Reborn As a Pirate

Chapter 40: Established business conditions

   As a newcomer in the limelight in the past two years, the Drake Merchant Group’s trading site in Elgin is at No. 4 Immel Street.

   There is a fork alley of Fanhua Avenue, only 100 meters away from the small theater where the auction is held. Standing outside the door of the small theater, you can see a huge signboard made of teak wood, and the small building pointed to is red brick and black tile, full of style.

The small building has three floors.

   Entering the first floor is the trading hall. The glass cabinet exhibits are subject to changes in inventory. At this time, the Nordic swords, furs and cocoa and tobacco from the New World are being displayed.

  The general rule of the trading house is that small transactions are cleared on the spot, and large or booked go to the next reception room to further negotiate the details of the transaction.

   The same is true for the Drake Trading House.

   Up from the second floor is the seamen’s dormitory

   There are two suites on the second floor, Hina on the left, Noya on the right, and on the third floor, Lorraine’s office and bedroom.

   Pierce and Karen do not live in the building.

Behind the    building is the warehouse of the trade group and a separate subordinate building. Two boys live in the subordinate building.

   There is a large courtyard in the subordinate building, which is not only convenient for Pierce to practice fighting and physical fitness, but also suitable for the large handicrafts and daily design drawings carried out by Karen.

   Such an environment cannot be said to be relaxed.

   To be honest, Lorraine has indeed made a lot of money in the past two years. However, the business group is far from wealthy to the point where public and private are separated, and staying in the exchange is also based on the principle of saving.

   After all, the business group was founded, and everyone's rotation is not too much.

   Pierce strode into the exchange, and the little boy had no virginity on his face, frowning like a teenager who had first encountered emotional problems.

   The young clerk smiled and ran up: "Vice President..."

   "Janna, where is brother?"

   "Mr. Drake? He is seeing guests in the reception room..."

   "The reception room... I'll go find him!"

  Ignoring the embarrassment on Miss Zhenna’s face, Pierce hurriedly pushed the door in, and shouted as soon as he entered, "Brother..."

   The four people who were talking together looked up, three were surprised and one was dissatisfied.

  It is naturally Lorraine who is dissatisfied.

Lorraine, who is eighteen years old, is taller than two years ago. It is basically as high as Krenzi. In the past two years, the heightening has slowed down. The well-proportioned muscles have finally begun to show points, which look burly, at least not. Will give people the feeling of weight loss again.

   This also makes him extraordinarily dignified when he is dissatisfied.

   "Pierce Attis..."

   Pierce chuckled in his heart, calling it bad.

   "What are the requirements for gentlemen in England?"

   "Always calm, always calm, and always confident, sir!"

   "Look at yourself..." Lorraine looked at him with a calm face, and said every word, "Go and tidy up, this will be very important."

   "Huh? Yes!"

   Little Pierce ran away dingy, ran back to the subordinate building at the fastest speed, took a bath for himself, and changed into a full set of dresses, including shirts, vests, bow ties, trousers, leather shoes and tuxedos.

  Because he is not even a teenager because of his age, his shirt still has lace, so he has to crease and smooth the cuffs so as not to look frivolous.

   If it's frivolous, isn't it good to get rid of the lace!

   He muttered in his heart, with no complaints on his face. After getting dressed, he returned to the living room and gently called the glottis: "Sir, I'm ready."


   Pierce opened the door lightly, crossing the small stool behind Lorraine, sitting straight.

   There are four people in the room besides him.

   Needless to say, Lorraine, who is beginning to be burly and majestic, also includes Ramos, the agent of Mr. Pictick in Port Elgin, and Eddie, the agent of Sir Stavanger Garman.

   Pierce, the only lady in the house, has never seen her. She has black hair, dark eyes, and deep eye sockets. She seems to be a Castilian with part of the Moorish descent, that is, a Spanish.

   She is very young, she should be in her twenties. She is wearing a bright red one-piece dress, exposing large snowy skin on her chest and arms. She is beautiful, sexy, generous and moving.

   Lorraine tapped the back of the sofa lightly: "Miss Xavier met Pierce for the first time, let me introduce you to you."

   "Pierce Attis, the shareholder and vice chairman of the Drake Merchant Group, my seaman intern, and the owner of the Attis Beauty."

   "Carmen Xavier, Viscount Alfonso's agent, is also our partner in Bermeo. She is very capable, and within eight months of her employment, the profit of the Bermeo line has risen by 30%."

   Pierce hurriedly got up and saluted Carmen. For some reason, he always felt that this name seemed to have been heard somewhere...

   Two years are too long, so long that Pierce can't remember that country cousin at all.

   Two years ago, Carmen moved into the Viscount’s manor in pursuit of love.

   She wanted her name and insisted on her pre-marital holiness, but the Viscountess only wanted her belly, expressly and impliedly, forcing her to become the Viscount’s mistress.

   She was exhausted physically and mentally, and chose to show off to the Viscount. As a result, the Viscount only wanted to hug left and right, and sneered at Carmen's expectations.

   There was a conflict between the two sides, and the road of love came to an end.

   This long and fruitless love lasted for five years after all.

   either because of guilt, or because of the long time together, she and the Viscount built trust.

   In short, she changed and became an employee of Lorraine as the agent of the Viscount. She formally took over the entire business of the business group in Spain eight months ago. She also showed unparalleled business talent and communicative talent.

  Carmen Xavier has become the most delicate flower that everyone admires in Bilbao's upper class, but can't ask for it.

   Pierce didn't remember her, and Lorraine had no intention of mentioning the hurtful past, but just continued.

   "Pierce is a shareholder of the business group. He originally went abroad. I didn't expect him to come back. Now that he has caught up, I suggest that he also participate in this discussion."

   His inquiring gaze swept across the three partners, who all agreed generously.

   Pierce felt the formality of the meeting and said awkwardly: "Brother, I can't help much... I don't even understand..."

   "Just listen." Lorraine comforted him gently, UU reading www. "This is also part of the internship. Don't forget that you are not only a seaman, but also a businessman."

   Pierce nodded heavily.

   After straightening out Pierce's qualifications, Lorraine crossed his fingers.

"A brief summary of what we talked about earlier, let Pierce know." He said, "After two years and one month of development, the Drake Merchant Group has assets of 11,800 pounds, and there are three other trading houses, Kirk-level. The four ships are the Attis Beauty, the Beverly Merchant, the Cavill Drunkard, and the Northrend Knight."

   "In the last year, the trade group had an average monthly trade of £2,900, with a profit of £1,600. After three components, the trade group made a profit of £1,120.”

   "Because of Miss Xavier's outstanding performance, we have greatly improved the product category and quality, and have established trade relations with several authentic chambers of commerce."

   "In addition, six months ago, Mr. Piddick competed for the Marriage County Councillor. We provided him with a political contribution of £2,000 and received a generous return because he succeeded."

   Speaking of this, Lorraine took a deep breath.

   "Half a month ago, I went to London and got all the requirements for registering an official chamber of commerce in England."

  "1. Submit a formal written application to the trade association; 2. A deposit of £1,000; 3. Recommendations from no less than three gentlemen; 4. Recommendations from three chambers of commerce with trading rights in England."

   "I'll apply to write. We also have the money. I have already received the recommendation from the Chamber of Commerce. As for the gentleman's recommendation, Mr. Piddick has won two letters for us from his MP friends, and he can write one himself."

   "Drake has all the conditions for establishing a chamber of commerce, so I am going to formally register in England and establish a chamber of commerce!"


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