Reborn As a Pirate

Vol 2 Chapter 626: As a turtle in the urn

Text 0626 As a turtle in the urn


A red-burning cannonball slid across the sea, beaches, and docks, and accurately smashed through the material warehouse at Pier No.1.

The warehouse was piled up with flour that was eaten by hundreds of people for two weeks. It burned and swelled when heated, and turned into a super bomb in a semi-closed space. It threw the orange roof into the air with a bang.

A plume of smoke soars into the sky!

The soaring smoke and explosions are like starting guns at the starting line. Almost at the same time, a total of 26 warships from the First Fleet of Cotton Jack and the Fleet of Vikings rushed towards Pier 27 and 28 where the next two auctions were stored.

Eighteen warships blocked the open sea, and eight warships rushed to the beach, including Cotton Jack’s flagship Scarlet Mary and Bonnet’s flagship Erickson.

The defenses of Piers 27 and 28 were exhausted in the blink of an eye, and the barbaric pirates jumped off the ship's side, stepping on fresh blood and corpses into the deep clumps.

At Pier 17, nine elite warships from Henry the Hound Fleet rushed into the mouth of the pier. The petite red maple leaf fled in embarrassment in the gunfire. The Valkyrie, which was restrained on the plank road, wandered around and could be heard everywhere. Desperate call.

Bell flew to his most familiar handwheel, shouting as he ran.

"The deck and sailing line will be on duty immediately, all transferred to Level 2 combat readiness, all irrelevant personnel will be disembarked, don't get in the way on the deck!"

"First Mate Wang, Yazha cannon, Noah presides over the order in the cabin, Daniel... is ready to accept the wounded!"

His resolute command brought Valkyrie the most important order at the most critical time. Everyone knew what to do. Once the brain was restored to function, muscle memory was also restored at the same time.

"Bombard!" Lookout shouted loudly, "The ship's stern was bombed!"

Boom boom boom boom!

More than a dozen shells exploded around Valkyrie, scattered on the plank roads on both sides, and some even hit the beach.

Most people subconsciously found the correct position to avoid the bullet, and Bell finally felt a little more relieved, and reached out to pinch the wheel rudder.

"Cut off the ship's cable, cut off the anchor chain, open the bow sail, and half the stern sail, all the gunners are in place to prepare for battle, and the idle personnel open the cabin and lead the gun!"

"The captain's order, forcibly leave the port at the fastest speed!"

Duh! Duh! Duh!

The dull sound of breaking the wood immediately sounded. Following Bell's order, the deck crew drew out the cable-breaking axe on the back waist, and slammed the restraining cable with the thick arm of the person with all their strength.

It takes 4 to 5 axes to cut the restraint cable. In the process, the sailor controlling the anchor chain winch unwound the anchor chain wedges at a faster speed.

The anchor chain made of fine iron smashed into the bottom of the water, and Valkyrie shook visibly. Before the hull was settled, the slashing and smashing sounded again.

"Cable One is broken!"

"The third cable is broken!"

"Fifth, nine, eleven, fourteen, seventeen are broken!"

"No. 2, No. 8, and No. 16 cables are broken!"...

"The three enemy ships have a 150-meter bow! Galen II, Brig I, full alert!"

"The restraint is lifted!"

"The captain ordered the bow sails to be opened, the stern half lengthened, and the car was reversed!"

"Valkyrie, sail and reverse!" Wang also roared.

Valkyrie slowly moved off the shore, half of the stern sail wrapped in the wind pushing the ship off the embankment slowly.

There are two Bagh-shaped pirate ships rushing up, one on the left and the other on the right. Bell grips the handwheel and stares at the approaching enemy ship. Their goal seems to be to connect the ship, but there are plank roads on the left and right of Valkyrie. The moment of leaving the plank road, after the full shelling of the enemy ship.

This is the advantage brought by Valkyrie's high freeboard. Ordinary pirate ships can only attack upwards, which fundamentally puts an end to the pirates' best-selling gang warfare.

But even if there is no risk of being connected for the time being, it is not a pleasant experience to use a stern with a armor coverage rate of less than one-third to pick up a full shot of 12 to 18 pounds.

There are still almost fifty meters away from the plank road, what should I do?

"Brig is finished tapping! The distance is 120 meters, full! The stern of the ship is bombed!"

