Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 843: power distribution

  Chapter 843 Power Distribution

   In the midst of chaos, the time came to mid-April, when the results of all constituency elections were announced and the dust settled.

   As expected by Wang Ye, the first faction still had a deep foundation. Although the process was thrilling, the result was good.

  In their traditional sphere of influence, that is, the Petersburg constituency, they won a big victory, and they also grabbed some seats from Kolov and the others in the Moscow constituency.

   At the last moment, there was a gorgeous counterattack, and finally won 155 seats, narrowly beating Wang Ye's faction, ranking first!

  Wang Ye's faction slipped to the second place, and only got five seats in the final stage. The total seats came to 150, ranking second, only five seats less than the first faction.

  The plan that he and Gryzlov had originally made was also considered perfect. The only fly in the ointment was that the first faction was a little hip and did not get enough seats.

  The third faction was unexpectedly taken down by Khovchenko's new faction, and the final number of seats was eighty.

  Wang Ye gave up participating in the melee at the final stage, but Khovchenko did not give up. Instead, he added an additional budget, and happily went to the field to fight hand-to-hand with Gryzlov and Kolov to compete for seats.

  Although he did not get too many seats in the two constituencies of Moscow and Petersburg, the important thing is that the water in the pool was muddied and Kolov lost a lot of seats.

   Even helped the Gryzlov faction in a disguised form...

   The faction has just been established, and it came to the third place in the Duma election for the first time, which is not a small success.

   Just looking at the number of seats they have, if you want to support Hovchenko in the presidential election, I am afraid it is a bit powerless...

  The biggest loser in the general election of the Duma this time is none other than the Moscow faction!

  Korov and the others, that is, the Moscow faction, suffered a disastrous defeat this time. They only got 60 seats, ranking fourth.

   From the original second place, it dropped directly to the fourth place, and the number of seats was reduced from more than ninety to the current sixty.

   No matter from any point of view, their power is shrinking, and it is estimated that this election will hit them hard.

   It is said that internal strife has already begun...

  As for the remaining small factions, there are only five seats in total, which is almost negligible.

   Looking at the final statistics of the number of seats, Gryzlov couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. It turned out that Wang Ye's strength had reached such a terrifying level before he knew it!

  He was well aware of Wang Ye's withdrawal at the last moment.

  This means that if Wang Ye, who is in the last two major constituencies, also ends up fighting, then the name of the first faction will no longer belong to their Petersburg faction...

   It is equivalent to saying that the name of the first faction is now "give up" to them by Wang Ye!

  Why did Wang Ye let it out? Gryzlov also understood the reason. The prior agreement between the two was secondary. The most important thing was that Wang Ye wanted to "avoid suspicion".

   But no matter what, if your faction gets the most seats, you can still keep your speaker position.

   Just follow this, Gryzlov must thank Wang Ye!


  April 22, a meeting room in the Duma Building.

  The leaders of various factions in the new Duma gathered here. Before the first Duma Congress, everyone needs to meet in advance to determine something.

   Gryzlov, Wang Ye, Zhirinov, Kolov, and four party leaders of small factions.

  In this term of the Duma, the gap between the strong and weak factions has once again been widened, divided into several grades.

   The first grade, of course, is Gryzlov’s Petersburg faction and Wang Ye’s faction. Both factions have won more than 150 seats, far ahead.

  The second level is Khovchenko’s new faction and the Moscow faction, which have 80 and 60 seats respectively, and their strength is significantly weaker than that of the first level.

  The third level is a few small factions. In this Duma, four small factions have won Duma seats, but they only have five seats in total, which is basically negligible...

  After the election, the atmosphere within the Duma has undergone subtle changes.

  Many elected members are generally more respectful when facing Wang Ye than when facing Gryzlov!

   There are obviously no fools who can become members of parliament, everyone can see that.

  Although Wang Ye is only the leader of the second faction, he holds fewer seats in the Duma than Gryzlov, who is still the leader of the first faction.

