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San Francisco Coliseum.

After coming to United States, Fang Tian held the First Stage conference.

As the application ecology is on fire in the United States, Fang Tian wants to keep a low profile.

Furthermore, the press conference tonight is more important than ever!

Mengzhen system United States version released!

Before the press conference, send out invitations to 1,000 software Internet companies and studios across the United States, as well as 10,000 developers!

Tonight, there are 3,000 developers present.

The success of the Operating System is not just the system itself, but a complete application ecosystem is crucial.

In addition to the developers, there were tens of thousands of United States citizens present, and 15,000 people gathered in the stadium.

At 8 pm, Fang Tian appeared on time.

As always, white shirt and blue jeans, today he is full of energy with a smile on his face.


The familiar opening remarks immediately attracted loud shouts from the scene.

Look, this is SoftCloud’s fan in United States.

Clearing his throat, Fang Tian said with a slight smile: “When SoftCloud wanted to log in to the United States, many people wondered whether we would encounter a lot of resistance and eventually exit the United States? Indeed, We encountered a lot of resistance. Fortunately, these resistances were resolved one after another. Thank you very much for the support of users. Without hundreds of millions of users on our side, SoftCloud may not be able to go today.”

While talking, I turned on the IBM computer in front of me. This computer is equipped with the latest version of Mengzhen system.

“Some people may ask, what is the advantage of Mengzhen system compared to Microsoft’s Windows system?”

Fang Tian stared at the scene: “First, the speed is faster. When we developed the Mengzhen system, we developed a more advanced system underlying architecture. This super architecture determines the speed of the system, at least 80% faster than Windows !”

The audience applauded…

“Secondly, it is more secure. Compared with windows system, Mengzhen system has stronger security protection capabilities. As we all know, computers are extremely prone to virus infection. Many. And Mengzhen system solves this problem well.”

“Why we can do it, because SoftCloud is a security anti-virus software. The famous Angel Anti Virus is our company’s product. The built-in security steward of this system comes from the core of Angel Anti Virus!”

The United States people at the scene listened to their hearts. The Windows poisoning problem is too serious. If Mengzhen’s system is really safer, this alone is worth having!

“Thirdly, it is more stable. Anyone who uses Microsoft XPsystem will find that this system often blue screen of death, and reports errors at every turn! Mengzhen system does not, completely solve the problem of blue screen of death!”

The audience was surprised. Is this true?

The blue screen of death of windows system is too serious. Sometimes when chatting with people online, the unfathomable mystery blue screen and the system crashes.

If it is like what he said, then Mengzhen system really surpasses Windows in an all-round way!

Fang Tian then clicked the mouse to demonstrate part of the system function.

As he said, it is very smooth and stable.

Next, he opened the yy game center and played the “demonic beast”, which is the most popular among global users. The same is not stuck at all, and the color picture looks more gorgeous and the auditory effect is better!

There is an HP computer next to the IBM computer. The hardware configuration of this HP computer is the same. The difference is that it is equipped with Microsoft Windows.

Fang Tian did it again in the same way. It can be clearly compared. The performance of Microsoft Windows is far inferior to Mengzhen system.

The United States people at the scene watched the demo, and the more they watched, the more excited they became, and they wanted to get a computer home now.

Let go of the mouse, Fang Tian tells users, developers, and hardware manufacturers three things.

“A large number of United States users, if you don’t want to buy an IBM computer or a computer without setting sun, but you really want to experience the power of Mengzhen system. Yes, you can download the system installation package from our Official website, and you can also install it In your current computer.”

“This system is free of money. I hope that more hardware manufacturers support this system, so that you can greatly reduce your computer prices and increase sales!”

“Finally, I want to talk to developers across the United States. Mengzhen system is the best Operating System in the world today. There is no doubt about this. If your application runs on Mengzhen system, you will get a better experience. !”

“In order to encourage more developers to develop applications in the Mengzhen system, SoftCloud has given out 1 billion U.S. dollars to reward you, yes 1 billion U.S. dollars! Let’s build an ecosystem and create a better future!”

“crash-bang…” The applause resounded throughout the stadium like a rainstorm…

After the press conference tonight, developers, hardware manufacturers, and users are all excited!

The press conference is over, and people are allowed to experience in the experience area.

Suddenly, many users were attracted to step forward and experience the product.

In front of a computer where the sun never sets, a group of United States citizens manipulate the mouse and click on the page.

Their eyes are bright, and they are pleasantly surprised!

“SoftCloud is so great! This system is really better than windows!”

“I have decided to take it home. The HP at home can be thrown away!”

“ha ha ha! I have never used such a powerful device, King is too great, and its products change human lives!”

After leaving the stage, Fang Tian accepted an interview with the host of San Francisco TV.

In a small room, sitting opposite a beautiful host, her name is Ilika.

“My parents and grandparents are all Chinese, and I am also a completely Chinese bloodline.” Ilika looked over with a smile.

Fang Tian said with a smile: “I know, there are many Chinese in San Francisco.”

Ilika asked: “United States has strong high-tech research and development capabilities. Like Microsoft, the system it has made has covered the world. Do you think there will be opportunities for SoftCloud as a system?”

Fang Tian cleared his throat: “At the press conference, I said that Mengzhen system is better than Windows system in every aspect!”

Ilika asked: “Some people say that the success of SoftCloud will cause harm to United States. What is your response to this?”

Fang Tian said firmly: “It does not exist. SoftCloud is a company that serves the world. Not only will it not harm any country, but on the contrary, SoftCloud will create great value to the world. If Mengzhen system succeeds in United States, At least millions of jobs can be created!”

Foreigners are very straightforward. What they need is benefits. In order to move forward smoothly, this must be said in front of the media.

Anyway, boasting does not cost money.

Ilika eyes shined: “Really?”

“Really.” Fang Tian said: “Mengzhen System far surpasses its opponents whether in office or entertainment, and can greatly increase productivity!”

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