Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 929: Nanke Yimeng (10) (57th)

Su Ruanruan learned from his original memory that Yangcheng Village and the entire Yinchuan County planted two crops a year.

As for the more distant place, there is no memory, and Su Ruanruan has no way of knowing.

After the autumn harvest every year, wheat is planted, and a small amount of **** is also planted.

In the spring of the second year, **** blossomed and wheat began to grow rapidly.

Rape is harvested in May and wheat is harvested in early June.

This time is called the summer harvest.

Not long after the summer harvest, summer planting is required.

The basic crops this season are corn, peanuts, sorghum, sesame and other miscellaneous grains.

It stands to reason that there are two seasons a year, even if there is no rich and expensive, you can still eat after a meal.

But now the taxes are heavier and the yields in the fields are also low. For the grain that is grown throughout the year, except for the handed in, the rest can be enough for the whole family.

Fortunately, in addition to farmland, every family has a vegetable plot, a variety of vegetables, and a few chickens, ducks, pigs and geese for subsidies, so the life can always go on.

But this is the time when there is no illness or disaster.

Because the life will be able to live, no one has any money left, and once someone gets sick, they have to emptied the family.

Now it's just in time when the green and yellow are not picking up again, and the vegetables in the vegetable field have not been planted, so it is so difficult to eat at home.

People have short calves, and Yangcheng Village is sparsely populated. After walking in a circle, Su Ruanruan is already sweating.

However, it is impossible to find a way to make money from the village.

Therefore, Su Ruanruan looked at Su Laixi again, "Fourth brother, let's go around in the mountains!"

Su Lai was pleased to hear that his little head was shaking like a rattle, "No way, no way! Ruanbao, you are not well! How can you go to the mountains! We have already gone around, why don't we go home?"

Of course, Su Ruan Ruan is not willing to go home.

Although she knows that it doesn't matter how long she stays here, but if she can go back earlier, she still hopes to go back sooner!

Xiao Chengjin's thoughts are obviously the same as Su Ruanruan's, and his bridal night hasn't started yet!

"Let's go, let's go and see in the mountains! Maybe we can find something delicious!"

Children are always very concerned about what they eat. When they heard Xiao Chengjin talk about eating, Su Laixi, who was not very willing just now, was shaken.

Upon seeing this, Su Ruan Ruan hurriedly said a few more words. Su Laixi, a child with a bad willpower, completely surrendered, "Well then! Let's go!"

Su Lai was happy to think, anyway, the eldest brother, the second elder brother and the third elder brother are all in the mountains, they can meet them after they pass, and there is no need to worry about safety.

When Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin went to the other side of the mountain, they were enthusiastic.

But when they really got to the foot of the mountain, the two of them were dumbfounded.

Is this really a mountain?

If you say it nicely, it's a mountain, if you say it badly, it's just a higher slope!

Su Laixi pointed to Tupo and said to Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin, "We can only turn around here, we can't go inside, or we will get lost."

Su Ruanruan and Xiao Chengjin looked at each other, and both nodded weakly.

They have no hope for the mountain anymore.

Before Su Ruan Ruan was thinking about playing a wild boar to improve the family's life, now it is almost dead before leaving the school!

Two people stunned their heads and walked up the soil **** behind Su Laixi. The soil **** is about six or seven meters high, but it is a gentle **** that was stepped on by the people in the village. There is a way out, and it is not difficult at all.

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