  But the actual influence of the two is that Wang Ye is stronger!

   Wang Ye's ability to control factions is also far stronger than Gryzlov's.

  This time the party leaders of several factions met, and the status of each faction in the Duma can be reflected from the seats of everyone.

  A long conference table, Gryzlov is still sitting in the main seat, anyway, he is also the leader of the first faction, the speaker of the previous term, and there is a high probability that he will be the speaker of this term...

  Wang Ye sat in the second seat, and he and Gryzlov sat at the two ends of the long conference table.

   After Zhirinov came in, he took a look and sat on the left hand side of Wang Ye without hesitation.

  The other four small faction leaders hesitated for a while, but they all sat on the side close to Wang Ye.

   Only Kolov was more embarrassed. He didn't want to sit at either end, so he found a seat near the middle and sat down.

  Through this, we can see that the new Duma is divided into three major forces.

  The strongest is naturally headed by Wang Ye, which includes the second faction, the new faction with Zhirinov as the party leader, and several other small factions.

   Gryzlov's first faction is not as powerful as Wang Ye and the others.

  As for the Moscow faction, it is isolated and the weakest!

   After seeing this scene, Gryzlov sat in the main seat and was a little silent. He was wondering if he should replace this conference table with a shorter one...

  In that case, at least it will look better on the bright side.


  After everyone arrives, the meeting begins.

   Today we are going to discuss the selection of the speaker and deputy speaker.

  These positions can only be held by the party leaders of various factions, so a few of them can decide.

   Before Gryzlov could say anything more, Zhirinov spoke first:

   "I recommend Mikhail to be the speaker. Everyone knows that in the last Duma, Mikhail was the most effective one in his work, bar none!

  Establish United Airlines Group, expand foreign markets for the domestic oil and gas industry, acquire automobile brands to build industrial bases, find funds to help education in remote cities, etc.

   This series of work has been fruitful, which is obvious to all!

  I believe that if he assumes the post of speaker, he will definitely lead the new Duma and create more brilliant achievements! "

  His words were obviously emotional, and he was not satisfied with Gryzlov and Zhirinov.

  Being public or private, he hopes that Wang Ye can serve as the speaker of the Duma.

   Gryzlov's face is a little ugly. He is the leader of the first faction. According to the usual practice, the speaker should be his own!

  Of course, this practice has only been used for one session...

  In the Duma before the last term, it was even more chaotic, with no rules at all.

   But these words made Wang Ye a little bit on pins and needles. He controls the number of seats in the faction, but he just doesn't want to be the speaker of the Duma.

So he quickly waved his hand and said: "Thank you Mr. Zhirinov for trusting me, but this is not in line with the rules. Mr. Gryzlov's faction is the first faction in the new Duma, and he should be the speaker. I'd rather be the deputy speaker and assist him in his work."

   Zhirinov glared, and said angrily: "What rules! Is there any regulation in the Duma that states that the party leader of the second faction cannot be the speaker? As long as we all support you, that is the rule!"

  Wang Ye was a little speechless. There is indeed no clear regulation on who the speaker should be...

   Gryzlov couldn't listen anymore. He and Wang Ye had discussed this matter in advance. He should still be the speaker, and Wang Ye also clearly expressed his support.

  Why does this Zhirinov insist on jumping out and mixing it up!

  He said with a little displeasure: "Comrade Zhirinov, it's not up to you to decide who the speaker is. We should respect Mikhail's opinion!"

  Zhirinov glared, obviously wanting to refute Gryzlov's words, and now he is not convinced by Gryzlov, because his faction obviously belongs to the "hostile camp" with the first faction.

  Although the Duma election is over, the presidential election is about to begin!

  The candidate of their faction is naturally Hovchenko, and the candidate recommended by the Gryzlov faction is Putin!

   These two candidates are also the most popular at present, and other factions have not launched candidates at all...

  Since it is a hostile camp, why not save face, just go directly against it and finish the job!

  Wang Ye didn't want to see them quarreling.

