Reborn As a Pirate

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Club leaders

"Reduce sails, slow down!"

   "Anchor preparation, cable preparation, ship plank preparation!"

   "The distance from the shore is 800, the direction is due south, the waves are gentle, and the course is finally adjusted!"

   "Left rudder is five degrees...three degrees...forward, back to the rudder!"

   "Receive pilot signal, translate, Golden Deer, welcome home!"

   "Enter the port! Anchor!"

   The ointment-wrapped anchor chain sank into the water with a crisp sound, and a halo of colorful oil blossoms appeared, which swayed and expanded with the sea waves, and disappeared without a trace.

   The thick cable was thrown down from the towering bow, put on the fixed piles of the pier, and fastened. The sway of the hull was faintly visible to the naked eye, and the broad plank protruded little by little from the side, tilted to support the pier, counterweight, and stable.

  The Golden Deer finally completed its entry regulations. The towering hull was moored at the Luxi Fishing Port next to the pier. Under the background of the scarred Hyla, it was particularly large, generous, radiant and radiant.

  Caribbean Chapter President Chuck and Transit Fleet Admiral Cortrens disembarked first.

   The two of them are the speakers of the branch, the masters of external contacts, and the absolute leaders of the branch’s foreigners and the Caribbean ground snakes. Since the establishment of the branch, the performance has been excellent.

In less than two months, the branch already has 98 contract employees, four Scuna type clippers, opened up all the commercial roads of the British and Portuguese colonies, built ten trading offices and 15 warehouses. Seat, successfully achieved monthly balance of payments.

   A series of achievements made Chuck speak for themselves in the branch, and Cortrance also showed above-the-standard shrewdness in small-scale short-term trade.

   More importantly, as the equity controller, Lorraine really did not say a word during the initial stage of the branch, and even disappeared from the world.

  Chuck couldn't help being broken by Lorraine's generosity and trust.

He and Cortrance stood shoulder to shoulder on the clean wooden walkway of the pier, looking up at the Hyla, which was moored beside the Golden Deer, and could not help but sigh slightly. Sighed.

   Cortrance approached and asked softly, "President, is this the ship the chairman brought us?"

"Yes, the full ship is loaded with Brigentine, and the price in England is about 0 pounds. The full stern arc and the tapered bow are the standard Baltimore design style, but the mainmast is not tilted back, and the waterline There is no obvious manifestation of the bow rising. It is estimated to be a model design, and the actual launch time will not exceed 4 years. It is a real new high-speed ship."

   Cortrance's eyes gleamed: "You said she was a high-speed ship built by the Baltimore Dockyard?"

  Chuck nodded slightly: "The Baltimore boatsmiths are restless and specialize in the design of high-speed ships, so the ships they built have different characteristics in different periods, which are obviously different from other places."

He pointed his finger at the Hyla, which was floating and sinking in the waves, and explained point by point: "In the earliest days, in order to increase the wave breaking ability of the ship, they moved the center of gravity of the ship back and designed a hollow bow, the waterline of this type of ship. There is a clear rise."

"But rising ships are not conducive to naval warfare, so they quickly abandoned this type of design, and were not willing to the mast inclination generated by the rising of the ship. About 10 years ago, Baltimore began to appear high-speed ships with the mainmast tilted back, especially For horizontal sails, the rearwardly inclined sails can greatly improve the wind receiving efficiency of the multi-masted horizontal sails on the windward side. In conjunction with the wing sails, the speed of the boat can be greatly increased."

"After 75 years, the hillbillies began to resist, the distinguished English boatman was forced to withdraw from the New World, and Baltimore also began to undertake military business. In terms of the military's needs, the rearwardly inclined horizontal sail is obviously not suitable for close-range sea combat. Had to be abandoned again, the new design gradually took shape in the process of building the ship, taking into account speed, dexterity, and assault, giving up the wind acceleration that Baltimore was once proud of, which is the sword-shaped bow and shield-shaped bow in front of you."

   Cortrance was fascinated and couldn't help but exclaimed: "President, although you don't go to sea often, you are more familiar with sea matters than most seafarers."

"It's just a transcript..." Chuck shook his head. "This ship will become the first ship of the ocean-going fleet and needs a complete overhaul. Damn it, Miss McCarthy's letter clearly stated that the chairman was on the way from an expedition. How can the ship robbed by the pirates be broken like this without experiencing a naval battle?"

"Natural pirate, human-shaped beast..." Cortrance didn't understand what the Hyla experienced to become the honor it is now, but he cares more about Chuck's other words, "President, You said that we are going to start preparing for the establishment of an ocean-going fleet, the admiral of that fleet..."

"I have discussed with the vice chairman. You will be the admiral of the ocean-going fleet. He will select the appropriate chief mate and helmsman for you. You will have to dig the remaining seamen, preferably from the army. You Knowing, they will become the backbone of the fleet."

   Cortrance's eyes gleamed with excitement: "Thank you for the trust of the two presidents! I happen to have a few old people who have outstanding skills and character. They are not doing well in the Navy..."

   "Then try hard, my admiral."


   At the moment Chuck and Kirtruns were chatting, Leonard and Olmert also got off the boat, side by side, sloshing lazily in front of Dylan who was piloting.

   "That little girl is the first ship the captain found for the club?" Olmert raised his brow and glanced at Hyla.

   Dylan shrugged indifferently: "Listen to the chief gunner saying that in order to make the boat smooth, the captain sacrificed more than 30 pirates alive in Lake Pontchartrain."

   "Beheaded on the boat? Or jump off the deck to feed the fish?"

   "Hanged, the mast is covered with pirates, like wheat ears in autumn."

   "It's a big deal."

"Yeah..." Dylan put away the two-color flag and stretched his waist greatly. "It's Brigentine again, which reminds me of the days when I was on the Pansy. It was a good one. Girl, especially the shot at the skirt horns of the Golden Deer. At that time, it was unexpected that the Golden Deer could become our woman."

   The three old brothers leaned their heads together and sighed.

  According to Lorraine's business philosophy, the excellent crew members who have undergone assessment and training will eventually become the backbone and core of the chambers of commerce in various regions, and their threshold is 40 years old.

   More than 40 years old, in principle, no longer arrange work on the ship, so of the three, only Olmert has a short time to ride the waves.

   The old guys knew this was Lorraine’s kindness, but they were used to chasing the wind and teasing the waves. In a short time, they couldn't adapt to the solid land under their feet and the life of Bubo Gujing in front of them.

   I want to bet my life, I want to take risks, I want to get hurt...

   Various thoughts bit them when they dreamed back at midnight, and decadence and emptiness became the biggest enemies of the new life.

   Maybe... Really need to fill this emptiness with trivial family life?

   Leonard thought so, raised his hand, and patted Dylan and Olmert on the shoulders.

"The letter from Southampton has arrived. The first trading ship is loaded with Scandinavian swords and will set sail in April at the latest. Because this time we chose the most mature low-latitude route, so in early May, you I will definitely be able to eat the breakfast my wife made."

  In a short time, Dylan was shocked: "W...WHATTTTTTT!"

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