?" Wasserstein's eyes lit up, "Which company is Mr. Shirakawa optimistic about again? Please rest assured that Lazard's professional team has strong network resources.

As long as it is completed through our mergers and acquisitions, it will never trigger a public backlash in the US media. "

The recent acquisition of Paramount by Shirakawa has become a hot topic in North America.

Wasserstein said this to assure Shirakawa Kaede that there is no need to worry about public opinion after the merger is completed.

Well, Bai Chuanfeng is a little embarrassed. It seems that the previous acquisition case has indeed touched the sensitive nerves of Americans.

Bai Chuanfeng glanced at Shirley Lansing beside him, and the latter immediately began to dance gracefully.

"Mr. Wasserstein, Paramount is planning to acquire a comic book company called Marvel."

"Marvel?" Wasserstein was a little surprised. He had heard of this comic company.

Of course he knows that Captain America has sold nearly a million copies of the super popular comic.

Even Marvel has collaborated with other film companies on the "Captain America" ​​live-action movie in 1944, but due to technical limitations, the effect was difficult to describe.

With a production cost of 200,000 US dollars and black and white movie images, the impact of the first generation of superheroes was minimal.

So now Marvel is somewhat famous, but only in the comics world.

And when he heard that it was Marvel, Wasserstein couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

If it were a merger and acquisition of Paramount's level, his commission would be at least tens of millions of dollars.

But if it’s Marvel, it’s probably a few million at most.

Gee, Marvel is really worthless now.

"Paramount is ready to develop new movie themes, and we are very optimistic about the future potential of Marvel Comics."

Regarding the future business direction of Paramount, Shirakawa Kaede has also talked with Shirley Lansing.

In addition to some stories with excellent scripts, Paramount will focus on the development of IP series movies in the future.

Although superheroes will not be produced on a large scale due to technical limitations, it is necessary to reserve IP in advance.

As for the current stage, Shirakawa Kaede is focusing on internal projects such as "The Godfather III" and "The Last Days", and is content with their production first.

After hearing Shirley Lansing's explanation, Wasserstein nodded.

"Please rest assured that Marvel will successfully become a subsidiary of Shirakawa Paramount, and there will be no surprises."

Although the commission has been greatly reduced, millions of dollars is not a small amount.

Several people picked up the champagne and made a "ding" sound, and a deal was concluded again with smiles on their faces.

The reason why Shirakawa Kaede asked Wasserstein to come forward to acquire Marvel was to save worry.

Moreover, many Americans now hate Japan, and he is not sure about Marvel’s perception of neon.

Therefore, it is more worry-free and more certain to let professional M\u0026A companies come forward.

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