  He is a representative of the "neutral faction", and he has to shoulder the responsibility of balancing the forces of the various factions within the Duma.

   That is to say, even if he does not hold the position of speaker, he still has to play the role of "invisible speaker" in this session of the Duma!

   Before Zhirinov could speak, Wang Ye rushed ahead of him and said, "Okay, everyone, be quiet and listen to me."

  He still has this face, so hearing what he said, Zhirinov also swallowed the words that had come to his lips, and the others remained silent and looked at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye cleared his throat and said calmly: "Let's get straight to the point. I recommend Mr. Gryzlov as the speaker. If you agree, you can raise your hand. If you don't agree, you don't have to raise your hand. There are eight people in the conference room, so the number of votes Five or more votes will be established."

   As he spoke, he raised his right hand first.

   Gryzlov didn't care about that much anymore, and raised his hand without hesitation, saying that a good man should not avoid relatives, although he didn't know this sentence...

   Zhirinov and Kolov looked at each other, and turned their heads away at the same time, but neither of them raised their hands.

But it doesn't matter if they raise their hands or not, because the party leaders of the other four small factions have seen that Wang Ye has formed a tacit understanding with Gryzlov. These two are the first and second in the new Duma. The leaders of the two major factions!

  Of course they will follow, so they immediately raised their hands.

   Now there are six votes, which means that Wang Ye's proposal has won the approval of the majority, and it will be passed immediately!

  Wang Ye nodded in satisfaction, clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and said, "Yes, it seems that Gryzlov is still expected to be the speaker. Congratulations, Speaker Gryzlov!"

  Sparse applause erupted in the meeting room immediately. Of course, Zhirinov and Kolov still did not applaud...

  But they didn't say anything against it anymore, because this matter has reached a final decision, and if they objected any more, they would be confronting Wang Ye.

  After determining the most important speaker position, the rest is naturally to choose the deputy speaker.

  There is nothing to choose here. Wang Ye, Zhirinov, and Kolov are all deputy speakers of course. After all, the number of seats in the faction is there.

  Maybe he wanted to reciprocate. Gryzlov specially proposed that Wang Ye be the first deputy speaker, which is half a head higher than Zhirinov and Kolov.

   Of course Zhirinov would not object, even if it was not for Wang Ye's face, it would also be for Hovchenko's face.

  Besides, he knew very well in his heart that if his faction wanted not to be excluded in Dumali and to live a better life, it had to have a good relationship with Wang Ye.

  I have already had a falling out with Gryzlov, and I am at odds with Kolov. If I don’t hold on to Wang Ye’s "thigh", how will I be able to mess around in the Duma in the future...

  Koloff didn’t want to agree with it from the bottom of his heart, but he had no choice but to do it alone, and the others readily raised their hands to express their support, so he had to raise his hand aggrieved.


  This term of the Duma has one full speaker, one first deputy speaker, and two deputy speakers, making a total of four major speakers.

  Those small factions are indeed not qualified to be deputy speakers, because the four small factions only have five Duma seats in total.

   That is to say, among the three factions, each faction has only one seat, and the party leader himself is the only member of parliament...

  The other small faction is a bit better, in addition to the party leader himself, there is one more MP.

  Of course, this does not mean that there are no people in these small factions. In each state and administrative region, there are also faction members who are elected to the state assembly or serve in the government.

   After the speaker is elected, it is time to select the directors of each committee.

   Gryzlov took the lead in launching an attack. He seriously pointed out that Kolov was not competent during his tenure as the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

  Because in the past few years, Russia's external environment has not been good, and it has not established diplomatic relations with other countries.

  So Kolov should take the blame and resign and give the position to someone more suitable.

  Who is the most suitable person? Obviously, Mikhail, who is more famous and prestigious in Europe, is the most suitable person!

  Because of Mikhail's special status and his grand duke's fiancée, he is naturally close to many European royal families, which is conducive to his diplomatic work...

  (end of this chapter)

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