Boom boom boom boom!

The dense explosion points were concentrated in the range of nearly 50 meters to the left of Valkyrie, the thick plank road collapsed, and the flat pier splashed in all directions.

Two shells hit the Valkyrie, which was caught in the middle of the plank road. One hit directly on the outer armor belt of the stern gun and flew far away with a bang, and the other hit the cabin guardrail, rushing to Carmen’s favorite. The viewing balcony was prickly.

Fortunately, Jenny and McCarthy must be the most war-knowing birds in the world. They escaped early and quacked around Bell's head to file a complaint.

Bell was sweating profusely.

The impact damage just now was not great, but the flying fragments still injured the two brave observers.

They were carried into Daniel's medical room as quickly as possible for rescue. Whether they are dead or alive is still inconclusive, but Bell knows that if they go on so leisurely, more and more injuries and deaths will inevitably occur.

Before the fullness is over, the two Bagh ships will definitely not be posted at the risk of burial. The top priority now is Galen, who must break out before Galen can be adjusted in place!

Enlightenment arose in Bell's heart. Even if he took some risks, he had to break through, and he must not become a target for the gallon ship to shoot at full!

"Aja, prepare for the port side, I want Valkyrie to fight back at any time!" he shouted.

Acharin poked his head out of the gun bay, and tapped his **** together with a sword between his brows: "No matter port or starboard, as long as the gun port can see the enemy, your shell can penetrate the opposite hull!"

"Wang too!" Bell gritted his teeth, "Open the mainmast wing sail!"

Wang Ye's eyes widened in horror: "Open the wing sail when reversing? Are you crazy?"

"It's a south wind, or a strong wind!" Bell clenched the handle of the handwheel, ten knuckles were clenched white, "maybe there will be bumps, but I will definitely not let the boat get stuck on the plank road... Zhang Yifan! "

"Crazy, crazy!" Wang Ye panted, raised his head sharply and shouted, "The mainmast spreads the wing sail! Open both sides as much as possible, be careful, the sooner the better!"

"Open the wing sail!"

"The captain has an order, all personnel should be fixed nearby, turbulence warning, collision warning, falling water warning, and bomb warning!"

"The mainmast wing sails open!!!"

Amid the high-pitched shouts, the main sails on the left and right sides unfastened the wing sails at the same time.

The auxiliary sail, which is the same size as the main sail, opened up. Even if the sailors called out and tried to be careful, the port side was still a moment earlier than the starboard slid to the right. , The red copper sheet at the bottom of the bag rubbed the plank road, and cut deep and long wounds, exposing the pure white oak hull underneath.

Bell clenched his teeth tightly and pulled the handwheel. The blue veins of his forearm were covered with skin: "I said... I will never let you run aground!!! Valkyrie!!!"

The rudder turned to the right, the boat turned to the left, the broken copper piece hooked the plank road, and the hidden fin stabilizer broke into the sky.

Valkyrie's speed suddenly increased, rising to 6 knots all at once, rushing out of the plank road almost in the blink of an eye, pushing the waves into the open sea.

Her speed is so fast, it's almost like a later generation of sports cars, when reversing into the garage, the gear is set to the highest position and the throttle is stepped on to the bottom.

Bell's madness completely jumped out of Henry the Hound's prediction of Valkyrie's action.

The Galen and Baghs used for the containment did not respond. The pirates on the ship could only watch her go backwards through the water gates of the two Bags, letting the arc of the right-wing Galen's shooting and rubbing the left wing. Galen's freeboard pressed his nose to his face.

"Cut off the wing sail!" Bell hissed.

"Cut off the wing sail!" Wang Ye looked up to the sky and screamed.

"Cut off the wing sails!!" The sailors hung on the sails like wind chimes, drew out the cable-breaking axe, waved their arms towards the nearby cable, and slashed!

stretch! stretch! Stretch!

The Valkyrie, with its headless flies, suddenly stopped, and the angle between Galen and the left wing was five degrees, and the distance was 15 meters.

The breaking up waves reverberated between the two ships, patted them, and pushed them back. The pirate and the sailor looked at each other, and the seamen on both sides were dumbfounded...

"Asian scum!!!"

"Full shipboard, FIRRRRRRRRE!"

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