Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 799 Honor Sales Channel

Facing the menacing Chrysanthemum Factory mobile phone, Qu Li was really worried. The two companies had completely different styles of play. The team fighting capacity of Chrysanthemum Factory should be stronger. Later, he even relied on his own hard power to create an invincible golden body. In the country It is immune to most magical damage, and its user tolerance is close to that of the iPhone.

However, the success of any brand cannot be formed naturally. For example, the iPhone’s market share of less than 20% in Europe is far lower than the 40% in the United States. Can it be said that having strong products means it will be easy to sell? Can we say that Europeans are not as rich as Americans?

Similarly, Chrysanthemum Factory’s mobile phones cannot rely solely on product strength. Half of the reasons for the poor image of high-end mobile phones can be attributed to Qualcomm chips, and the other half may be due to the continuous attacks by friends. As for the lack of sales, it has a huge relationship with sales channels. .

An analysis of the financial reports of coarse grains and chrysanthemum factories in 2019 shows that the gross profit margin of coarse grains is 13%, R\u0026D investment accounts for 3.5%, sales and administrative expenses account for 6.5%, and net profit margin is 5.6%; chrysanthemum gross profit margin is 37%, and R\u0026D investment accounts for 15.3%. Selling and administrative expenses are 13.3%, and net profit margin is 9.1%.

Advertising expenses are included in sales and administrative expenses. In this year, Couliang Mobile’s annual revenue was 205.8 billion yuan, and Juhua Factory’s consumer business sales revenue was 467.3 billion yuan. The sales and administrative expenses of the two companies are approximately 13.4 billion and 62.1 billion. This data is not accurate, but it is no problem for comparison. As for which advertising fee is higher and which is lower, it is self-evident.

Chrysanthemum Factory is a brand with a very active marketing strategy, and is not afraid to directly attack its friends. Even if there is a lot of evidence, many of their loyal fans still don't believe it. For example, Yu Dazui publicly said: "I know that many cars are burning almost every day. After they were burned, they basically disposed of them themselves. Many car companies’ cars cannot leave the factory under Huawei’s quality standards..."

The phrase "burning every day" is definitely a rumor. Fortunately, there is not much competition between the two brands. Otherwise, I don't know how many people would drown in the war of words.

However, Moundi's reputation did not collapse in the second half of the year. The author was slapped in the face again, but the proportion of Moudy's after-sales expenses in the total sales expenses increased from 30% in 2022 to about 40%. There must be something wrong with their quality control, but The problem is not as big as imagined.

Honor has been attacked by Chrysanthemum Factory. For example, it is widely circulated on the Internet: "Juhua Factory is the only one that has truly developed its own chips. Honor's chip R\u0026D team is in Silicon Valley..."

"Glory is a puppet supported by Google and Qualcomm. Why should we use other people's chips when we have our own chips? Why do we always support Google Android?"

"Why did Qu Li leave Glory? This company is not his at all..."

“Honor phones are simply not good, low specs and high price…”

The two brands have basically never had an open war of words, but the secret war continues. Even not just Chrysanthemum Factory, many domestic mobile phone brands that yearn for high-end are attacking Honor, but the one most likely to succeed in the challenge has done the most.

The success of Chrysanthemum Factory's self-developed chips is not as good as Honor, but the two brands are mentioned more and more times at the same time. Honor takes the lead. For Chrysanthemum Factory, this is success.

Honor mobile phones are available in Chrysanthemum Factory. As for the brand influence, it’s hard to say. It’s not as good as sales channels. Honor initially imitated Apple’s mobile phones to build channels in first- and second-tier cities. However, as the overall price of mobile phones dropped, sales If the pressure is really great, we can only extend the front to third- and fourth-tier cities.

At this time, we have to be glad again that Honor did not choose the price-performance model. For example, as of the end of 2021, Xiaomi Home has more than 10,000 stores, Juhua Factory has more than 60,000 stores, and OV has more than 200,000 stores.

How to open an offline physical store without profit margin? Without enough stores, how can sales increase? The initial choice of a company may determine its future destiny. The cost-effective model of coarse-grain mobile phones limits the upper limit of their development.

"Online marketing must be regularized and offline channels must be accelerated. By 2020, we will have more than 50,000 domestic offline stores and more than 10,000 overseas stores, focusing on Europe..." Qu Li said at the Honor meeting The room concluded that he knew another unfortunate news. He thought that the unit price of mobile phone sales would increase this year, but he did not expect that the sales of flagship phones were still not strong enough. They were steadily suppressed by the IPhone, and sales fell short of expectations.

The sales of Honor flagship phones have been declining. From being able to compete with the iPhone to only half or one-third of the iPhone, it is actually still declining. Although everything is going well for Glory, there is a crisis hidden inside.

The flagship iPhone can be sold for two years, and later even three years, while Honor can only be sold for more than one year. This gap is too obvious, and there is almost no way to interrupt Apple's high profits. In this case, we have to find a way to open source and sell more mobile phones.

"How are we going to deal with the Chrysanthemum Factory?" Lei Jun, he memorized many quotations from the Chrysanthemum Factory and Mr. Ren, not to mention Li Yinan, who almost lost his confidence after being tortured by the Chrysanthemum Factory.

"Our goal is not to defeat Chrysanthemum Factory..." Qu Li knew this very well. It was Chrysanthemum Factory that wanted to defeat Glory, and they were the challengers.

"It's impossible for them to defeat us through conventional means. If they are really desperate, they will reprice their high-end flagship phones and high-volume mid-range phones..." Qu Li doesn't have any good ideas. Hard power is the basis, and they have the foundation. If you are not afraid of competition, you are already invincible. If you really want to mess around, you will easily make mistakes.

"They may use various means to disrupt us. As long as we stay ahead, Chrysanthemum Factory will not have a chance." Qu Li

"They can't follow Tianming to build cars and launch rockets!" Gao Yushan is not very afraid of the Chrysanthemum Factory. If there is only one Glory, it is likely to be overturned by the Chrysanthemum Factory. But the founder Qu Li is still there, and he still has a bright future. , Galaxy Power.

Galaxy Power successfully launched the rocket. Although it is not technologically advanced, everyone sees hope. It turns out that China has no shortage of companies and entrepreneurs who yearn for the stars and the sea. A rocket launched into the sky is worth more than a few advertising dollars.

The country has been extremely friendly to entrepreneurs in recent years. The titles Ma Daba and National Husband appeared at this time. No one in the world can surpass Qu Li's achievements. Now even if he does not have a golden body, his influence is top-notch.

"Glory still needs to keep a certain distance from me. I'm not married. What if they..." Qu Li really doubted that someone in the Chrysanthemum Factory would do this. Wolf culture, retiring at the age of 35, resigning and re-employing to avoid labor laws, these are all "Created" by the Chrysanthemum Factory, if you really can't defeat Glory after many efforts, someone will definitely start with Qu Li's personal ethics. Don't think that attacking entrepreneurs is rare. The scolding war between Goudong and Suning was aimed at Dadongzi's private life.

That's the only way it can be. Everyone is discussing it in the discussion area, but no one is sure of winning.

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