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The Internet buzzword “porridge” has rarely been spoken in the era of the mobile Internet, but it has been popular for a while in the PC era.

Subsequently, Fang Tian posted another post.

The landlord King “If you have any questions about system dimensional gods, you can ask questions in the forum, and you can also put forward any good suggestions. The forum will have special management to communicate with you. System dimensional god is not my software, it is everyone’s software , Let us perfect it together and make it better! “

Polar bears on the second floor fall in love with hot pot: “Good good! Support King.”

3 Who is the building: “Yes, strong support for King will greatly hinder the maintenance of the system.”

System maintenance is not just a security maintenance software, in the future, all components of the system must be done. For example, the system desktop, notification bar, settings, file management et cetera, all to do.

To put it bluntly, it is to do a customized system.

In the era of mobile Internet, domestic Android mobile phone manufacturers are doing customized systems, the most famous is the Miui of Little Mi.

When the Android system was first born, it was very difficult to use. It was customized by Miui to make the system more usable and more close to the habits of domestic users.

At the beginning, their forum gathered some hands-on mobile phone hobby people, they exchanged feedback together, system engineers and users exchanged opinions to collect and improve the system together. Miui fans started at that time.

Later, many manufacturers learned this fan management model of Little Mi, and fan management was known to many people.

Now, Fang Tian is in 2000. This fan management concept is absolutely absent today.

What Fang Tian is doing now is basically this model. system maintains the God, not just a security software, it also carries his Operating System dream!

As the functions of the software continue to increase in the future, many functions of the software can completely replace the original ecology of the system and become their own customized system.

Then, embed various applications into the system. Social Instant Messenger, e-commerce, search et cetera, forming a complete application ecosystem!

In the era of mobile Internet, those Internet giants have long been raised, and it is difficult for Internet startups to find opportunities.

Fang Tian is now back in this era. It is completely different. No company has lifted it. If you embed your application into a custom system, you will definitely make a difference!

Now that there are more and more fans of software, should I give this fan group a name? What do people call pollen, rice noodles.

Fang Tian touched his chin, thought for a while, and snapped his fingers: “Soft powder! Just called soft powder.”

There are three reasons for this name.

First, no matter what fans are, of course, they are soft and delicious. If they are hard fans, who wants to eat them? Soft, proves to be cooked. They are familiar with each other and become closer.

Second, soft powder, as the name suggests, is a software fan!

Whether it is now or in the future, our own company is focused on developing software, likes the software developed by ourselves, and is a software fan.

Third, fan is a transliteration of English fan, soft fan, is the meaning of software hobby. In the future, activities, or external publicity, have the same title.

Of course, at the beginning of hearing this name, some people may feel strange, and even some people will complain.

However, this is not a problem, and I will get used to it more and more.

In Internet World, no matter how bad the name is, it will be very valuable if it gets hot.

Immediately, Fang Tian immediately posted the title of soft powder, which was immediately recognized by most fans.

Later, Fang Tian told Yang Fan that the forum should be revised.

Add a “soft powder club” to the forum and do some activities in the future.

After finishing these things, Fang Tian is about to turn off the computer to rest.

At this moment, someone from MSN sent a message, it was Little Pearl.

Little Pearl: “big brother, I porridge you!”

This girl knows how fast, Fang Tian laughed, reply to the past.

King: “How do you know?”

Little Pearl: “Hehe, I’m the big brother’s little tail, nothing I don’t know.”

She likes playing with computers very much, and she has already used the software developed by Fang Tian.

Little Pearl: “Big brother, are you going to eat me?”

Little girl thinks this porridge is fun, nothing else.

King: “Porridge porridge.”

After that, Little Pearl closed the chat window with Fang Tian, ​​and then sent the message to Teacher Old Lin.

Little Pearl: “Master Lin, I miss you so much.”

At this time, Lin Keqing Teacher was in front of the computer, using system to clean up system trash.

Seeing the news from Little Pearl, she immediately responded to the past.

Lian “I miss you too, when will you come back?”

Little Pearl: “I don’t know.”

2 People chatted for a while, and Little Pearl suddenly sent a sentence that Lin Keqing Teacher could not understand at all.

Little Pearl {hip hop} expression: “Teacher, you are porridge!”

Lianjieqing: “What do you mean?”

Teacher Old Lin thinks he is too old, and he can’t understand the text written by the little child.

Little Pearl {haha} Expression: “The porridge is a transliteration of English cfan, the meaning of computer hobby.”

Lin Keqing laughed, the internet buzzwords are really interesting now.

Lianjieqing: “Yes, Teacher is porridge!”

Male children like electronic products, girl relatively prefers bags and clothes, and Lin Keqing on the contrary, she likes electronic products more, she is absolutely computer fanatic. She is very fond of boys who play electronic products very difficult to deal with.

Little Pearl: “Fang Tian big brother is also porridge.”

Lian Jie Qing Wang {smile} expression: “Yes, your big brother is also a porridge!”

Little Pearl: “You are porridge Fang Tian big brother, he is also porridge!”

Lin Keqing looked at the news and didn’t think about replying. “Yes. Porridge, it’s very porridge!”

Little Pearl: “You are together with Fang Tian big brother porridge.” “Well, with Fang Tian porridge.”

Little Pearl {haha} Expression: “Teacher, you really like my big brother.”

Lin Keqing looked at the screen and froze.

Lianjieqing: “When did I say I like your big brother?”

Little Pearl {crazy laugh} expression: “Porridge, there is another meaning, is a favorite homophony! Haha!”

Halo, Lin Keqing almost fainted!

I looked at the previous chat history and blushed more and more.

You like Fang Tian big brother, he likes it too.

Yes, like, like it very much.

You like being with Fang Tian big brother.

Yeah, and Fang Tian like to be together!

“Shua!” Lin Keqing’s fair face instantly turned red, like a ripe apple, and she collapsed on the bed while covering her head …

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